I knew the donation rate in Australia was low but was taken aback to learn that it's a mere 14.9 people per million of population!
That's just incredibly low.
Not just incredibly LOW, Julia,
I'd say the figure is incredible - full stop.
Let's see, there's about 22M Australians, that would mean only 330 donors? Surely, Auntie got her facts garbled - unlikely as it seems (NOT!)
Maybe they referred to organ transplants per month or year maybe? As an annual figure, that would still seem low, but maybe it only includes "major" transplants.
fwiw, I have the impression that the administration of voluntary donors is in a big mess. Initially, there was a Donor Register under the care of - I think it was the Lions' Eye Institute, and they only asked for corneas. So, we registered and got a card to stick next to our drivers license, just in case. Then another mob asked us to register for kidneys, I believe it was. Then there were still more boxes to tick, including tissue for medical research - I remember ticking them all, adding they could use my carcass for anything that assisted advancement of medicine - except to let my brain die unexperimented.
Then came the tick on the drivers license itself - seemingly superseding earlier registrations and requests. Has it? What's the legal status now? And who decides what's going to happen?
About two years ago, my wife and I took matters one step further and donated our bodies to the Medical Faculty at UWA. We asked our GPs to place a note to that effect on their medical records; we also carry - yet another - laminated card with pertinent instructions next to our drivers licenses. And we hope that, in that small fashion, we can contribute to med students' training and education. Seems a far better and useful arrangement than the indignity of being wasted as worm food.
And had the teachers of Old, whom Dannyboy mentioned, known what today's medical science is capable of, I'm sure they would have issued a commandment "Thou shalt not let thy carcass go to waste."
If they were really as omniscient and benevolent as their followers claim they were -
Why didn't they foresee today's need and leave clear instructions even so?