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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Please don't 'shut up' Purd, I (and plenty of other noobs like me, I'm sure) enjoy, value and profit from yours and all the other posters on here.
PEN from a technical view appears to have finished its run.
Strong selling volume on 13/1 and 20/1
Unless supply is exhausted (unlikely) there is a good chance PEN will have a healthy correction. 8.4c ish.

Dear Tech/A

I do realise you must be making comments with great conviction and research.
For the benefit of the ASF participants could you please elaborate with stats or reference what technical view made you to decide PEN finished to have finished its run?

As an ardent follower of PEN comments from some contrarians like Hangseng, Megacents, Purd2 etc, I would like to know if you could be misunderstood as a ramper (negative) or prove that you have solid points to support 8.4 cents

I have been reading your postings and I am really sorry to see a melancholy or negatve sentiments in most of your postings. I am concerned and would be happy to be wrong here.
Personally I believe PEN has great future and appreciate the postings many of ASF mates made in this thread


Dear Purd 2

I will be requesting that your hard work and considerable research for 4 years shall not be overcome by some throw away comments 'smug' et.

We are all benefitted from your, HS and few others research work on PEN.

Please do not loose heart on your mission. Please take business as usual and just ignore the noise on this thread.

The below comments are what i was talking about and i believe you could mistake them for ramping a stocks price!!!
I am really enjoying this...

Congratulations "Contrarians"

“Buy when there's blood in the streets” (Baron Rothschild in 1871).

Actually, make that 11c I just bought another 150,000 at 15:59:56

LOL...PEN gave me a double gift yesterday..

Now Im not great at even doing the whole multitasking quote's alot of the info provided was excellent it was the extra sediments that i feel seemed to be an attemt at ramping. Hence my last comments. I also think tech a has been straight forward and already provided charts and reasons why he believes the SP may rise or fall!
I think the problem is there is so much positive and as soon as anyone puts up a less then positive view its shot down by the 3 amigos!! LOL
This is just my observation and as stated im a pen holder and still holding!! No need to throw in the towel and say your not going to give any more feed back because someone doesnt agree with you???

Its a common Technical application one I demonstrated with LEG and UNX a few weeks ago in the "Breakout Trading Tips and Tricks section" Go to post 122 for reference.

As an ardent follower of PEN comments from some contrarians like Hangseng, Megacents, Purd2 etc, I would like to know if you could be misunderstood as a ramper (negative) or prove that you have solid points to support 8.4 cents

What would be my point---its analysis which I have clearly marked on a couple of charts---it is a technical view I hold on this stock---it isnt without a balanced view if you have another look.
If Supply does dry up (selling) or Buyers continue to exceed Sellers then the stock will rise.
I'm not seeing that. So what has to happen is sellers need to be exhausted---we can see that there aren't a great deal of buyers at this price--volume has fallen and price has fallen.
What is very likely to happen is volume will rise and price will plummet as holders want to keep some of that 350% rise. I'm seeing this as a clear possibility before the fact.
I suppose you'd all feel better if I bought it to your attention when its at 8.4 or less!

If there is any Ramping going on it looks pretty heavy on the side of those holding the stock (Not only on this thread but most I see---copious amounts of supportive evidence to justify holding an issue----you NEVER see another point of view.--I do see---"Price is just plummeting---did anyone see something is that announcement that I didn't?????"

UHHH yeh---Price had already accounted for the "Announcement"

I often see individual stock threads which Dont present a balanced view. I Dont comment on all threads---no need to and I Dont have the time particularly as in depth as this analysis.

Sure this thread has been balanced for some months---I personally believe that a little "conditional" balance is needed with a technical view on PEN---right now.
If I whole heartedly agreed than I would be 100% positive (Not 20%) and you would be all for the technical "support". Ill certainly give it if I believe thats what is being displayed.

So you will see "negative" posts ( I think they are alternative views) designed to have a few participants stop and pause---with some hints that will hopefully maximize return and minimize loss.

