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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Yep. Im out as well. 30% drop in a day is abit scary.

A pretty massive setback, it's true. No matter how good a company is, if it's part of an industry in the news as much as nuclear power is this week, it's going to be an ugly story. I've invested a pretty massive percentage of my cash in this one, so it's depressing start to the week for me... but I still think this will come good long term. Only one of the plants is now considered dangerous in Japan according to the latest bulletin... still one too many, of course, and I'm pretty mindful that there is more at stake than just my cash. The spectre of people losing their lives is a good reminder of what really matters.

Would be glad to get some insights from HS and other people who've been looking at this industry for a while.
Luckily I have previously sold PEN at 13c. Now scooping up this opportunity to buy back in, got in at 0.09. I think this short drop will not last long.

Luckily I have previously sold PEN at 13c. Now scooping up this opportunity to buy back in, got in at 0.09. I think this short drop will not last long.

Is PEN a good long term buy at 9c? yes it is. But I think that Uranium stocks are going to be in the doldrums for a while, check out market depth 100M sellers to 10M buyers people want OUT.

Buy for the long term but I think that a quick 30% gain is unlikely.
It seems to me it all depends on how this event in Japan plays out. If we avoid a more serious scenario like a complete meltdown, then I would like to think uranium stocks would start taking a turn for the better.
Hope you've minimized the hemorrhaging
11.5 and 13c top ups ouch
Some opportunity coming in
Never under estimate fear Or greed for that matter
Public holiday here buy and sell stops placed and both taken
Out!! Not near a computer

Will watch for opportunity it will come but could see a bit of history repeat
For longterm holders that won't be good!!
I would be reluctant to touch it until I saw a bounce off the next significant level around 0.08 and a break back above 0.10.

Just my

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I topped up at 0.083 (with a longer term view).
I'm thinking that the negative perception will change when people accept that if a magnitude 9 earthquake on top of a stack of reactors only has 'L4 local consequences' then all in all that's not too bad considering.

Thats what I'm hoping anyway.

I guess while I'm here I'll also say thanks to the regular posters from both sides for the great thread.
Horrible horrible day, As I am a beginner, I've learnt a valuable lesson from this situation.
So are people expecting this one to go bellow 8cents in the short term? or will it really depend on what happens in Japan with the reactors?

I've been watching this one for a few weeks thinking of buying in before the massive drop today.
I was holding a loser too long. Could not follow ''Cut the losses'' principle in my trading. Things does not look any better in near term either.
I was holding a loser too long. Could not follow ''Cut the losses'' principle in my trading. Things does not look any better in near term either.

When trading instruments that can halve itself in a week personally I don't care how much potential it has if it's going up get on it if it's going down get off it
Look for extremes and there maybe a good opportunity soon and take advantage of it
The price action will show you!!!
Will see if we can recognize the next opportunity technically
Horrible horrible day, As I am a beginner, I've learnt a valuable lesson from this situation.

Unfortunately Bathuu, there will be many more of those lessons to learn if you continue in this crazy game of "Pass the Pig" ......

And don't be sure it has anything to do with being a beginner in this instance ..... this was a bit of a "Black Swan" out of left field for holders of most Uranium stocks .... so a lot more than just beginners are copping some heat here ...... and not just Uranium stocks either for that matter !! .......

Position sizing, relative to Capital base, relative to Risk etc etc should be considered with every trade.

Tech, I will organise some Lottery tickets this week. The cash from winning the Lottery might help cover some of my losses today :22_yikes: ......

Curious how we learn to cope with losing such large amounts of cash with very little emotion ...... I believe they call it experience
Curious how we learn to cope with losing such large amounts of cash with very little emotion ...... I believe they call it experience

Diversify and dont invest more than you can afford to lose.

BTW, I hold PEN, HOG and CCC haha, but im still way ahead overall and Im confident in the stocks I've invested in.

Im just spewing I dont have any free cash to invest in downturns like this!
Todays Trades

Price ........ Shares Traded

8.2 ............3,187,715
8.3 .............10,007,852
8.4 ..............8,100,852
8.5 ..............16,740,358
8.6 ...............15,252,709
8.7 ................14,842,788
8.8 ................12,050,501
8.9 ................10,285,404
9.0 ................20,329,803
9.1 ................14,312,970
9.2 .................10,077,245
9.3 .................10,071,699
9.4 ..................8,507,057
9.5 ..................7,951,320
9.6 ...................4,309,789
9.7 ...................4,900,649
9.8 ...................7,001,660
9.9 .................. 23,478,040
10 .....................1,639,529

If you had to run a quick assessment of the numbers, you might conclude there was some initial hope at the open followed by some wishful buying from the 9.5 - 9.0 area .... then a bit of follow through to the downside from the mid 8's to the low of the day ......

Way too early to call anything atm, but considering a lot of traders were in profit even at these sell levels, the numbers are not surprising.

Until the large institutional holders start vacating their positions, I'm happy to sit tight
Position sizing, relative to Capital base, relative to Risk etc etc should be considered with every trade.

Diversify and dont invest more than you can afford to lose.

Correct "Easy" ...... it's also good to leave a little powder dry to take advantage of "unorthodox" Black Swans .....

ps. I'm not saying this is a buy at this stage, but as Tech has mentioned .... the price action will tell the story in due course ......

At this stage, traders are de-risking their exposure to a possible world event with Uranium radiation. Makes logical sense, but not my personal view due to my lack of belief in the integrity of our world media and their motives

Traders in profit, or on small losses will bail to protect capital ...

Longer term holders will either hold or Reduce a little ..... or, if confident. top up ....

If/When we see the "smart money" accumulating at the expense of the distressed "little guy" ... that is the time to re-enter ...... Interestingly, this is the time to really take notice of technical analysis in my opinion ...... and Tech/A may be able to shed some interesting light in that regard as we head into the next weeks/months.
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