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Pet Peeves Thread

OLD-PEOPLE :They have all day to do things but still line up outside stores/banks well before they open,plus old farts chatting to tellers (banks)for ages about crap while your waiting in line to be served:horse::swear:
Young people who disrespect the oldies,the people who have earnt the respect they deserve...tb
Traffic - When a red light goes green, the amount of time it takes for the car at the front of the queue to actually start moving - what are they doing during that time - looking for the steering wheel? - its green so go ffs. And then person behind then does the same thing.

People - Stupid people that don't know they're stupid. (I'm probably one of them lol).

Trading - when you try to jump the buy queue by buying in the closing price auction but end up crossing the spread instead because someone pulls a sell or adds a buy at the last second.
One of my pet gripes are inconsiderate people who smoke while walking down the street, or outside shops and businesses, or in public places generally that have not been set aside for smokers. Cigarette smoke smells absolutely foul to a non-smoker, not to mention the fact that it's poisonous. Even worse, some people have medical conditions that are adversely affected by cigarette smoke.

And on a different Julia and some others here I grind my teeth at the atrocious spelling and grammar used by some on this forum. But...spelling and grammar, and writing skill generally, are something that you either have or don't have. Two people can go to the same school and have the same English teacher, yet one of them is articulate while the other never is. But the inarticulate person is not necessarily stupid. Quite the contrary in some cases.....I know several intelligent, well educated and very capable people who are woefully inept when it comes to putting words on paper.
Julia, you've indirectly highlighted what should be everyone's pet peeve; the pervasiveness of the ubiquitous media. They ruin everything.

They take what can be a useful turn of phrase, to be used sparingly and alternating with other phrases, and turn it into a bloody cliche'.

I remember when Diana croaked, "particularly poignant" was the phrase of the day. It was used relentlessly and ad nauseum. Now we have a perfectly useful word/phrase that shall never be used again.

Fortunately, we have a wide selection of words from the hodgepodge of what is the English language. We can use another word/phrase... until the "medja" get hold of it.

***Checked for cliche useage
One of my pet gripes are inconsiderate people who smoke while walking down the street, or outside shops and businesses, or in public places generally that have not been set aside for smokers.

Get realso what you can ONLY smoke in public in designated ares now?
its not illegal to smoke & walk down the street....

Im sick of the social engineers ring holes,no xmas we might upset other people,no this no that.

Tobacco is legal & highly taxed,which goes into consolidated revenue so dont go on about having to treat people with cancer either,treatment paid in full....tb

Yes, you are right. Smoking is not (yet) illegal in the street. It's not something I usually notice at all in my home town. But when recently spending a week in Sydney and walking in the CBD just after the offices closed about 5.30 pm, it was simply hazardous to walk down the street because of the number of people puffing furiously on their cigarettes then resuming the cigarette holding hand at their side. There was a crush of people and we had to be pretty sharp of foot to weave around the burning cigarettes. So, I'd say they are being pretty inconsiderate of other people in this circumstance.
Definately the age of - it`s gotta happen now, get out of my way and give me,give me, give me.
Oh yes. Particularly if you were the last to pull up on the previous phase.
You can sit there cursing while they think about what they might do and as your turn finally comes up, the light turns red. Of course.
Yes, you are right. Smoking is not (yet) illegal in the street. It's not something I usually notice at all in my home town.

What dont people smoke in your town?it wont ever be illegal simply because its a legal substance that(just light up another capstan!!)pays the government a lot of money.

I wont smoke where it is not allowed but everywhere else,<edited>...tb

by the way my old man at 53 went by the way of lung cancer,dirty habit but one of my last few vices i enjoy,with the punt & a few jd's...tb
I didn't say people don't smoke here. They simply rarely seem to smoke in the street.
Sorry that you seemed to miss my point which was that - presumably because of the no smoking rules in almost all office environments - when the occupants escape at the end of the day they can't wait to light up. Hence the hordes in the mid-city puffing madly as they pour out onto the city streets.
I'm not sure that you're right about smoking never being made illegal.
Just look at how all the time those places you can smoke are being reduced.
If you like, I'll bet you $100 that two years from now it will be illegal to smoke on the street. And before then it will be illegal to smoke in your car. And before then it will be illegal to smoke in your car if you are carrying children.
Enjoy it while you can.
Of course people puff madly at 5.30,they might have had 1 smoke in 8 hours,nicotine blast is whats doing there,no point missed..
$100 bucks it will be illegal to smoke on the street??too easy like taking candy from a baby,it wont be made illegal in the street,it also wont be illegal in your car,yes with kids in it but what if you got your 18 year old in the car with you???he can vote,drink,smoke...
who will police it??bit of a laugh really,wait for double demerit smoking points...

you owe me $100 in 2 years...tb
As far as I'm aware, it is already illegal in WA to smoke in a car when there's kids in it.

It is also illegal to smoke within 5m of ANY entrance to a public building. It is also already illegal to smoke in any vehicle that someone uses for a work purpose such as the ute that the tradie carries his tools in, a taxi, a courier vehicle etc, REGARDLESS of how many people are in the vehicle.

I'd rather they police the littering side of ciggarette smoking in public places first, rather than the actual smoking.

PP: Subway closing at 9pm!!!!!! It's a Saturday night you slack pricks hahaha. No wonder McD's do so well, they have no competition after the sun goes down!

PP2: McD's hahaha

It is also illegal to smoke within 5m of ANY entrance to a public building. ...

Just went through that 5 metre boundry at Perth Airport. There is NO WAY to get in that place w/out having to go through the smoke haze. Every entrance is blocked by people smoking. <--- PP

Bag me if you want, but I am an "ex-smoker" from many moons ago. I do not want to give the impression I'm the reformed smoker out to convert all who smoke. But I can smell the smoke it seems in the tiniest amounts. I almost could change my career and become a customs dog.

BTW, my reason for giving up smoking was purely lost the enjoyment.
A couple more:

The "Nanny State". We are becoming more and more over-regulated.
The latest addition is the suggestion that poker machines (which I never use so don't personally care) may be regulated to limit maximum bet/maximum payout.
This is to save gamblers from themselves.

Back to the language thing: use of abbreviated or slang English on internet forums, i.e. r u instead of 'are you', and my particular hate: 'm8'.
How hard is it to type the full word, for heaven's sake?
Then again a lot of old people are rude, disrespectful and single minded but thankfully not all:

Yeh you could add that to my PP's.

Older people who think they can command respect just because of their age. I will respect people on their actions, not age.
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