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PEN - Peninsula Energy

I think it's about time to bust out the ignore. Your ramblings aside, your avatar discredits any real arguement you have.

You have to question the agenda here.

Posts in total:93
Posts in PEN thread: 93

An agenda or a vendetta? You do have to admire the dogged determination to ensure we are all aware of his thoughts on PEN. WOnder how long until a push for an alternate energy source or U stock pops up?

Just asking so that readers have a clear understanding that they need to consider motives of posters as opposed to taking things on face value.

PS, you could ask the same thing about a certain posters motives in the LYC thread
Your ramblings aside, your avatar discredits any real arguement (sic) you have.

You may be able to rationalise away Fukushima, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Three mile Island etc, etc, but how can you rationalise Mr. John (Gus) Simpson, Mr. Anthony Simpson and Mr. Jonathan Whyte being involved in a Wyoming coal seam methane IPO at this state of PEN's development?

What's the priority/more "imminent"? PEN DFS or CGY IPO?

Perception is everything...


Chalea, Gus is not directly involved in the making of the DFS. He is the person who gives the order to publish and signs it off as official, afaik.
Besides, his position on Cady will be non-executive. I am purely speculating here, and I may be way way off, but on the subject of Cady i suspect he may soon find a use for the $100m in Pala funds for an acquisition..too daring of an idea?

Personally I think Chalea is quite the Yin to HangSeng's Yang on PEN.

The true story probably lies somewhere in between.
Another sub $50 lower low. Trend?

"“The spot uranium market continues to edge downward on price-sensitive demand,” Ux said. “August is the height of the vacation season, giving buyers yet another reason to stay away from a market that has been languishing this summer as the implications of the Fukushima accident have set in.”

...“However, this is a far cry from the expanding demand we saw last year that was sufficient to sustain a price increase over a number of months. If sufficient demand is not forthcoming, the price could continue its downward trend.”"


Big picture Uranium weekly chart. Closed @ $49.95
Will post the Natural Gas chart if requested for those interested in the PEN management's new venture...


Hi Chalea,
Would you pay any price for a PEN share ??
I don't look look at charts myself but prefer to look at potential some times i do this by comparing companies.
eg. PDN is capped somewhere around 1.7 billion. PEN is under 200million.
PDN grossed 50million profit last FY. Pending permits and DFS somewhere around PFS numbers PEN will be grossing around the same amount in 18 months - 2 years. If the company can acheive this surley they will be worth at least half of that 1.7billion.Do you agree with this type of analysis on any level or is your positve/negative view based purely on trends ? and based on current information is there any situation where you see an investor getting a return on a PEN share investment?

If something along the lines of what I expect happens, ie. we acheive returns similar to what ive stated above, over the next two years we should be looking at an un-compounded return of a couple hundred percent per annum for two years to be worth somewhere around 800million

Money talks, BS walks, but endures from China.
China is the main source of growth for a lot of things. It is the biggest source of growth for Uranium usage and it's about to explode on a relative scale.

To repeat, China did a review after Fukushima then made an amazingly quick grap for BMN!! That's money talking and a true reflection of where uranium is goinging and where China is going with uranium. Big time!

Propagandists’, you will notice, will not engage when someone makes a valid point.
They will simply sloganize over the top of it with repetitious charts pictures or whatever, they will shout the same mantra to try to control the noise. Ridicule the emporer of the opposition etc

The Chinese are relentless with it and have been doing it for over half a century' The entire nation is delusional with respect to politics and the global status quo.
China has thousands of employees and computers combing the net to find stuff and try to keep the internal propaganda out there in the broader world as well!

All the people are taught, from very early in age, to not trust anything that contradicts the communist dictatorships mental hold on the people.

The Chinese people are brainwashed to believe that western media is propaganda and that the state controlled Chinese press is free media!!!
It's very extensive and very organised - militant- and all over the net as well these days, especially when topics about Comunist China's activities and interests surface.

China and North Korea are basically cults! The people are brainwashed.

Pen is uranium focused and tied up with the United States. I am sure it is of great interest to China!!

Each to their own beav,

I wouldn't buy PEN.
Too many shares. Sector is "Despised" and will take years to possibly recover public support. The use of "Imminent"...

No offence, but comparing anything to PDN/FMG is fantasy. Production won't bring an SP explosion.

EXT is also spruiked, but PEN too had their 10 bagger off GFC lows.

If Uranium can form a consolidating base @ $40 & PEN can follow any long term up trend then you may profit.

What caused PDN to rise? Uranium.
What happened @ Fukushima?


ROFLMAO! My cover is as blown as a Fukushima reactor

Forget the Chinese, the Russians are coming!

Chalea, your display picture atm clearly shows us that you are opposed to nuclear power. You clearly have an agenda coming on this forum and unrelentlessly attacking the thread of an emerging uranium explorer/future producer. PEN is vulnerable to global sentiment, more so because it does not generate revenue.

You definitely have blown your cover. Regardless of whether other posters may ulterior motives, YOUR analysis is not objective. If the sp rises short term you will attack the long term. If the sp falls you overlook causes due to the macro environment. That is ridiculous.

