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PEN - Peninsula Energy

you worry too much for us-we live for today and tomorrow

Yep, and the market also looks at today and about 12 months ahead and is telling us what it thinks of PEN, keeping it around a 4 year low.

Country Lad
you worry too much for us

I couldn't care less.

I have as much contempt for the recent 30+ cent fantasy target & your regurgitated spruiks as you would if I was posting meltdown pictures & the SP was 4c

4c, now there's a target to aim for...
I couldn't care less.

I have as much contempt for the recent 30+ cent fantasy target & your regurgitated spruiks as you would if I was posting meltdown pictures & the SP was 4c

4c, now there's a target to aim for...

you mentioned 2016-I see south Africa but you can`t so that`s not my problem.
I know you are concern for our investment,not many top guy like you around nowadays.
so why the rise today?

I can't see anymore reason than daytraders... and being oversold...

this typically leads to a retrace the following day, although technically speaking its excellent I suppose.
so why the rise today?

I can't see anymore reason than daytraders... and being oversold...

this typically leads to a retrace the following day, although technically speaking its excellent I suppose.

Big spike in volume too!!

I noticed BMN and BLR had big spikes in SP yesterday and we didn`t. Did we follow them or is there some interest in the Aquifer Exemption for Ross Permit Area ann?

Has PEN and the u3o8 prices bottomed? got me beat but good to see the volume up!
Dengo (close, but no cigar) or anyone else, pls tell me where I'm wrong:

1. Nuclear is FAR safer then fossil fuels (and even safer then wind turbine - google it)
2. Nuclear is cleaner than any reliable base load energy. And much as we all love alternative stuff, in this case won't be ready for base load for at least 10 years
3. Nuclear is cheaper than any energy per KwH
4. Japan will restart their reactors to capture 1, 2 & 3 once their regulators do what should have been done long ago as regards safeguards, e.g. 40 year old technology doesn't make sense, especially on a fault line...
5. Germany will continue to pay high prices for energy, including their purchases from French nuclear - they will pay while alternative energy is capable of providing base load
6. US as largest consumer of nuclear energy is committed to extending the use, even with shale gas
7. China, India and Russia are committed to mastering the technology with many plants under construction and others in design (check out the new U technologies). They want to improve safety, effectiveness, cost and assist (profit from) a host of other countries plugging into 1,2 & 3.
8. Nuclear will complement alternative fuels as they are developed (to be reliable and cost effective) and fossil fuels become unsustainable (for a number of reasons, refer 1, 2 & 3).
9. Global village used more uranium (and that is post Fuku) than what was produced in 2012
10. Megaton to megawatt program ceases end 2012
11. Uranium is emotional, poorly understood by many, especially in Australia (we export but don't use, go figure)
12. Switched on greens are recent converts, as 70's dinosaurs fade into the twilight. WIP... take a peek

So whether you're green, pragmatist or wanna make a buck - now's the time. U stocks are so undervalued it's ridiculous. Forget iron ore, coal, gold. Do some research, feel good and make some money at the same time. Proper research, not media scaremongering or what your parents did in the 70's. And if you're my age, as an old lefty, look objectively at the data and still respect what the good ole boys thought way back then (scary stuff the Cold War). You can start with the number of radioactive deaths from Fuku - zero last count vs thousands upon thousands every year from fossil fuels. And don't give me the "we don't know yet" BS. There's enough out there if you're truly objective IMO.
the indicator used makes a difference i reckon:

Not if it's irrelevant...

"Urax consists of the 10 largest global companies operating in the fields of uranium mining or processing"

LOL, sorry, I forgot, you lot think PEN will be a major producer 18 months ago
Not if it's irrelevant...

"Urax consists of the 10 largest global companies operating in the fields of uranium mining or processing"

LOL, sorry, I forgot, you lot think PEN will be a major producer 18 months ago

huh? i've only been on ASF for 12 months - how can you know what i was thinking 18 months ago?

i've been quite content continuing to accumulate during the delay so i'm more than ok.

in any event, i know that they will get the SML in december, there's a chance that the hearing will be dismissed, and i know they will be a producer - what do you know?
Now that the media driven hysteria has evaporated and some sane heads have taken time to study what the effects of Fukushima have been.

