Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Petition really worth signing - please do it

19 May 2006
I found this absolutely disgraceful, forget global warming, forget the financial crisis, please help put pressure on the Chinese government to stop this barbaric trade.

At first i thought not another Animal rights crap site when i was sent the link, this is truely a disgrace.

Be warned, some of the video on this website is very disturbing, i felt sickened.

Please Please, sign the petition though.
Absolutely barbaric people (also I am ashamed to call them people).
I could not watch the video. Too repulsive.
I signed. Hope it does some good. I wonder if the petition will actually help.
Maybe the coalition of the willing should send in troops and exterminate the "unhumans" who perpetrate these crimes. Would do more good than what they currently do.:mad:
Can't watch the video either. Just saw the heading. I feel very sick.
Signed the petition.
Does anyone know any detail about the organisation. I went over their website in detail but cannot find any detail about the people behind it, or where they are located. I think I would like to support them financially but I want to check the bonafides first.
I watched part of the video, I cried, I signed the petition, then sent the link to my address book.

I was in the infantry for 5 years - don't usually cry...
I emailed them. This is the response:-
We are a not-for-profit organisation registered in Australia as a company limited by guarantee Our head office is on the Gold Coast at 37 Cathedral Avenue, Molendinar, Qld
Our current directors are:
Halina Green (President)
Sharon Ford (Treasurer)
Selena Budgeon (Secretary)
Due to her pressure of work our Vice-President who resides in Sydney will be replaced shortly with another NSW resident.
Our main operational branch is conducted from the Gold Coast. We also have a branch in Sydney.
Our Australian Company number is 130 701 914 and is searchable for those wishing to do so.
Our website is currently undergoing changes and these should be posted in November. The amended site will contain more info of the type you refer to.
I'm Peter Steele - ex UWA law school. Am now a retired lawyer.
I started the foundation, but for purposes of proper governance elected to appoint an independent board.
Accordingly I restrict my activities to our Campaign, but obviously attend meetings, etc., in an ex-officio capacity when invited.
Thank you for your enquiry.
Best Regards
Peter Steele

I also checked out the ACN. It is OK.

I have paid to join. Only $20, although I am sure they would accept more.
I too cried. Thanks pager for posting this. I am going to donate aswell and hope that others do, recession or no recession.
It's a shame that governments never step up to the mark for atrocities like this. Unless there's a dollar involved it never seems to gain enough attention.
This is worse than whaling by far. At least the whalers kill the animals before they cut them up.

Someone should send this to Peter Garret. He seems to be the saviour of everything natural.
It's a shame that governments never step up to the mark for atrocities like this. Unless there's a dollar involved it never seems to gain enough attention.

It also the fault of society. If no one bought fur the market wouldn't exist. I will never how peoples conscious doesn't get to them when they wear fur, considering that they wearing a garment which represents the pain and suffering of helpless animals.
Someone should forward this to the RSPCA.

If this is the real deal then they will know about it.
I do find it hard to believe that people could be so cruel.

Could not watch the video. Feel sick just thinking about it.
Im posting this on every forum im a member of, im still felling deeply saddened as to what some of my fellow human beings are capable of, also deeply saddend my goverment may turn a blind eye for the sake of trade with China.