Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Oz Gitmo refusal? Think again!

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
My feelings on Islamic Terrorists are known to frequent posters on ASF. Murdering suicidal men who impress their godbothering hateful violence on an innocent world.

However the Guantanamo Bay Detainees could be resettled in a number of Australian Locations.

1. Lakemba , close to their worship centres and the AFP/ASIO double agents.

2. Nimbin , where they could be further tortured by reality deprivation, Global Warming meetings and continual karma.

3. Gympie where they could be watched 24/7 by the local One Nation populace without the need for expensive surveillance by the authorities.

I believe the inmates the Americans are having problems resettling are mostly Chinese,
from a far western part of china that prob shouldn't actually be china...much like Tibet.

The Yanks cant send them home cos that would violate there human rights, :rolleyes:
as the Chinese authority's will imprison them as political prisoners. :rolleyes:
Maybe they should be sent to Clownsville where GG can keep an eye on them (might keep him from posting so much drivel on this forum).
Maybe they should be sent to Clownsville where GG can keep an eye on them (might keep him from posting so much drivel on this forum).
Now there's a thought. What do you think GG? What a great chance for you to inculcate some genuine Garpalvalues into these creatures.
A magnificent opportunity for you to do your bit for the country and nurture our relationship with the mighty USA.
The government might even create a special title for you out of gratitude.
Maybe they should be sent to Clownsville where GG can keep an eye on them (might keep him from posting so much drivel on this forum).

Strap AK47s to their back and parachute them back into the Afghan warzone.

Now there's a thought. What do you think GG? What a great chance for you to inculcate some genuine Garpalvalues into these creatures.
A magnificent opportunity for you to do your bit for the country and nurture our relationship with the mighty USA.
The government might even create a special title for you out of gratitude.

Thank you Julia and numbercruncher and your comments are noted cfish.

Some garpalvalues would do these fellows much good.

Rise early.
No worshipping on fridays , saturdays or sundays.
Go to bed late.
Attend philosophical meetings aided by alcohol at The Great Northern and Ross Island Hotels. The latter would go down well as it is frequented by men with long hair, beards and bandanas not unlike those at Gitmo.

Get them to join our local golf club, at Lavarack Barracks, the largest Australian Army concentration in the nation.

Parachuting in there with an AK47 wrong way up their coits might be the safest way for them to get out alive.

I never have asked any girls in this heaven that is Townsville if they are virgins. I'm a gentleman, so they would have to find their own way on that one.

Is there a chance their Orange Boiler suits could start a fashion run and they could get lost in the crowd?
Is this another form of bailout?
Sad things are so good in Saint killer Her we could send them there as FHO.
I read were Mumhomo Ali Azi AKA some bloke decide his son was so precious he told his son to be a Suicide bomber and kill 2 Jewish army personal.
Attend philosophical meetings aided by alcohol at The Great Northern and Ross Island Hotels. The latter would go down well as it is frequented by men with long hair, beards and bandanas not unlike those at Gitmo.

Bet you'd meet all sorts of renegades in that place (the rebellious kind).
Maybe they should be sent to Clownsville where GG can keep an eye on them (might keep him from posting so much drivel on this forum).

To have GG missing from the forum would be a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, rarely agree but I do get where Garpal is coming from, find GG's humor top notch unfortunately talent lost on poor old ZacW over on the Corby thread.

BTW is that the same Tingtong that married Singsong had a son Dingdong Smith.
To have GG missing from the forum would be a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, rarely agree but I do get where Garpal is coming from, find GG's humor top notch unfortunately talent lost on poor old ZacW over on the Corby thread.

BTW is that the same Tingtong that married Singsong had a son Dingdong Smith.
Agree about GG's humour. Often has me laughing out loud.
To have GG missing from the forum would be a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, rarely agree but I do get where Garpal is coming from, find GG's humor top notch unfortunately talent lost on poor old ZacW over on the Corby thread.

I'm assuming that GG - who has a capacity to dish it out fairly liberally - is thick skinned enough to take my comments in reasonably good humour.

I do get exasperated at times at the number and type of threads he starts, but its also pretty obvious that stirring the pot is something he enjoys. Keeps us occupied I guess. :rolleyes::)
I cannot see how we can refuse Mr.Obama's reasonable request to take some of these fellows when we have already taken Mr.Habib and Mr.Hicks back into Australia.

There must be some suburbs in Australia apart from those mentioned above which would be suitable places for these chaps to be settled.

Something makes me think that decision was made already.

Now public opinion is massaged, so we get to accept the idea that it has to happen in early Obama09.
Perhaps parachute them into the local biker gang enclave (Bandidos, God's Garbage, Comancheros, Rebels, Gysey Jokers....... anyone will do). They will probably fit is well with the beards, mullets, and attitude. Probably need to toe the line though with this mob or they might get a cuttlefish :D shoved up their Kyber.
I see Kev07 has been leant on by his Chinese mates to deny these Gitmo felons a visa to live in Australia.

I've spoken to my mates at the Ross Island Hotel and they would be happy to have the Urghars stay with them and help them assimilate into Australia.

There are 2 preconditions.

They cannot wear their colours

They cannot drink South Australian beer.
(as if anyone apart from a South Australian can)

Return these Urghars to China so they can face real justice, gitmo was a holiday camp - the extreme left wingers will regret its closure ....