What you dont want to see.
(1) Increased Volume and widening range down days.
(2) Decreased volume on any up days with small ranges.

What we want to see.
(1) Price stop falling and volume remain atleast steady
(2) Very Very low volume down day followed by an average volume up day.
(3) A wide range Down day with heavy volume closing in the top quartile of the bar.

I Dont hold Pen sold at 10.5 had it from 8.9c---a breakout trade.
But I trade -----
tech/a I sincerely respect your input, however on this occasion I don't agree with you view. That is not to say I don't appreciate it. Part of what makes the market.

A shame others here can't simply put up alternate views in the manner you do. Instead they take a simplistic, what I more term blinkered view without taking all said in context.

No secret I am unwaveringly positive on PEN, that isn't to say I don't want to read alternate information. However, if it is fundamentally wrong I will and have done counter it with factual information.

Both here and elsewhere we have had "balanced" posters come on. Firstly having a go at me personally, then putting up what at first sight, or to the unknowing, seems technically correct. I have lost count of how many times I have proven them wrong, and also we finally find they are little more than multi nics "posting according to book".

Balanced, open and honest views I enjoy, provided they are genuine. If not yes "amigo" I will counter it with the facts.

Some "balanced" posters would have had others believe Lance in the Powder River Basin was mostly dry. Why did they post this when it was factually incorrect an now clearly proven to be just that? Why did they try to defame Gus Simpson over his past, of which he was cleared of any wrong doing? Why did they come on with positive views of PEN, befriending posters such as me, then once the sp went significantly up go on all out personal attacks on no less than 3 forums to defame me and others?

Yes I remain positive, consistently so without "swinging" my view around according to holdings. Don't be confuse light hearted comments and a positive outlook as merely "ramping". Yes it was my birthday, yes PEN came out with an outstanding announcement on that day and also commenced drilling at Karoo on that day. Yes I was very upbeat on that day and I actually did celebrate as I stated.

I have also stated that I believed there would be resistance at the old high levels. I believed "some" that bought at or near the old highs and held all this time would sell out of pure relief they have their capital back or maybe a little profit. Nothing wrong with that and very understandable, I said I have done the same in the past.

I aso stated that it was a shame they hold so long, only to leave before it really commences with PEN. Make no mistake there is so much more about to happen, turning a once penny dreadful into a producer. A feat not often achieved as we mostly her are aware I am sure.

If my positive outlook is of concern to some, even "scaring" them it seems, then I am sorry that isn't my problem. I am so confident and positive due to a now in depth knowledge of this companies activities, almost to the point of predictive of outcomes.

To date I am also yet to be proven wrong on any major fundamental aspect, and PEN has delivered as stated. Why wouldn't I be positive and pleased with my decision?

People would find far more joy and success in life if they were candid, and in respect of forums focussed on the stock instead of personal digs. The latter displays little more than ignorance and narrow minded thinking.

Anyone who really knows me understands I am not only candid in my views, I genuinely share my information and knowledge. I do so, and will continue to do so, in the hope others will do the same and we are all the better for it.

For any readers who may think I have sold out of PEN...think again

Have a great day
Thanks posters for the discussion. I generally invest via fundamentals,

For example
Management style and expertise
Price (an indicator)
stage of operations (exploring or near production)
Mostly energy stocks (a real or sometimes perceived world issue)

I like to see and read data represented via graphs so any TA comments are really appreciated. Not my area of expertise, but the SP run lately does seem to be taking a breather. Still reckon the 10-10.5cents is the main floor.

Looking forward to the quarter report, must be some over worked employees or management is waiting/preparing some interesting news.

For any one interested, I have attached the spreadsheet for NRC permits application status. Sorry if it has already been posted.

Status Legend:
Code indicating the status of the application where:
(1)= Not Received,
(2)=Acceptance Review Ongoing,
(3)= Not Accepted, Withdrawn, or Review Postponed,
(4)=Technical Review Ongoing, and
(5)=Licensing Action Completed


  • NRC Wyoming Uranium Recovery Applications.xls
    26.5 KB · Views: 34

Dear Mega Cents

The following note I am putting not just related to PEN.

