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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I will stick to the valuations of recognised companies like Hartleys and Resource Capital Research.

Both much higher than your baseless and unsubstantiated comment that places PEN below NAV, let alone the value of Lance alone.[/url]

both of your sources are dated, 24 of sep, and 28 of oct. anything more up to date? my information is current.

Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates. Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitability increase, and when interest and inflation rates decrease.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Yes they are dated Sep and Oct 2010 respectively, PEN has improved substantially since then.

I will stick to recognised relevant valuations and peer comparisons and not your baseless statement.

"Current" you say? From who?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Yes they are dated Sep and Oct 2010 respectively, PEN has improved substantially since then.

so nothing up to date? we are discussing pen today, not pen of 2 months ago.

looks like it improved rite up till today.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

so nothing up to date? we are discussing pen today, not pen of 2 months ago.

looks like it improved rite up till today.


So far you have provided no analysis of why you think this is a 3c company apart from macro factors. If you do think it is overvalued then please share your analysis.

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals


So far you have provided no analysis of why you think this is a 3c company apart from macro factors. If you do think it is overvalued then please share your analysis.


Value is a measure of a stock's current worth. PEN has a current Value of 0.03 per share. Therefore, it is overvalued compared to its Price of 0.06 per share. Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates. Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitability increase, and when interest and inflation rates decrease.

Peninsula Minerals Pricing as of 22/11/2010

RV (Relative Value) 0.54
P/E (Price to Earnings Ratio) 999.99
RS (Relative Safety) 0.83
DIV (Dividend Paid) 0.00
RT (Relative Timing) 1.85
DY (Dividend Yield) 0.00
VST (VST Vector) 1.27
YSG (Yield Safety Growth Vector) 0.00
GRT (Growth Rate) 0.00
Sales (Yearly Sales - $ Millions) $0.00
EPS (Earnings Per Share) $0.00
Mkt Cap (Market Capitalization - $ Millions) $101.00
EY (Earnings Yield) -0.19
CI (Comfort Index) 0.58

the above is worked out on a closing price of 0.06, so at todays close it should even be lower than a value of 0.03.

hope that helps prawn.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Very good, even made to look like you worked it out. Of which of course you didn't now did perhaps you should quote your source hmmmm.

Also as you would no doubt be aware, valuation of speculative advanced explorers, is not the same as general market valuation of operating producing companies. So that valuation methodology is flawed purely on that basis alone.

Again I will stick to specific and relevant valuations and peer comparisons.

It will be good to put that up again in 2 years time and beyond though.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Enjoying the little chat.

Despite the little drop back today here is another for you...I have just highlighted a couple of snippets


Bullish Signals:

The Price to Book of 2.0 lower than average of 4.0 for the Materials sector and 2.6 for the Total Australian Market.

Bullish Signals:

The price soared 34.9% in the last month.
This has been propped up by robust volume of 2.9 times average for the month.

In the Australian market of 1,365 stocks and 66 units traded today, the stock has a 6-month relative strength of 88 which means it is beating 88% of the market.
The price to 50-day EMAP ratio is 1.2, a bullish indicator. In the past 50 days this ratio has exceeded 1.2 22 times suggesting further upside.

The stock is trading above both its MAPs and the 50-day MAP of 5.0c is higher than the 200-day MAP of 4.0c.

In the last three months the stock has hit a new 52-week high five times, pointing to an uptrend.

Bearish Signals:
The price dropped 4.9% in the last week.
This has been exacerbated by firm volume of 1.9 times average for the week.
Compared with the All Ordinaries index which fell 2.2% for the week, this represented a relative price decrease of 2.7% for the week.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Very good, even made to look like you worked it out. Of which of course you didn't now did perhaps you should quote your source hmmmm.

i never once stated that i worked it out, all i have done is make a post, not rude, not inflamatory, not baseless as you said. just an ordinary post and you are the one jumping to conclusions because what i post does not suit you.

