Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ORA - Orora Limited

27 June 2010
Orora Limited (ORA) was formed from the restructure of Amcor Limited (AMC), involving the separation of the Orora Business from Amcor's remaining businesses (being Flexibles and Rigid Plastics) into two separate entities.

The result of the Demerger will be that Orora Limited will become an independent newly listed entity on ASX. All of the other existing businesses will continue to operate within the existing Amcor entity listed on ASX.
What a top trending stock this one has been over the years. Now consolidating above recent highs, posturing for another leg higher. Another spin off/demerger success story.

What a top trending stock this one has been over the years. Now consolidating above recent highs, posturing for another leg higher. Another spin off/demerger success story.

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Orora still kicking goals, much more of a slow burner than some of the other runners on the ASX atm but hasn't had any sign. Bennelong recently took a $220m stake of this company.

Orora back to November 2016 prices after being hammered today following the release of their FY19 financials.

A quick read of the results seems to indicate that the cost of manufacturing in Australia is becoming more costly and margins are being squeezed as a result; and a weaker Australian dollar, margin pressures and "tough trading conditions" were responsible for the under-performance of their US businesses.

Current Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Nigel Garrard is retiring effective 30 September 2019.

It doesn't look like things are going to turn around anytime soon for ORA and it has been punished by the market today as a result, currently down 15.3% to $2.71.
Orora back to November 2016 prices after being hammered today following the release of their FY19 financials.

A quick read of the results seems to indicate that the cost of manufacturing in Australia is becoming more costly and margins are being squeezed as a result; and a weaker Australian dollar, margin pressures and "tough trading conditions" were responsible for the under-performance of their US businesses.

Current Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Nigel Garrard is retiring effective 30 September 2019.

It doesn't look like things are going to turn around anytime soon for ORA and it has been punished by the market today as a result, currently down 15.3% to $2.71.

This is a stock I've been following for a while but never owned. I'm not really into packaging from an environmental point of view. Also, traditionally this type of business would be seen as "defensive", but what use is that to my investing style (none!). I;m not a fund manager.

I haven't read their report so I am going from your account. How are manufacturing costs in Australia outstripping other countries? Is it because we haven't had a serious energy and climate change policy or governance far too long now? I'm guessing it's energy. What else could it be?
And yet another stock where the results were released at 8:23 am (at best 13 minutes after the open) and the opening price was down 29¢ from yesterdays close....what amazing foresight!
I purchased ORA a couple of weeks ago due to it coming up in my weekly CAM scan and todays AGM has been an added bonus with SP up today.

Some info below and hopefully ORA can hold current gains


Orora Trading Update including Saverglass

Following completion of the acquisition of Saverglass on 1 December 2023 ,
Orora has now had the opportunity to review the current Saverglass commercial performance and the expected earnings forecast for the remainder of FY24.

Whilst global market conditions remain subdued as a result of recent customer destocking and some softness in consumer demand, Saverglass EBITDA for the remainder of FY24 is expected to be broadly in line with the EBITDA run rate of the proforma LTM to June 2023 (EURO 168 million).
This could be affected by either a prolonged customer destocking or softness in consumer demand if these continue beyond early calendar 2024. References to Saverglass EBITDA are on a pre AASB-16 (Leases) basis under French GAAP reporting standards and exclude the impacts of Purchase Price Accounting which will be performed for 2H FY24.
Orora remains confident with Saverglass’ position in the premium wine and spirits segments, and that the acquisition will deliver medium- long term growth.
In relation to Orora’s North American and Australasian operations, there is no change to the FY24 outlook as follows:
• Whilst global economic conditions remain uncertain, Orora Group EBIT is expected to be higher in FY24
• In North America, further margin accretion through account profitability programs and a continued focus on cost management, is expected to be largely offset by ongoing volume softness
• In Australasia, continued strength in Cans with incremental volume growth from recent investments, is expected to offset the ongoing softness in Glass from lower commercial wine volumes
This outlook remains subject to global and domestic economic conditions, and currency fluctuations.

This announcement is authorised for release to the ASX by the Board of Directors of Orora.

i do not hold this share

i still haven't decided whether i should research this closely

debt is high( er than i would like it ) , no franking , and dependent of consumers ( via the customers packaging )

but am watching and thinking
Orora Trading Update including Saverglass
and 1H 24

Orora has reported a slip in earnings in its first six-month report since acquiring French bottlemaker Saverglass.

Underlying net profit for the six month until the end of December came in at $108.6 million up 0.5 per cent on the previous period. Revenue slipped 5.5 per cent to $2.1 billion due to falls in the company’s North American and Australasian markets.

The company said the results were set against the backdrop of a “challenging macro-economic environment”.

The company declared the interim dividend of 5¢
from $1.90 to $2.52 in the week .. received offer then released Annuals.

Orora Limited (ASX:ORA) wishes to advise that it received and has rejected an opportunistic, conditional and non-binding indicative proposal from Lone Star Fund XII Acquisitions, LLC to acquire 100% of the issued shares of Orora by way of a scheme of arrangement.
Under the Indicative Proposal, Orora shareholders would be entitled to receive $2.55 per share, less any dividends declared or payable.