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PEN - Peninsula Energy

LOL GG...Yes I am on two forums, however "from here to Timbuktoo" could be a slight exageration. I am registered on 4 forums but only post on two now and have done for some time.

As for the comp I have been waiting to do just that but all I could see here was the may comp. Oh well no harm done, no secret it would have been my stock of choice once again.

Aside from all of this, I have watched PEN for a long time now. I am hoping this is not merely a short term PnD that can and does happen on anticipation of news. The slow long and sustained run up to 15.5 was far preferred than a major spike on an announcement in a day. We see this so many times on stocks and PEN is no orphan in that regard.

However this is the "market" and anything can and usually does happen. It is what makes it a fun place

Some more volume would convince me it is more than just a clever trader with deep pockets.
I'm starting to loose a lot of patients for this stock.

Been hoving around the same price after every announcement. Spikes up, and then drops back down to where it originally was before the announcement the next day.

Considered selling, but the next few announcements are too close.

Patient is the key i guess, but i could of traded other stocks while waiting for this on the side.

I hope your not a doctor !


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For months, experts having been telling you that PEN has plateaued.

It's called shareholder sentiment.
It has precious little to do with how good the company is.
It has to do with perception!!

JMO (I do not hold)

It seems someone forgot to mention how devastaing Germany will beto the buyer of PEN just now

Once again the (negative) sheep simply fall off the cliff following the herd.

Hangseng mate,

I only picked PEN in the ASF Competition on your advice. This is embarrassing. I am down from .085 to .076, over 10.5% down and that after just 6 trading days, that is .0015 daily.

I am 40th in the competition out of 54.

Even nuntheweiser's loss of 6.25% on another dog, seems respectable compared to mine.

When is this haemorrhaging of Garpal Gumnut's reputation going to cease?

One good thing though, at least I don't own any.


I don't give advice here or anywhere else gg. Seems you have made a personal choice, one of which I will gladly swap with you should it be permitted on the forum. Of any month to take PEN this would have been a logical choice and I was only beaten to the post by you to select it.

So anytime Joe gives permission for you to bail and swap with me I will be only too glad to "save" you lol.

My 2nd choice (SBL) isn't that crash hot either. However my main selections have been ravaged recently so no harm to my already "nuked" (dare i say) reputation one way or the other

If PEN actually comes out with the planned major milestone announcements (6 of them), then gg's reputation will have been restored...pending the market sentiment changing accordingly.

Otherwise you are doomed and consigned to the nuked dustbin of oblivion me old mate lol.

ps. Fear not, my money is on you going green in the tipping at the very least

Me...I am bleeding in the tipping and seemingly likely to stay that way this month unfortunately
Me too, I bought PEN because it was so sought after here. I'm down heaps!

I am still way up...and intend to be up far more

The tide will turn.....when it does you will either be set for the ride, or you will be chasing it. I am far too old and slow to be chasing anything, patience is my greatest strength now.

Coordinated US industry response to Fukushima
10 June 2011
I bought into PEN recently, and I am not to fussed about the downslide at the moment. Bought in at 0.08c and am happy with this. Might even buy some more if i can scrape some pennies together!!!
So there goes a bit more of the future demand...

Not really. Do you really think even if they voted yes the italians could ever pull it together to actually build a nuclear power industry? Couldn't organise a chook raffle, this vote is completely pointless in regards to uranium stocks.
How far below the Sp can go? A lot of negative news regarding nuclear industry future.
when the tide will turn?
I predict that maximum it can go down from here is 6.6 cents
Same people who were calling it a table thumping buy in the 12.5~14c range and a deadset bargain in the 8c consolidation

Rather derogatory and without proof or basis!

More meaningless throw away lines and mud slinging.
Same people who were calling it a table thumping buy in the 12.5~14c range and a deadset bargain in the 8c consolidation

Yep, and others were saying this...

There is no denying the SP is in a downward trend but the 'probability' of the SP retreating to 0.055 is extremely remote no matter what your nice triangles, one of which defined by a natural disaster, are telling you.

Can anyone offer me a basic reason why you wouldn't bail out when it starts going down and if you do see value in it then wait until it starts turning back up before you get back in.
If its so good wouldn't you want to hold twice as many at half the price.

I am just trying to understand the mental approach, not having a go at anyone.

Same process is being drawn out on the RED thread.

Maybe its just me
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