Below is an extract from a company report.. it is not a mining company , it is a utility company all I can fault it is that it has extremely high debt ratio but i cant work out where the dividends are coming from
1.04 Earnings (cents) .9 1.9
1.60 Dividends (cents) 17.3 18.0
-- Franking (%)
-- Capital Spending
0.60 Book value
1,009 Shares outstanding (m)
-- Avg annual PE ratio (%)
-- Relative P/E (%)
-- Total Return (%)
-- +/- Market (%)
-- +/- Sector (%)
-- Revenues ($ million)
-- Operating Margin (%)
-- Depreciation ($ million)
-- Amortisation ($ million)
11 Net Profit Before Abnormals ($ million)
11 Net Profit ($ million)
14.9 Income Tax Rate (%)
-- Net Profit Margin (%)
-- Employees (thousands)
1,655 Long Term Debt ($ million)
608 Shareholders Equity ($ million)
5.72 Return on Capital (%)
1.73 Return on Equity (%)
154 Payout Ratio (%)
semper ubi sub ubi