I would like to thank you for your spreadsheet and do align with your fundamentals. I also see the credential and success/ failure story of the directors as an explorer/developer/producer.

In your spreadsheet while you attempted for providing information PEN. But did you realise what wealth of other related information you incidentally provided ? I will tell you. It is about the process. I could see the heap leaching was sparingly followed by the companies. Which confirms why Toro Energy backed off from using heap leaching. Last year I completed a feasibility study on a uranium mine (not Toro) in Australia for a significant client. We did not recommend heap leaching. It was against client's direction. But now I am immensly pleased to see your spreadsheet and no matter even if PEN was not listed in it, the technical information saves a bloody good amount of research from my side for future uranium projects.

Thanks a lot .

Hi Miner

Glad to help.

If you have a look at entry 13 it is Strata Energy, Inc., which is PEN. You are right about the design type and you can also see sites that are ready to go (permit wise).

Website for that file is

Lots of other good info and thanks for letting me know what area you work in
Yes Strata Energy is a 100% subsidiary company of Peninsula Energy (PEN). Not many realise this, it was the outcome of PEN (then Peninsula Minerals) buying ALL of the uranium assets of Pacmag. Strata Energy being the US owner of the Sundance (now Lance) uranium leases of the Powder River Basin and the historical data.

Interestingly Miner some others are now revising their respective feasibility studies that had heap leach. Going back to do "further testing" following dismal feasibility study outcomes displaying extremely high Opex and in particular massive Capex, especially in comparison to PEN. BMN share price was slammed as was PNN, both being placed on hold, PNN indefinitely as they clearly required a much higher uranium price.

The benefits of ISR I have touted for a very long time and now it is becoming blatantly obvious why. Low Opex and low Capex were the hallmarks and still are of the low cost ISR mining and process methodology.

I spoke in depth with Gus Simpson about this over 3 years ago and we were both of the opinion PEN had some work to do in educating funds, brokers and analysts regarding ISR. This was required as they clearly did not understand it in Australia very well at all. Many erroneously using the "acid process" ISL Honeymoon process and the conventional mining (open cut/underground) method to compare with PEN. They were also wrongly using the "pounds in ground" comparison, of which was way of the mark, completely ignoring the correct "grade thickness" metric for ISR resource calculation. Not to mention completely overlooking the significant aspect "porosity and permeability" to calculate the "Darcy rating (mD)", of which Lance is displaying over 4 times higher than nearby Uranerz. Glenn Catchpole the MD of URZ himself touting the benefits in recovery of a high mD.

This was why PEN was being ignored according to Gus, and I agreed completely with him then and still do.

All history now and the market is just beginning to wake up to the significant benefits of ISR and how good Lance really is. Now displaying "multiple stacked roll fronts" in all new lease areas and vanadium credits lowering the Opex.

Sorry to ramble on, just trying to share as much as I can, with what little space there is to place it. Look back through the thread here and you will find many links I put up with the above information. Anyone considering PEN as an investment should go to them and learn all you can about ISR and in particular Lance and the Powder river Basin. Not to mention reading the company reports. I read the latter over and over in case I have missed something and when looking for past information.

This a classic I was looking for today on Karoo:

"Ground checking of the anomalies will now be prioritised by the Company so that the anomalies can be put into geological and topographic context. As radiometric surveys can only test the very shallow surface environment (a few cm) a uranium mineralised body covered with a thin layer of sand or soil will give a minimal to non-existent response in the uranium channel. Thin overburden can also dilute a uranium response and make it very weak, highlighting the importance of placing anomalies in context."
source: Karoo Rasults Final.pdf

Anyone that followed EXT and the Rossing South development during exploration would know why I have highlighted this important aspect. I wait with anticipation for the latest Karoo drilling results, past results both drilled and historical displayed very high grades of uranium.

