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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

So you check with another company, they tell you results far worse than PEN's are sufficient for profit, and you run screaming?
As I've said several times, this isn't about PEN, it's about your risk tolerance level.

Z, I dont have a postion in PEN , I have stated this. So, risk it not of any concern to me. Why I would be running screaming is beyond me, but I guess the fear is actually in yourself, you need to deal with it not compare.

If this is not about PEN then why bother with your line of reasoning or maybe start a thread called "Risk tolerance"

I checked with another company, because that companys CEO was who PEN quoted from the article "Exploding the Myth : Pounds in the Ground" which in turn PEN then used and footnoted in their recent announcement concerning their core tests.

If you have a problem with this why dont you run screaming to the management of PEN and ask them why they used it and why they have taken note of such. I dont need to.

As for my spreading fear throughout the PEN community, get a grip. People can make their own informed decissions, or is this something that your afraid of because you didnt factor it into your own risk tolorance profile.

Trade your way, I dont real care how you trade as long as your happy.

All the best.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

What does any of that have to do with PEN? Make a specific argument. Irrational fear of the sky falling is not a very good reason for us to avoid investing in the company. Make a rational and specific argument or stop wasting your time here.

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Got a link to post but need five to post it.

Relates to Warrick Griggor's presentation at a Canary events seminar. Details the operations in South Africa, the states and also discuss's the Aussie investments.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

So I'll just post this once more and talk about how bullish I am on this stock especially considering the resource the directors all seem to know they are sitting on, plus the speech also outlines the potential for strategic alliances with Asian investors.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hi Pallen

A nice find, I have looked at it before.

Volume over the last few days 24th-30th (81mill traded 2.6-3.6) looks interesting .

As I said before time will tell.


Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

As I said before time will tell.



Yes it will tell, and the interest is beginning to show.

For those who have stated PEN should release the actual historic results, the answer is simple. It is not permitted to release other than Jorc compliant results. This data relates to well before Jorc compliance so it can't be reported.

That said it is clear now that PEN are fast tracking this process for Ross and then Barber. The speed with which the last drill results came out was great to see and I am expecting this to continue throughout the current drill program. Notable they are drilling outside the historic area to expand on the known data.

Yes, time will tell
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hey HangSeng or is it Dhuy now Im confused LOL.

You say they are fast tracking drilling wondering whats the reason behind this ?

Is it a cost related speed up or do they aim to suprise on the production side ?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hey HangSeng or is it Dhuy now Im confused LOL.

You say they are fast tracking drilling wondering whats the reason behind this ?

Is it a cost related speed up or do they aim to suprise on the production side ?

A little red herring perhaps Lucky_Country, I think you already know my feelings on that.

Pure specualtion, but I believe the latter.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

For those who have stated PEN should release the actual historic results, the answer is simple. It is not permitted to release other than Jorc compliant results. This data relates to well before Jorc compliance so it can't be reported.

Hi Dhuy... I know what you mean, but the phrasing was pretty strong. Different portions of the historical data have been announced 3 times that I'm aware of and WIM even based their initial target of 53-76 million pounds purely on the historical data as well.

You're absolutely correct that the historical data can't be used for JORC compliance though. To report a "measured" or "proven" resource, PEN must drill again as it's currently doing at a rapid pace. As you know it's hardly shooting in the dark!

Notable they are drilling outside the historic area to expand on the known data.

Anyone who's interested can see what HangSeng means by "expand" here:

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Great work "z-trader"

I really appreciate the obvious time and effort you have put into that. Thumbs up from me.

Excellent to see the buys coming in today and yesterday. It seems the pressure may be increasing as the fundamentals begin to show what actually is going on.

I trust the naysayers that have frequented here and elsewhere for so long will aslo eventually be fair minded enough to acknowledge how wrong they were.

I will post more in due course but for now time to enjoy the attention PEN is now obviously getting.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Seems like another ramp this time under the guise of new drilling information.
Just over a year ago + a couple of months a very similar chart pattern.
Churn it up.

A while back in one of your posts Hangseng you mentioned this

"The historical data equates in todays terms of around US$60M in drilling costs according to John Simpson, hardly what you would term "not much drilling". PEN DO NOT have to redrill that data to be acceptable for JORC, that is simply another misunderstood aspect generally by the market."

So now to be JORC compliant they cant rely on historical data, does that mean the $60mil of drill savings was BS.

I'm sure they have good uranium in the area, this is something we all agree on, but IMO they are fast tracking at such a rate is that they have still have do to do the hydrostatic testing which needs also to be done in order to apply for a licence for mining. So the recently raised capital will be used to drill a great many number of holes , probably atleast 200, then hydrostatic testing. I dont think the State of Wyoming will give a licence out for 11 holes drilled.

I'm sure all the naysayers are not against you but just puzzled as its being filled with hype and historical grades which dont amount to much but 11 holes.

You might want to take a copy of the post and report me to PEN's management.

Best of luck.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Luck won't be required.

There is no what you would like to term so eloquently as "BS" and "hype". That is merely more of your ongoing and erroneous innuendo in relation to PEN. You clearly haven't read past reports in detail and if you had you didn't comprehend them.

You will soon see what is panning out and how the historical data will be used. I no longer need to respond to your negativity. There will be far more and already has been more than 11 holes drilled. The historical drilling as it turns out (you should do some homework on this) equates to far more than the estimate that was given by Gus.

