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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Once he consults his mate "Chalea" he probably will ROLOL....

A hilarious rinse and repeat of his posts.

Would you like to offer an explanation as to why PDN was down >10% today?
dengo-can throw your chart out into the rubbish bin??heheheeh!!

Maybe this time PEN is slowly climbing up the coconut tree plucking the 2 coconuts?

Maybe not :

SP bid sayonara to the uptrend today. RSI did same, along with it's center line.
MACD next...

Maybe best to ignore Drongo as he`s just after attention and getting plenty of it here lol
dengo like to seek attention for sure-talks like me is so damn good-come on PDN down bcos it is at play-bet you it will go up must be NQR not to notice it.
Would you like to offer an explanation as to why PDN was down >10% today?

Would you like to explain why PDN and ERA are up by 50% since May in a flat general market and a falling U spot price?
Maybe best to ignore Drongo as he`s just after attention and getting plenty of it here lol

no he can`t` cos his chart is blind like him.

This name calling and insulting others is immature, schoolyard behaviour. If I see it again, posts will be deleted and infractions issued.

Either discuss PEN or please refrain from posting.
Well 6 years after my purchase of PEN I have lost half my initial capital.
U308 now below $40 and nowhere near production...

Where to now ?
This has been one disappointing company..
Of course in the last 6 years I'd expect most small cap spec miners would have lost at least half their value?

However, from their 'Announcement' today, pretty pathetic they pat themselves on the back for this!:

Peninsula Energy Limited (Peninsula) is pleased to announce that, during the period 1 August
2012 to 1 August 2013, the Company’s top 20 shareholders have increased their combined
shareholding by 49%. This is an increase in excess of 400 million fully paid shares.
The top 20 shareholders now hold 41.18% of the Companies expanded capital, up 9 full
percentage points from the same time in 2012.
The Board and Executive acknowledge this very real vote of confidence in the Company’s
strategic direction and continue to advance the Lance Projects in Wyoming towards
production and the Karoo projects in South Africa up the development curve.

I lolled.

Its most likely that they just shut up while collecting their fat paychecks and let the share price die, during which time the rich holders picked up shares from unfortunate public shareholders...

Shares sure are cheap atm tho...
Go the greenies....change is coming.

Liquid fluoride thorium reactor technology. About a million advantages over conventional nuclear plants. Passive safety, doesn't require pressurised cooling, can be miniaturised (ie possibility powering cars).
I'd rather live next to one of these than live in Latrobe Valley or next to a liquid energy storage facility (benzene = known carcinogen).
Thorium 4x more abundant than Uranium. Doesn't produce stuff to make weapons, can be used to 'burn' up other waste. We have lots of Thorium and it's dirt cheap. Guess which country beginning with 'C' and rhymes with miner is developing it.
There was some life in PENOC today.

Akin to a little finger moving. Who knows where PEN will end up.


No arguments there boggo but it it still away off or the country beginning with C would not be building and planning so many nuclear reactors reliant on uranium.

Cant be bothered going through this one again to source references, but the technology although available comes at a price. It has actually been available for some time so why hasn't it advanced and replaced uranium plants? If I had access to a certain forum that has now buried the PEN thread, there was a lot of discussion on this very subject.

If it ever does come online in a big way, it is almost certainly going to wipe out the uranium industry. Is that likely to occur anytime soon? I will never say never, but from what I learnt last time this subject came up I will not be concerned in my planned entry/exit with PEN and a couple of other U stocks I have already entered. Perhaps not even in my time left on this earth.

But who really knows......anything can happen in this sector thats for certain.

I still believe the PEN sp is being messed with, so still on the sidelines for now.
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