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

i never once stated that i worked it out, all i have done is make a post, not rude, not inflamatory, not baseless as you said. just an ordinary post and you are the one jumping to conclusions because what i post does not suit you.

No you didn't but always nice to quote the source:

It was baseless until you provided what you did so all could see and make up their own minds as to relevancy. Also it suits me just fine, and will more so when as it becomes more relevant when PEN becomes a income earning producer in a little over 13 months time.

I will be quite happy just accumulating at every opportunity that crops up as and when I can afford to. Bounced nicely of that 5.7 support today, must hold but it is looking just fine
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

so nothing up to date? we are discussing pen today, not pen of 2 months ago.

looks like it improved rite up till today.

Dear Steelinoz

May I request if you please put restraint on your comments. It is a serious forum and Hangseng provides excellent value based comments in PEN and other stocks .

In my eyes I do value his opinion, analysis and conviction based on facts and figures. It is different that I do not have same level of astuteness and patience like him.

HS has been a regular contributor to PEN for long time . If you have something to contribute please do so. But please do not throw sweeping joke or comments before making any contribution.

It hurts the sentiment of the forum and spoils the fragrance.

Thanks for your understanding and solidarity to the fellow ASF participants.

Hangseng - please keep your usual cool and just regard some stray comments as a noise to a good electronic signal.

disclaimer - DNH any more PEN (regrettably)
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hi there miner, hope all is well with you and yours.

Some excellent buying opportunities appearing again today. I often complain about some day trading activity, however I should balance it by stating they provide the most extraordinarily excellent buys when they panic lol.

I simply rest easy and buy what I can of what they can't/won't hold. Those that understand "gaps" will see an outstanding opportunity right now. They normally get filled both ways

Lets just call it a "Buffet moment"
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I still can't see how you arrived at 3 cents a share as value, you have provided no calculations etc working it out. All you have done is copied your brokers analysis, which doesn't show this 'value' that you are on about.

If you want to contribute seriously to this forum i suggest you read the site rules and guidelines.

Any more off topic posts will be removed (that goes for all thread participants)

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Couldn't agree more - although with the air of doom and gloom pervading various parts of the world, perhaps another day or two may see even better opportunities?
I stumbled across this stock last night on the forum, have since read almost everything on the web about it (somewhat bleary eyed now!) and am incredibly excited...a remarkable opportunity, IMO. As has been mentioned, there's a huge flow of news expected in the next weeks/months - surely, macro factors aside, we are looking at a company with enormous potential
In for all I've got (spare!)
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

quite surprised to see gap down when i logged on today, but still holding and will continue to do so for the present due to PEN up comming announcements and overall prospects for this company. only my opinion of course.

instead of going further south be nice to see it breach that gap and head north. and with the fundamentals of PEN i can't see why that isn't possible. imo.:::
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Ok Steelo .... You've basically admitted to down ramping ... That probably won't wash around here

Doesn't worry me personally, but you aren't gona do yourself any favours as far as credibility goes ..... and unless you are a "big player" who is turning over a lot of stock, I don't actually see the purpose of your motive ??

Good luck with your holding anyway.
Big jump in price today, on the back on solid volume... perhaps an announcement in the wings? Hit 7.1c durin the first hours' trading... will be interesting to see what develops from here.
Big jump in price today, on the back on solid volume... perhaps an announcement in the wings? Hit 7.1c durin the first hours' trading... will be interesting to see what develops from here.

stevo there is no secret at all that PEN are about to announce the final mine permit submission and a resource upgrade. You could regard both as imminent due to the MD stating just recently on BRR and also at the AGM that this would occur as planned in Dec 2010.

Both of those are expected as a MINIMUM before the end of the year.

I shake my head that little to no interest has come in from ASF posters on PEN in the last year. It was obvious to blind freddy that PEN was going to be re-rated, and it has been...significantly already with more to come.

Gus has been on a roadshow in Sydney and Melbourne this past week with Shaws Stockbroking. I am also now expecting a report from Shaws.
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