I do wonder a little about your personal agenda as to why you believe you see a need to save us all from ourselves.

I look forward very much to having another online chat to you in 2 years time. Until then I see no reason to respond to you any further. If there was such a thing as ignore on ASF, you would be my one and only.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

I dont think the State of Wyoming will give a licence out for 11 holes drilled.

How are we supposed to have any respect for you Jetblack when you clearly don't even know how many holes have been drilled? The holes are numbered!!!! The last hole was numbered RMR00032. Add to that the 4 test core holes and you get 36 holes drilled as of 4 Aug 2009.

Seriously Jetblack, it's pathetic. You're obviously totally unfamiliar with PEN, the drilling program, geology, and hydrogeology, yet you constantly feel the need to share your opinions. How can you build solid opinions on such a poor understanding of the fundamentals of the topic you're writing about?

The share price has risen 50% since the last time you shared your ignorance based opinion. Remember when you were criticising the test core results? The shares were trading around 3 cents then and you were telling us how bad the results were, yet as always seems to be the case with you, you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. You thought the data referred to 24 holes when it actually referred to 24 samples from 4 holes.

When is the penny going to drop Jetblack? It's clear what's happening here. You're making major errors in judgement because you're too lazy to do in depth research. I wonder how many hundreds of percent the shares will advance while you're still coming to grips with learning to count to 36, and how to read a table of data.

Based on the steady flow of errors from you, I see no reason to bother investigating any more of your ridiculous claims. Couple of weeks ago you were telling us CBM mining had taken all the water. Now you're implying permitting is a major obstacle. Nothing you say ever has any substance, and the market knows it (+50%).

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

z, you like to put the spin on things, as things arent going your way with the stock. I acknowledged my error regarding the the 4 holes previously, but still two of them were duds.

Wether its 11 holes or 36 drilled, makes really no difference PEN will still need to drill at least 10X that amount.

So as the facts stand

Historical results = No JORC
Historical results = No Hydrostatic Tests
Historical Results = No Licence
Historical Results = No Mine
Historical Results = No Asian investors ( LOL another guilded lily by management)

PEN have always been very broad in their information a bit like a horoscope encompasses all of mans activities in a day, they bound to get something right.

Right now they are drilling because they have to, they have raised about 11mil which wont see them through to production.

In the mean time there will be company stooges like Hangseng and rampers like yourself churning the words of management. And the stock price will be churned all over once again.

I'm not trying to save anyone, I'm just voicing my opinion, like it or lump it.

In 2 years time I cant wait.
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

z, you like to put the spin on things, as things arent going your way with the stock.

HUH? This is why I have zero respect for you. IT IS UP NEARLY 50%!!! How can you think things aren't going my way?

I acknowledged my error regarding the the 4 holes previously, but still two of them were duds.

It doesn't matter that you acknowledged your error. The point is that you make really basic mistakes all the time and you obviously aren't familiar with the company. In other words, your opinion is uninformed. Even though you don't even understand the data, you're telling us 2 holes were duds. All holes had great permeability and porosity, 1 hole had low mineralisation. That's fact. What you're doing is misinforming and downramping.

Wether its 11 holes or 36 drilled, makes really no difference PEN will still need to drill at least 10X that amount.

Firstly, you told us it was 200 holes in your last post, now you're saying it's greater than 360! Based on your previous mistakes, I'll just assume you didn't know what 36 x 10 was.

Some more maths lesson for you: 5.5 holes a week, 52 weeks... Oh, what a surprise, that equals 286 holes! It's almost like the company has planned to be in production by 2012. ;-)

PEN have always been very broad in their information a bit like a horoscope encompasses all of mans activities in a day, they bound to get something right.

You've shown time and time again a complete inability to comprehend the information released. It's not PEN misleading. It's you misinterpreting.

Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hit 6 cents during a run on Thursday, fallen off a little but closed over 5 cents at the weekend. It been moving up slowly for weeks
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Alot of trading and news coming from this company with little movement in price?
With $50million on offer, to get these guys into production, I think getting in around 5c is cheap. With it being in USA where they are desperate for work, you hope they can bring it under budget? What's not to like here?
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals


Environmentalists Admit Being Wrong for 40 Years - Shackles of Nuclear Power Being Removed

Greenpeace Founder Supports Nuclear Power
Burlington, Vermont - November 6, 2009

"A co-founder of the environmental activist group Greenpeace argued in favor of nuclear power during Vermont appearances Friday. To many environmentalists, Patrick Moore is a heretic. But Moore urged a classroom of students to think critically about environmental issues -- and not to dismiss nuclear power out of hand.

Moore addressed a class at Champlain College called the Scientific Revolution. He was a co-founder of Greenpeace, although according to many environmentalists he's been committing heresy. That's because Moore, who heads a consulting firm, challenges common assumptions of the environmental movement, including the linchpin assertion that most global warming is man-made."

Greenpeace founder: I was wrong about nuclear power
Re: PEN - Peninsula Minerals

Hi Hangseng

Thanks and hope you are well.

Great extracts and hopefully peace prevails on Green peace

Notwithstanding PEN is a nuclear hopeful but not sure if your post has some thing exclusive for PEN

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