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Pet Peeves Thread

A current peeve for me is the extraordinary amount of packaging on most retail goods. Lots of cardboard to make it look as though we are getting more for our money, then when you finally make it through to the actual product, more shrink-wrapping to be prised off.

And the newspapers! Not only are they wrapped in about 6 metres of shrink wrap, then they twist the ends so it's nigh impossible to unroll.

Bouquet to Australia Post for producing terrific post packages. Protective of what one is sending and simple for both sender and recipient.

I second that!

Especially when they double wrap meat, and after unwrapping the first layer you see the previous use by date!!!!
I second that!

Especially when they double wrap meat, and after unwrapping the first layer you see the previous use by date!!!!
lol could be worse mate - a rough pub I was in a few weeks back - and they went round selling tickets in the meat tray
- and there under the cellophane was a bloody great fly
lol could be worse mate - a rough pub I was in a few weeks back - and they went round selling tickets in the meat tray
- and there under the cellophane was a bloody great fly

Hahaha, that's gross man!!!

PP: Migraines, nuff said...
Hahaha, that's gross man!!!

PP: Migraines, nuff said...
yeow! I only get headaches - usually after a bit of festivity

personally I blame the weather - being under it's influence.
(as against "under the weather" )

PS as for that meat tray - the carpet in the pub looked like it was long since threadbare ! lol . And the bloke carrying the meat tray around - staggering from one person to the next - was dribbling as I recall.

In the same vein , Remember I went out to St George (Qld) shooting pigs once with some mates - way back - this pub had beer cans scattered for as far as the eye could see - reminded me of a little soldier crab's hole, where they turf out the little round balls of wet sand in all directions - anyway it was about midday - as hot as hell, and we screeched to a halt when we saw this sign with a giant icecold beer - with frost and stuff

then we went into the bar, and one lone old bloke sitting there , head on his arms which were folded on the bar , looking down at his shoes. (which had a lot of really colourful lumps hanging on em lol)
we stood a couple of metres away and ordered, suddenly he spewed on his hand , and
almost immeditaely -
staggered up with his hand extended " g'day , My name's McGooley hic "
speaking of hygiene
this from Julia's sydney holiday accommodation thread ...
(someone, brought up the subject of cleanliness in hotel rooms - same cloth to wipe the toilet as the washbasin etc )
personally that doesn't worry me. or lol - what I don;t know won't hurt me maybe, whatever .

but ... I recalled this little number .. (which always makes me smile - the Ambos happily holding the giant jar of this stuff , people "handing" it out ) :eek3:
knew a bloke once, used to wash his hands after going to the toilet (like most would do lol) - cept that he figured the last person to use those taps had dirty hands - so he'd use a paper towel to turn the tap on with .

turned a simple trip to the toilet into one of those theatre scenes from Grey's flaming anatomy.

perhaps I should have challenged him that someone might have accidentally touched the paper towel in the course of getting the previous one.
PS. I assume that bloke would not have patted a dog for instance -
knowing what it probably rolled in a half hour before
Well back to earlier pet peeve about speeding motorists going by my house in a 20km zone (crest).

The council cannot place speed bumps because there is insufficient distance for the warning sign so there is a risk a speeding motorist will flip his car.

So they are protecting the speeding motorist rather than those who live here.

Since posting a dog was killed after escaping his house, next maybe a child but as long as speeding motorists can do so safely then that is all that matters to council.

I am past peeved, now I am angry.
PP: Trucks taking shortcuts along my street all all hours of the night, rather than go on the dual carriage way 1km up the road. I might have to get double glazing just to keep the truck noise out!!!!!
*deep breaths*

On one hand we have a government that amidst all the fan fare of the 20-20 summit announced an inclination to simplify the tax system who were elected, partly, on a promise of no increased taxes.

On the other, we have them raising taxes on alcohol while shouting from the rooftops “won’t somebody think of the children!” as if that’s meant to justify it. Anyone who speaks ill of it (as I expect to happen to me) is charged with neglecting the best interests of our children.

What we have here is a systemic failure in parenting and the public outsourcing responsibility to a government all too happy to bolster their coffers with increased taxes.

The reality?
Alcohol has long been proven VERY price in-elastic. Large increases in cost do little to reduce demand.

The cost?
Responsible people, such as you and I, are made to pay even more taxes than we already do for little or no REAL benefit to anyone but a government wanting to ‘look good’ and parents that lack the will to take responsibility for their children.

Governments should be responsible for providing what we as individuals can’t – they should not be responsible for making decisions for us.
Great post, Doc. The fact that this additional tax will provide a very nice little additional revenue stream for the government wouldn't, of course, have anything to do with this policy.

Yet another example of a gesture designed to look all very caring and sharing which is most unlikely to make any difference to kids binge drinking.

HAHAHA... God do I agree with you Doc, I had a debate with my wife about this only 2 nights ago...

The only thing that is going to happen is an increase of funds in the coffers - as you say, alcohol, like cigarettes, have an inelastic demand curve... Price shifting, unless a price shock, is not likely to reduce consumption.

Basics of Govt thinking:

We need to be seen to be doing something here, I know what we will do, lets put a spin on increasing revenue to the Federal Government!


Won't this also have an effect on inflation?:

<tongue in cheek>
I've done some post grad studies in public health, and during my research, it was found that the single best way to reduce the number of people smoking, and the number of ciggarettes smoked is via increased price. The removal of ads, all the education, all the anti-smoking promotion, all the health warnings on packs, had significantly less impact than simple price rises.

The same is true for alcohol consumption. Increase the price, reduce the consumption.
The same is true for alcohol consumption. Increase the price, reduce the consumption.
The attached chart (taken from a UWA paper on the issue) summarises the observed price elasticity of beer over numerous studies conducted both in Australia and around the world. It clearly shows that beer is very inelastic and that changes in price would have a very small impact on consumption levels.


  • elastic.JPG
    15.9 KB · Views: 52

Going into politics Sprinter? LOL

"Increase the price, reduce the consumption" True...but unfortunatley, the formula doesn't work for petrol or food. Unless Rudd's ultimate goal is to force fitness to the masses? Walk more and eat less.
The same is true for alcohol consumption. Increase the price, reduce the consumption.

As others have said, alcohol is very price inelastic.

A large increase in price creates a small reduction in consumption. Same with cigarettes and petrol.

However with elastic goods, a large increase in price would result in a large drop in demand.

I have to say that i dont agree with you on this one Sprinter
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