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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Still hanging around 52 week low.
Could be a buy about now.
Notice the name on the collar @Garpal Gumnut ?

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Sound of drum roll trrrrrtnnn tump.

PEN is my pick in the September 2023.

Thanks rock @frugal.rock ,

This dog has been a bother to many chartists, fundamentalists and dog-lovers for many, many years.

They mine and spruik Uramium in a state next to in the top left hand corner of the USA. If this sounds vague it is meant to be as are announcements from the company and any meaningful profit and that contain words such as Lance, the company, in to the future, and the board.

A new generation of fools now jump upon this carcass which should ensure a good move up to 20c. which is a near 100% improvement and sufficient for a win in the competition nearing October.

A chart contains numerous signs wherein said fools could lose their daks.

Saw this risk warning in PEN's latest plans to restart uranium production (anticipated for late 2024).

This warning applies to an increasing number of companies that are sitting on significant resources.
An announcement from the pound.

Just in time for the beginning of the Competition.

I suspect that this gg chappie may be an inside dog and that his membership of ASF may be sponsored by the kennel.

PEN expects the trading halt to last until the earlier of an announcement being made regarding the capital raising and commencement of normal trading on Monday, 20 November 2023.
sitting at 12c
AFR reporting:
Peninsula Energy was preparing a $50 million cash call on Thursday morning.
I guess raising at .075 the drop was to be expected and could have been worse

Now they have the money lined up, its now or never ....

Management must have been under the pump to raise at 3 year lows and a bad VWAP though ... disappointing for SH's.

ps Lol at your scaredy-cat doggy @frugal.rock ..... Is his name Rocky btw ?
3rd pick in the 2024 comp.
I preferred LAM in this spot but they didn't have the required liquidity.

So PEN it is.

They are raising $60m to bring the Lance projects into production, so it is now or never for PEN.

The raise was at a disappointingly low price given the outlook for Uranium and even had some options thrown in.

In a nutshell, I'm expecting/hoping the rising tide of Uranium prices lifts all boats, and that the Russian supply issues gives PEN's US operations an extra lift.

Not my most confident of picks, more a sector pick.

Thanks h, Rock and barney.

I've been waiting for this little obscenity to be cheap enough for a punt. @houtman 's post could have been written, and probably was by me or a hundred other unfortunates anytime over the last twenty years.

What a joke. PEN again. I may even have a punt myself.

Don't do your own research. Dogs like PEN never stop taking money off mugs like me ... and you. I can hear the bugles, the dogs unleashed, and see the good Lady's a**e swinging in to the saddle. The Hunt is on. Just nobody fall off.

I was looking into uranium stocks PEN, PDN, BMN and alike.
This is PEN thread - so no distraction.
Today's high volume with further depression on price intrigued me to know what is next ?
Reading the announcement, the MD was bulish with high uranium price.
I am watching to know more.

The price prediction is most questionable on Commsec site, Best buy on one recommendaion. That is a joike

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