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Peak Debt = Peak Capitalism?

Re Chicken Little.

The sky might not fall, but things like stock markets, currencies, nations/governments... even civilizations periodically do.

IOW, Chicken Little is a false analogy.
So says the Central Bankers bank, the[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Bank of International Settlements.

The next phase has begun - hung parliaments - as the populace can't decide on who will save them. The UK, Germany, Philippines and possibly even Aus with Rudd Co now 50/50 with the alternatives.

Crikey Moses!

The S&P500 futures likes it. Up 3.6%.

Guesses for where the index will end today's session and what it will mean ?
Crikey Moses!

The S&P500 futures likes it. Up 3.6%.

Guesses for where the index will end today's session and what it will mean ?

Investors have been deluded into liking pseudo Keynesian bailouts... or should I say punters?
Watch out Chicken little!

It's coming from the other direction! :
Crikey Moses!

The S&P500 futures likes it. Up 3.6%.

Guesses for where the index will end today's session and what it will mean ?

Have no idea but one thing's for sure, it's getting pretty exciting.

at last
TOKYO (MarketWatch) - Japan's central bank joined five major global counterparts Monday in reopening temporary U.S. dollar-liquidity swap facilities as part of coordinated global central-bank efforts to maintain normal money-market function.

Crank up the 'copters Benny, another $US1TRILLION please .
The Sara Lee Debt cake - layer apon layer apon layer..........
Or the Sovereign debt chocolate wheel - where it stops nobody knows.....
Or the no doc central bank bailout - print some more IOU's......
Promise of $1trillion dollars to support Greece et al and hold the Euro. The cavalary has arrived in the nick of time and all the punters can jump back into the market secure in the knowledge that we will have peace in our time, a chicken in every pot and a perpetual rise in national living standards.

I think I'll believe it when in 6 months Greece, Italy, England, Spain, Portugal USA , in fact all the debtor countries, start demonstrating a reversal of debt expansion - and somehow still manage to keep the economies alive. Otherwise it will just be the last big bang before the inevitable bigger bust.

Just don't really want to think what that sort of bust could look like.
Just don't really want to think what that sort of bust could look like.

Maybe we will see the trees basilio, ar huh ""Idea"" the seppos could start with jungling Detroit maybe.
If a measure of peak debt is when the government debt to GDP ratio goes above 1, then we have post peak debt right now.

And we have the US pointing the fiscal finger at the Euro zone with a 'get your house in order' frown, when the US is in a worse condition already?

The real state of the global financial system is actually several times worse, because the chart does not include unfunded off balance sheet items!

Chart source - Now & Futures


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Ugly set of figures isn't it Uncle !! Just can't see how it can have a happy ending no matter which way we massage the figures. There will have to be truly monumental change in accounting and reality to keep most of us smiling as this play unwinds.

Incidentally if/when we have a significant recession/depression then the debt to GDP ratio will climb even higher as GDP falls


That is a fascinating series of charts you have linked to . Thanks
I've just spent some time on the World of Possible Futures website that Festivus used as a reference for his recent post. Quite fascinating. In considering where the current financial crisis might take us it's worth looking at what happened during the 1930's depression as debt was unwound around the world.

But, apparently we are much smarter and tech savvy now. We've had years more experience since then. Those poor old timers were sucker dummies, eh?

We New Agers are better educated and know better than to be fooled like that.

Thnak god for modern civilization and it's endless benefits & resources. We are The Gods Of Debt!

Bring it on....

This 11 minute video is interesting. For those interested in economics take a look. The academics final point about who to vote for is very amusing. Enjoy

10 years ago things were looking like the peak, money printing dropping rates worked back then so kick the can down the road.

Here we are 21/22 things looking like heading into the peak, but this time rates are more likely going up then down, printing is stopping.

Is there a way out this time?
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