Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Personal Attacks

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billhill said:
I totally agree. Perhaps some of the moderators and senior members need to get together and produce a code of conduct specifically relating to criticism. One that is enforced.

Id have thought the solution is pretty simple.

If its personal get rid of it.--Zero Tolerance.

However it seems that this forum sees personal attacks as acceptable--albeit out of public veiw.--Out of sight out of mind.

Thats all anyone needs----a private mail box full of profanities!!
By the way Yogi hasnt resorted to that and nor have/will I.

So whats the point of moderation if anything goes?
Make "Grey" areas black or white and there will be no problem---take control.

I'm sure as the sun will shine tomorrow that if I constantly attacked Joe for his Moderation---or lack of it---on a personal level---it wouldnt be long before he did something about it.

Gutless---Spineless---indecisive----lack of leadership.

Not nice is it???

Why should I or anyone put up with personal attack!

The difference is???

I'll tell you what the difference is ---everyone--ITS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU!
billhill said:
I totally agree. Perhaps some of the moderators and senior members need to get together and produce a code of conduct specifically relating to criticism. One that is enforced.


I think the policy is fine and the moderators are fine. The problem we have is one poster doesn't let up on the criticism and the other fails to leave without making a noise.

Just as an observation, i never saw tech/a attack Yogi.

Yogi attacking tech/a, i saw plenty of.

But you will see it in the past. I remember my own attacks from Tech. Simple discussion on something and I was attacked, just like Wayne L was too over daytrading, how ironic! So before you replace your tissues in sympathy shed a tear for the others too. :p:

Edit: I hope he stays though.
Stay with me tech. :)
nizar said:
I simply dont pick enough winners for R/R=1 to be profitable.

Nizar you would need at least 6 out of 10 to win to be profitable and that's not including brokerage!

So 1:1 is a waste of time. You are right. :)
It's Snake Pliskin said:
But you will see it in the past. I remember my own attacks from Tech. Simple discussion on something and I was attacked, just like Wayne L was too over daytrading, how ironic! So before you replace your tissues in sympathy shed a tear for the others too. :p:

LOL, Ok, Snake, point taken! :)
Julia said:
I'd like to suggest to anyone who has an issue with another member to please handle it via PM's.

Some members have taken sides and participated in this unpleasant little exercise, but I suspect many more are, like me, less than impressed by this squabbling.

Often we will disagree with others. That doesn't mean we need to attack them on a personal level or indulge in some sort of grandstanding.
There is sometimes a mistaken understanding of ego. The person with a genuinely healthy, intact ego doesn't need to criticise others but rather can just accept the difference, and conversely doesn't need the repeated adulation of others to feel OK.

Let's value the contributions of others, people, and behave like civilised human beings.


Let me respond to you using your own words from the "David Hecks" thread:

New Girl

Perhaps it's time for a sleep or a visit to the gym to work off some of your antagonism.

Prospector's post made a good point.

I find your response unnecessarily offensive.

A forum is about anyone who is interested contributing their thoughts.
You are entitled to yours, but you are not entitled to attempt to belittle the contributions of others.

A couple of times, I've begun to contribute my own thoughts to this thread, but have decided it's descended into a rather hysterical squabble.
It would be good to return to the actual title of the thread.


Talk about getting personal, taking sides and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!!!

I am offended from how often you get offended :D there is nothing more offensive than teaching people manners!

Please don't respond by telling me that you are OFFENDED that I'm offended because you're offended ;)
Just out of interest can this thread be closed b4 midnight, that way we can start fresh in 2007.

The sooner the better that way we can all go out tonight and not have to worry about who threw a nasty comment at who.

No more bitchy threads please....moderators!
Must be the holiday period and too much idle time.

There are threads which are good to stay away from and this has become another of those, albeit well intentioned by the thread originator.

If as much time was spent on focussing on the intent of the forum, exchanging productive ideas and constructive criticism, as is spent on pandering to egos and petulant little boys (oh! are they supposed to be adults?), then everyone would be a lot better off working together on improving their trading and/or investing and exchaning ideas.

Some suggested light reading:

Machiavelli's - The Prince
"Getting to Yes" - Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.

Compared to some of the larger overseas fora this one is quite tame and well-behaved. You don't see some of the very strong abusive language and insults on ASF that you see on those.

Sometimes it is better to agree to disagree, get on with life and learn to live together. In any community there will always be some level of disharmony and ASF is no different. The main thing is to try and avoid personal attacks, as they serve no meaningful purpose and can often backfire on the attacker.

It is usually better to ignore the protaganists and leave them to sort it out themselves. If anyone wants to spit the dummy, take their ball and go home, let them. Once they settle down, they might realise how silly they have been.

There are a number of worthwhile contributors here that it would be a shame to see them leave, but if they do so be it. There will always be others who come along to take their place.

Learning how to use the ignore button is always handy to cut down the unnecessary noise.

I might be mistaking, but I thought this was Aussie Stock Forums not Aussie Kindergarten Forums. Time to get back to discussing stocks folks.
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