The difference is if the bank lent out the ten from 1 then had the ten deposited to them they would then be able to lend out 100 if this was redeposited the 1000 and so on they would have no limit and be lending money they dont have collecting the full interest and principle instead of the spread and would have no cost of funding issues and no counterparty risk on default there is huge difference. i dont see why people have such an issue with the banks having full utility or whatever the fraction is on the money they are paying for the privelage of everyone else does. do you see the differencr now you confusing deposits with reserve and creation with velocity. no one is creating anything. you cant lend money you dont have!
The point is the bank can't lend against the 10.. It has already lent against the 1 to create about 9 (1x 0.9x 0.81 etc) but only if depositors (who got the money from the person who borrowed from the bank in the first place) keep banking the reducing value.. If the money gets kept under the mattress at home (rather than going back into the bank) then there is a problem as the banks can't source the funds to make other transactions (lending, paying other depositors who want their money)..
The trouble with the Greek/Spanish etc etc is that the assets held (to represent the $1 they hold to create additional lending) have hit the wall and aren't worth $1 anymore.. That is why the ECB (I believe) is swapping these toxic assets for government bonds with the banks so that they can continue to function..