There is a future in Uranium. In a world with fast depleting resources, accidents such as Fukushima only encourage further research to make extraction and production safer. It is not in our nature to shy away from a challenge. Even if PEN fails in the future, nuclear power will be a major source of energy. Humankind has never found a natural resource that it has not used.

I can also post up many articles like you do to prove my point. There are two sides to this argument, and there is plenty of material on the internet. How about you move your argument to the PDN thread, and tell them they should go back to exploring because production is the bane of their share price.

My first PEN post here was a chart. SP at the time was 8.2c.
I'm not attacking anything. My "lunacy" TA was attacked, I'm just backing up my TA with relevant information.

YOUR analysis is not objective. If the sp rises short term you will attack the long term. If the sp falls you overlook causes due to the macro environment. That is ridiculous.

Correct, it's extremely subjective.
Look, I've posted hourly, daily, weekly & monthly charts...what more can you ask?
This is the PEN thread so I'll stick to PEN & Uranium only...(oh, and natural gas if requested!)

There is a future in Uranium.

Tell that to the Japanese...

What happened in Japan is absolutely so sad, we cannot begin to try to understand how they feel. It is true. However, to date, not one person has been killed due to radiation exposure. In fact, no one has received a lethal dose. The damage was done by the tsunami itself, and it's destruction of infrastructure. The media has had a field day diverting the public's attention away from reality, as usual. which I took from another forum.

Every time a major disaster has occurred in the world, much effort is applied to prevent such tragedies from reoccurring. We don't stop flying in planes because there has been a crash. We don't stop mining after there has been a accident at a site.

The last major nuclear incident before Fukushima must've been over 20 years ago. Needless to say, our knowledge of such processes has improved drastically since then, and it is unfair to base an argument on Fukushima when it was hit by a godzilla of a tsunami on a scale which we will likely not see in a long time. I acknowledge the risk is there though. There is risk in everything. We will have to agree to disagree!

"While the Japanese, Germans, Swiss and Italians have gone into a nuclear funk, it's a case of "praise the Lord and pass the yellowcake" elsewhere.

Russia is testing its recently completed Kalinin nuclear plant, Lithuania is short-listing suppliers for a huge nuclear plant, while the United Arab Emirates is letting main contracts for its first nuclear complex.

Since the Fukushima panic, three new reactors have been commissioned (in China, India and Pakistan). The Chinese, notwithstanding lip-service about safety, are still full steam ahead.

Meanwhile, here in Australia the industry is a little down in the mouth. The uranium spot price has fallen from a little over $US70/lb earlier this year to $US50.50/lb, which is not enough to justify development of many projects unless they are planning to use low-cost in-situ leaching (pumping fluid downhole to bring the uranium to the surface)."
"...unless they are planning to use low-cost in-situ leaching (pumping fluid downhole to bring the uranium to the surface)."
Which, unless I am mistaken, is what PEN intends to use

Not if the locals can help it...(Strata Energy = PEN)...:nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:

"...This process of ISL has a long history of serious problems that have yet to be resolved.
You can find reports of this on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission website
( They provide details of millions of gallons of spills, leaks, and
excursions of contaminated solutions, proving these violations are business as usual at
these sites. Strata Energy may be using sophisticated technology to determine where the
ore bodies are located. However, to my knowledge, there is no new technology for
actually implementing and completing this process. They will be processing the uranium
in the same manner as the other sites, with the same huge potential for contamination and
depletion of our aquifers...

...How will they get rid of the millions and millions of gallons of
contaminated waste water that this process produces? More importantly, how will they
restore the water to baseline values when they are done? According to the NRC, there
has not been a single ISL site that has been able to restore the water to baseline, without
having the standards reduced.

The truly unbelievable comment was that this is “the most environmentally friendly
process known”. The uranium companies are the only ones that call it this, and merely
because the surface disturbance is not as bad as with conventional mining. However, we
will still see huge areas that are currently used for grazing and hunting, covered with
processing buildings, new roads, new power lines, acres and acres of waste water
evaporation ponds and more. And what can be environmentally friendly about
concentrating uranium, selenium, arsenic, and other poisonous elements into our
aquifers? Water is our most precious resource. We can all live without uranium, but
none of us can live without water

Pam Viviano
Hulett Wyoming

Pen is just one uranium stock. If you were an activist youd be targeting something more significant. It seems the objective is to now convince people that this is a uranium activist not an interested party. Either way it negates the chart analysis. It seems the cover has become more important than the initial objective to drive the stock down for the moment!

Activists tend not to know much about the corporate culture, less about stock market behavior and even less about charting etc. It's not their field!!!

Pens having an up day for the moment!
If you were an activist youd be targeting something more significant.
Activists tend not to know much about the corporate culture, less about stock market behavior and even less about charting etc. It's not their field!!!

LOL! I'm no activist & all I'm targeting is 3.5c

Remember this? (25th-July-2011 07:57 PM)

& all I'm targeting is 3.5c

So your drawing charts and analysing them with a negative bias in the hope that you can drive the stock down to 3.5c to buy PEN?
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