Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Pet Peeves Thread

I remember when Diana croaked, "particularly poignant" was the phrase of the day. It was used relentlessly and ad nauseum. Now we have a perfectly useful word/phrase that shall never be used again.
Aha, one of my pet peeves - the glorification of people who didn't deserve it.
"Oh but she's such a good person".
Yeah? Well why was there barely a ripple said about Mother Theresa who dedicated her life to the less fortunate, and whom unfortunately died at the same time?
Not pretty enough, didn't look good enough in the glossy magazines.
Just went through that 5 metre boundry at Perth Airport. There is NO WAY to get in that place w/out having to go through the smoke haze. Every entrance is blocked by people smoking. <--- PP

The Perth Airport, is not technically, a public building. It is privately owned. But yeah, having to walk through smokers to get inside a building does suck. There is legislation in the works in WA to widen the scope to 5m from ANY building.
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Airlines, is in Brisbane at present.
I have never read any article about him which fails to precede his name with the words "flamboyant entrepreneur".
Get real:banghead:so what you can ONLY smoke in public in designated ares now?
its not illegal to smoke & walk down the street....

Im sick of the social engineers ring holes,no xmas we might upset other people,no this no that.

Tobacco is legal & highly taxed,which goes into consolidated revenue so dont go on about having to treat people with cancer either,treatment paid in full....tb

It's you smokers, not us non-smokers, who will sooner or later be forced to 'get real'.
In fact it's already happening....smoking has been banned in pubs and clubs - and a damn good thing too.
It's been a long time coming, but at last the rights of non smokers have been recognised....the right to go out for a few drinks in a pub or wherever without being forced to inhale toxic cigarette smoke, the right of pregnant women to safeguard the health of their unborn babies by not exposing them to cigarette smoke.
Not only is cigarette smoke harmful, it's actually quite distressing to many people.
The comfort and safety of pregnant women or anyone else in the street or in any other public location, is no less important than the comfort and safety of people in pubs and clubs.
No, it's not illegal and it probably never will be. Nobody is suggesting that smoking be made illegal, only that smokers consider the comfort and safety of those who choose not to smoke.
Considering the fact that your father died young of lung cancer, and further that you admit smoking is a dirty habit, I do have to wonder why you consider it your right to impose your dirty and dangerous habit on everyone around you.
There are plenty of smokers who are painfully aware that their habit has adverse effects on other people, and I think that needs to be recognised. But on the other side of the coin, there are those smokers who have the 'too bad, if you don't like it, get stuffed' attitude, and they are the ones who grind my goat.
Tv shows that go past their finishing time making every show after them start late, especially when you have set the recorder.

Shops that keep stuff past it's use by date on the shelf.

People that walk dogs off leash.

Tv shows & movies that have ads over the final credits, especially when one actor has a face that you know but you just can't think of the name so you are watching at the end for it.

Tv shows & movies that have ads over the final credits, especially when one actor has a face that you know but you just can't think of the name so you are watching at the end for it.

Oh yes!!! That drives me blinkin' bananas that does. Thank Christ for

PP: The over use of 'buzz words' such as synergy, paradigm, buzz word, etc hahaha

Oh No!!! I like "paradigm" for occasional use. My vocab is diminishing by the second here. LOL
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Airlines, is in Brisbane at present.
I have never read any article about him which fails to precede his name with the words "flamboyant entrepreneur".

So what's your peeve, Julia....that he gets called 'flamboyant entrepreneur'?
But isn't that an apt description of the man? I mean, he is an entrepreneur and he does have rather a flamboyant style about him, does he not?

Many who have already posted in this thread have saved me a lot of typing.

I'll chime in by adding;

people who do not treat the privilege of being a road user with the respect it deserves (in terms of safety and courtesy).
My pet peeve is people who don't eat their meals in restaurants. My wife and I were brought up to take what you want but eat what you take. People who order heaps and then chuck out half of it out (all top notch stuff) really gets up our noses. No respect for food we say, if you can't eat it, don't order it.:nono:
My pet hate is the driver who holds up traffic on the highway at 85 kmh until the overtaking line gets close then speeds up to 110 kmh only to drop back to 85 at the end of the second lane.
Yep. And the ones that tailgate when you don't cut in half a metre infront of another car when overtaking. I'd actually rather travel in busy traffic than on the same road with little traffic just to avoid this - I've had far too many near misses due to others' stupidity.
So what's your peeve, Julia....that he gets called 'flamboyant entrepreneur'?
But isn't that an apt description of the man? I mean, he is an entrepreneur and he does have rather a flamboyant style about him, does he not?
Yes, of course it's apt. I'm just pleading for a bit of variety in journalism.
These people are supposed to be wordsmiths. My objection is that every one of them appears to be too lazy to think of some synonym for these oh so oft used words.

Wayne earlier commented on the repetitive use of 'poignant' when Diana died.
I'm on about the same sort of thing.

You - being the crack wordster (is that a word?) you are, could undoubtedly come up with some pretty good alternatives to "flamboyant entrepreneur", I'm sure.
IIf you like, I'll bet you $100 that two years from now it will be illegal to smoke on the street. And before then it will be illegal to smoke in your car. And before then it will be illegal to smoke in your car if you are carrying children.
It already is illegal to smoke in a car carrying children in Tas. I'm sure it will spread to the other states within a year or two if not already.
come up with some pretty good alternatives to "flamboyant entrepreneur", I'm sure.

Toothy Sheister
Smiling Corporate Assassin
Flashy Impresario
Corporate Mercenary
Ostentatious Tycoon
Billionaire Swank


The adjectival possibilities are endless with that guy. lol
Toothy Sheister
Smiling Corporate Assassin
Flashy Impresario
Corporate Mercenary
Ostentatious Tycoon
Billionaire Swank


The adjectival possibilities are endless with that guy. lol
See, Bunyip? So many options!
Thanks, Wayne.