What will they find beneath the "masked" surface they indicated previously? A past online/offline buddy of mine picked up on this very early with EXT, he was drowned down by the "balanced" posters when he spoke of it. Well mate if you are still watching, you were so on the money...
Thank you miner.
I suggest you liaise with Hang Seng if you can..he is in mining engineering too and is, according to his wife; a workaholic. I have been a friend via forums for 4 years.
I will stick around 'cos of you.

Just curious---whats your total holding in PEN---number of shares.

Just curious---whats your total holding in PEN---number of shares.

Sorry mate I don't disclose my holdings on forums, nor do I ask others. Apart from being irrelevant to the stock discussion, I regard it as personal information. Suffice to state quite a lot (for me) but not enough in total for the T20. I hold in 3 accounts, 2 private and one my SMSF being the largest. The only one I build on now is my smsf.

All I am willing to publicly display.
Disclosing a single buy is not disclosing my holdings tech/a, of which I believe was your original question.

I suggest you get back to the stock.
Well, getting back to the stock, it's getting hammered... however, just to add my to the great debate, I am pretty unruffled by any short term fluctuations. Obviously, much of what has been discussed has come down to different investing styles. As a trading play, Pen is only heading in one direction at the moment. If you are a short termer, of course it makes sense to get out now and re-enter at a more promising juncture. For long term holders motivated by events which may or will unfold over the next year or years, and unwilling to cop a large tax hit, why on earth would we get out now? Whatever the reaction to the next round of announcements, I think it would be fair to say that the financial fundamentals of a producing and expanding Uranium play (as PEN will be by 2012) have NOT been priced in to the current sp. Yes, JORC upgrades, etc, are necessarily speculative atm, but that's all part of the game. I'm pretty new to this whole thing, but I for one refused to be too concerned by short term fluctuations or drops. For investors, painful waiting and copping the odd battering for long term gain surely has to be part and parcel of the business. My opinion only.
HS, svengali et al, please keep up the good work - I don't care whether you guys are bullish or otherwise, I simply appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to provide others such as myself with detailed and reliable information. Cheers to all.
Thanks stevo...for the record and clarity I am very, very bullish.

Yes we received a salvo this morning, however I am not fased at all. Merely opportunities being thrown at me as far as I am concerned. Just to keep everyone happy I won't state any further than that

The bumpy ride I expected before we go back and over 11.5 is occurring, nothing more nothing less. Old holders saying goodbye and ST traders running in panic. All just IMO of course...

I haven't defrosted any pies yet, I don't believe they will be required. I see that the level I spoke of being 9.5 has come in with support, also no surprise as it is a clear technical support level , being noted as previous resistance. If that breaks, I may consider defrosting a pie...but I won't be doing so unless it breaks the next level at .09
Merely opportunities being thrown at me as far as I am concerned. Just to keep everyone happy I won't state any further than that

I agree... if I had another few spare $k I would be dipping in again for sure... I wish I wasn't a broke high school teacher!

Caught up in the excitement--eh!

tech /A

May I respectfully request you that you please do not get personal with any one. It is in the same way you don't like a message to be personal to you.
If you have any issue please send a PM and resolve out of the public communication platform.
I am a holder and saw PEN drifted down today. That is life of a volatile stock. But could not appreciate to see one ASF member is attacking or sending sarcasm to another fellow ASF member.

You might have seen already Purd2 has expressed his intention to shut up on PEN thread. If HS choses the same - do you realise who will be looser ? Neither HS nor Purd 2. They will still make their money on PEN and others. The loosers will be ASF forum, the PEN enthusiatics and some ignorants like ME.

We all are human and have our emotion. Pleae be critical on PEN performance or lack of it, quality of posting - No issue. But please do not direct salvo to any fellow member.

It is my request as I care for ASF and you and others here.

Thanks for your attention and helping to bring the fresh breadth on the forum and discuss PEN.


You have ------Gotta ------ be JOKING

Take the Duck out of your Crosshairs and get back to the topic.
If you have a problem with me then YOU private mail ME and take your beef out of the public forum!
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