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PEN - Peninsula Energy

Big week for Julius Malema coming up...

Big week for Julius Malema coming up...

"...Julius Malema, the fiery and powerful leader of the African National Congress party's youth league, may have gone too far when he said he also would work to overthrow the president of neighboring Botswana.

Malema is now appearing before an ongoing party disciplinary committee on charges of violating the party constitution, bringing the ANC into disrepute and sowing division in its ranks."


Two sides to every coin Chalea.

Did you read the whole article Ubershrewd?

"In a recent interview, Zuma told The Star newspaper that he does not think Malema should be expelled from the ANC.
"The job of the ANC is to help Malema, to mold him into a dynamic, good leader," the president said.
Only if that failed, Zuma said, should one ask: "What do we do with him?""

IMO there'll be anarchy if he's kicked out of the ANC...

"In news from South Africa, last week’s riots in front of ANC headquarters in Johannesburg are fueling many questions, many fears. ANC Youth League leader, the ultra controversial Julius Malema, obviously has the ear of millions of South Africans. For the current administration in Cape Town, the days to come appear crucial.

...When ANC leader Kenny Maphatsoe uttered his condemnation of rioters, calling their actions the “seeds of civil war” – well, the end of that sentence is clear..."


Regarding 'The Huffington Post', it seems the Fukushima catastrophe is bringing American celebrities out of the woodwork against nuclear power...
(Peninsula Energy Limited (PEN) is an ASX listed mineral exploration company with Uranium projects located in Wyoming USA, South Africa and Western Australia)

"The Big Lie of "Clean" Nuclear - Fascinating and heartbreaking how the Japanese civilian population, once again, has been called upon to teach us a harsh lesson about nuclear energy...

...I had written two pieces deconstructing the bizarre claims of the nuclear power industry. The incessant lie that nuclear is clean power, forever discounting the filthy and contaminating processes that mine, refine and enrich fissionable material for utility reactors.

Although we must never set aside other factors such as vulnerability to terrorism and the lingering and unsolved issue of waste disposal, the Big Lie regarding "clean nuke" hype seems to trouble me most. You can't get many Americans to view a wind farm as a sign of our investment in a clean, safe energy future, but they seem to roll over and let the nuke industry do as they please, even in the wake of Fukushima...

...Nukes are a similar bet. And there is no "protection" you can put on to save you. Fukushima shows us that utility companies reap all of the benefits, while we assume all of the risks."


You'd be in the RED now or very close to it by my calcs

Hello tech/a

With respect, have your views changed since the post below and if so, 'where to from here'?


tech/a;647264 22nd-July-2011 01:57 PM said:
If you have bought (Or bought more) at 6.5-7.3c as indicated in the technical signal at post#1544 then who cares just sit and forget.

"Some, including Zuma, have suggested Malema has the makings of a future president. But when his name was put up last year on a party list for national legislators, Malema turned it down, saying he might consider it in another 10 years."

From the sound of that he will be waiting a while.

Since I don't want to feel like a broken record, as some in here must surely feel, I'll c/p a piece I wrote for another forum. I still feel the same.

"'a royal beating'
Understatement imo. I cannot wait for this to be over. This has been a PUBLIC EXECUTION by the media; absolutely disgraceful. Forget the gargantuan wall of water that destroyed half the coast, no no, it was the Fukushima nuclear reactor. How many lives did the tsunami claim? 25000. How many lives were lost to radiation exposure? 0. It's an insult to the poor people involved when reporters don't have the decency to set aside their preposterous crap and continue to instill fear. I'm about to build myself up to an ALL CAPS RAGE.

"Amazingly, despite the devastation of the site, there have been no radiation-related deaths at Fukushima so far, and only two workers have been hospitalised as a precaution.

The only people to have perished at Fukushima were a man who became trapped in the console of a crane during the earthquake and two who were swept away by the tsunami. The entire toll from the earthquake, remember, is estimated at about 25,000.""

You're missing the point Ubershrewd...:nono::nono::nono:

He and millions of others wants the mines nationalised!..
He doesn't want/need to be President...

"A SENIOR South African government adviser says investor worries about nationalisation of the mining industry are justified.

Sandile Noxgina, a former director-general of mines and now adviser to Mines Minister Susan Shabangu, said it would take almost a year for the African National Congress government to decide on nationalisation.

Some have played down talk of nationalisation, which is supported by the hardline ANC Youth League, but Mr Noxgina disagrees.

The concern "is justified", he said yesterday at the Africa Downunder mining conference in Perth."

How many lives were lost to radiation exposure? 0.

So far...come back in 5,10,20 years! Remember Hiroshima?

