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Own vs. owed

that movie is the biggest load of bs but i was guessing thats where you were parrotting your information from. the twisting of a simple truth. You need to run the numbers over a real bank and see if what your saying is true bank would making alot more than they do, the math just doesnt add up. the biggest hint ive given you is cost of funding.
Some more key words to help you find where the truth was twisted "money supply" and "types of money"
Anytime you want to actually mount a coherent argument would be fine. Until then, feel free to continue derping and herping.

While scm sits at home with his few bars of gold that are currently in the red dreaming of the financial systems demise and a return to the gold standard "the one true currency" the rest of us are bussy expanding our worth. hang in there buddy youll show them.....worked out why the grapes are sour yet???

Alot of folks in general seem to think an ordinary paid job + investing = automatic wealth

It doesn't? This was my plan! I thought I could use passive income from shares to supplement my wages and I'd be smarter than the average bear...but I am wrong?!?!
Cold hard cash represents less than 10% of the total money supply.

Care to explain where the other 90% came from if it was not created out of thin air???

Try not to confuse circulation with creation for what its worth cash is not the only base currency but this is not my answer to your question. its all there run the numbers creating money out of thin air wont add up. for every credit there must be a debt net result 0. My apologies to the thread starter for the thread drift seems everyone these days learned about money from that video the dr google phenomenom i guess.

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but here's the FRACTIONAL RESERVE SYSTEM as I understand it reducing it to simple math to illustrate the principle:

youve got ONE banker.

you have TEN customers.

Each customer has ONE dollar.

Therefore there are TEN dollars in circulation to start with.

For EACH dollar a customer deposits in the bank, under the FRACTIONAL RESERVE system, the banker can loan out TEN MORE dollars to other customers.

Now, when the banker loans these "dollars", it is not in the form of CASH. It's all numbers and ledgers. So as long as hard cash withdrawals never exceed a certain level,
no one, except the banker, will be the wiser. Now add to this, each loan is to paid back with interest, lets say 10%. So...where's all these other dollars coming from??? Get it??? pure ponzi scam. Banking....biggest game in town:holysheep:
True and the banksters hope ever customers doesn't want their money back like Italy, Spain, Greece and France do now at the same time.

Like driving to Perth from Sydney with 1 tank of fuel and watching the fuel gauge.
No with frb the bank can only loan 90c in the dollar with 10c going in reserve if that 90c gets redeposited the bank can lend 81c and so on if no more deposits are made or funds raised the bank is done lending big difference. you cant lend money you dont have
True and the banksters hope ever customers doesn't want their money back like Italy, Spain, Greece and France do now at the same time.

Like driving to Perth from Sydney with 1 tank of fuel and watching the fuel gauge.

You make it sound like the money doesnt exist if the banks call in all loans they will have enough to pay all deposits its all accounted for there is no conspiracy
whats your solution, Full reserve??
Answer a question with a question how do you know the bank are well funded if in USA the banks need bailouts and home owners are under water where are the banks assets.
Why do all the Feds in all countries prop up banks at any cost,how can banks be well funded when in Spain and other places there are thousand s of vacant properties rotting away they have become a liability, the best thing that can happen is the too big to fail banks should.
Until we have regulators regulating and banks broken up to smaller banks, proper open accounting nothing will change.
Other than the the price of PM's

The Greek , Spanish banks etc are the first of along list to go down.

If you keep adding that up you'll end up with $10.

Hence $1 just produced $10 in circulation.
If you keep adding that up you'll end up with $10.

Hence $1 just produced $10 in circulation.

The difference is if the bank lent out the ten from 1 then had the ten deposited to them they would then be able to lend out 100 if this was redeposited the 1000 and so on they would have no limit and be lending money they dont have collecting the full interest and principle instead of the spread and would have no cost of funding issues and no counterparty risk on default there is huge difference. i dont see why people have such an issue with the banks having full utility or whatever the fraction is on the money they are paying for the privelage of everyone else does. do you see the differencr now you confusing deposits with reserve and creation with velocity. no one is creating anything. you cant lend money you dont have!
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