Japan's radiation disaster toll: none dead, none sick

Heard much about Fukushima lately? You know, the disaster that spread deadly contamination across Japan and spelt the end for the nuclear industry.

You should have, because recent authoritative reports have reached a remarkable conclusion about a supposedly "deadly" disaster. No one died, nor is likely to die, according to the most comprehensive assessments since the Fukushima nuclear plant was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

The accident competed for media space with the deaths of nearly 20,000 people in the magnitude 9.0 quake – 1000 times worse than the Christchurch quake – and tsunami, which wholly or partly destroyed more than a million buildings......................................................................................................................................................................................Now the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation has drawn on 80 scientists from 18 countries to produce a draft report that concludes: "Radiation exposure following the nuclear accident at Fukushima-Daiichi did not cause any immediate health effects. It is unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among the general public and the vast majority of workers."............................................................................................................................

Japan struggled without 30 per cent of its generating capacity for almost two years before electing pro-nuclear Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in December. About 50 reactors are expected to restart within a year. Worldwide, more than 60 plants are being built and 300 are in the licensing process, the strongest growth since the 1970s.

Fukushima was serious, but it was not the end of the debate about nuclear power, nor should it be. And it's hardly an informed debate when the good news about smaller health impacts than anyone dared expect is so widely neglected.

John Watson is a senior writer.
huh? i've only been on ASF for 12 months - how can you know what i was thinking 18 months ago?

You were a ramper elsewhere before you started here.

I'm certain you salivated upon reading this gem...

15 February 2011
"Peninsula Energy Limited (Peninsula) is pleased to announce that it has today signed a long term sale agreement to supply 1,150,000 lbs of uranium oxide (U3O8) produced from the Lance Projects in Wyoming USA (Lance Projects).
Production is targeted to commence at the Lance Projects in 2012 and build to 1,500,000 lbs U3O8 per year (with a plant capacity of 3,000,000 lbs U3O8 per year)."
Dengo, as much as you point fingers about ramping, you yourself are hardly the impartial adjudicator, telling all who might listen how grim the U industry is, what a load of bollocks PEN is as a company etc etc.

It won't be that long before you and yours will be eating humble pie.....that is if you're big enough to stick around after you have to eat your words. All IHMO of course, but unless your vision is impaired enough so as to prevent you from seeing beyond the 6-12 month frame, you couldn't possibly continue to believe the nonsense you write here.

dengo aka hc orphan aka vintage???

mate there's a BIG difference between a ramper and a positive long term holder. rampers get in, ramp, sell - i've been in, accumulating and waiting. if you know me, like you state, you'd know that. as i've been saying for a long time, i've been waiting for this co to come to fruition, sure it's taken longer than first anticipated but in that time i've increased my holdings many fold and the SML is less than 6 months away - FACT.

if it pays off i'll be laughing, if not, what is it to you? besides, i also make pretty good coin from my day job and any losses here can be written off against gains there - win, win for me.
if it pays off i'll be laughing, if not, what is it to you? besides, i also make pretty good coin from my day job and any losses here can be written off against gains there - win, win for me.

Thats a bit funny - but more sad really.

Besides you cannot claim capital losses against income. If your investing you will not be classed as a trader and cannot use the L in your P & L.

But hey its your money.
Thats a bit funny - but more sad really.

Besides you cannot claim capital losses against income. If your investing you will not be classed as a trader and cannot use the L in your P & L.

But hey its your money.

income is income not investment.

oops, don't tell the ATO but that's what i've been doing investment gains negating investment losses - thank you DIY tax return.

from the ATO website:

"For most CGT events, you have made:
a capital gain if the amount of money and property you received, or were entitled to receive, from the CGT event was more than the cost base of your asset; you may then have to pay tax on your capital gain
a capital loss if the amount of money and property you received, or were entitled to receive, from the CGT event was less than the reduced cost base of your asset."

besides, there's not really much need for a write off needed if i don't intend on making a loss and i don't intend to sell until i've made some money.

still win, win.
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