"Fukushima radioactive caesium leaks ‘equal 168 Hiroshimas’

...This means that “radioactive events” usually do not initially kill people. But some of those particles do indeed land in the wrong place at the wrong time, and subsequently can cause cancer or birth defects in human beings.

...Both the Japanese and US governments have told citizens “not to worry,” because there is supposedly no IMMEDIATE danger of the Fukushima radioactive fallout. This false assurance combined with the five months that have passed since Fukushima means that the average world citizen has forgotten all about the potential effects of the catastrophe.

However, the amount of radiation Fukushima has released into the Northern Hemisphere is not something to be written off, and it must be taken seriously."



I bet we have 10 times more people die or have their quality of life affected by air polution in sydney over the next 12 months than will be affected by fukushima leaks in the next 30years.
I bet we have 10 times more people die or have their quality of life affected by air polution in sydney over the next 12 months than will be affected by fukushima leaks in the next 30years.

At least we can live in our homes...

"Over 100,000 Fukushima Prefecture residents can't return to hometowns"

"Fukushima radioactive caesium leaks ‘equal 168 Hiroshimas’


the characteristics of caesium makes it not overly bad as far as radioactive sources go,

1 , firstly there was hardly any released.
2 , It is water soluable, so it will become more and more dilute.
3 , any amount that is some how ingested will not accumulate in any one area of the body and it will be readily passed within hours.

the iodine compound that also had a small release is worse, However it has a very short half life and would already be so weak it would not be even detectable any more.
At least we can live in our homes...

"Over 100,000 Fukushima Prefecture residents can't return to hometowns"


yes we can, But only because we don't care about exposing ourselves to a toxic gas that kills 1000 people each year in sydney.

what the difference between cancer causing toxic gas and cancer causing radiation, except for the fact the radiation word inspires fear,

If your worried about radiation from nuclear plants, you should be more worried about air polution and sunlight, because those 2 are much bigger killers.
it never ceases to amaze me,

People will live in and around Coal fired power plants that spew tonnes of cancer causing gas and coal dust from surrounding coal mining and crushing operations and they don't complain.

Mention a nuclear plant though and it just seems to inspire fear, regardless of the facts.
the characteristics of caesium makes it not overly bad as far as radioactive sources go

Still rather be in Sydney...

"Eerie echoes of Chernobyl: Inside Fukushima's nuclear ghost town abandoned by people fleeing the fallout"


Any thoughts on PEN's chart?
Mention a nuclear plant though and it just seems to inspire fear, regardless of the facts.

Heard of thorium?

"What if we could build a nuclear reactor that offered no possibility of a meltdown, generated its power inexpensively, created no weapons-grade by-products, and burnt up existing high-level waste as well as old nuclear weapon stockpiles? And what if the waste produced by such a reactor was radioactive for a mere few hundred years rather than tens of thousands? It may sound too good to be true, but such a reactor is indeed possible, and a number of teams around the world are now working to make it a reality. What makes this incredible reactor so different is its fuel source: thorium."

Still rather be in Sydney...

"Eerie echoes of Chernobyl: Inside Fukushima's nuclear ghost town abandoned by people fleeing the fallout"


Any thoughts on PEN's chart?

So would most people, it does defy logic though.

So far the biggest concentration of cesium found in only six times the legal limit to be present in food for human consumption.

And that would have already been diluted close to back ground levels by now.

Six times the legal limit is nothing, you could be exposed to that for a year and it wouldn't have an effect,

That's all well and good,

But why fear munger people about a technology that is so safe, when there is an elephant in the room that will cause disease and early death in 25 out of every 1000 people that live in Sydney, and that's not if some worst case 1 in a million disaster happens, that just if everything runs smoothly year in year out.

Amazing how there was this leak of radiation without a containment vessel breach...fallout without an actual substantial fallout producing event.
But why fear munger people about a technology that is so safe...


"Solar Flare Could Unleash Nuclear Holocaust Across Planet Earth, Forcing Hundreds of Nuclear Power Plants Into Total Meltdowns

...By relying on nuclear power, we are risking everything. And we're doing it blindly, with no real acknowledgement of the dangers of running 700+ nuclear facilities in a constant state of "near meltdown" while foolishly relying on the steady flow of electricity to keep the fuel rods cool. If Fukushima, all by itself, could unleash a tidal wave of deadly radiation all by itself, imagine a world where hundreds of nuclear facilities go into a total meltdown simultaneously."

Indeed, this graph is always a good visualization:

That's a good chart, certainly puts things in perspective.

Another interesting fact, 1 pack of cigarettes has more radio active material inside than the alleged contaminated meat that made headlines around the world. ( yes, both cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain radio active polonium which is a natural element that is absorbed and accumulated by the tabacco plant from the soil)
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