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OpenAI - ChatGPT

From a technical point of view the great advantage of AI but the great fear from my side is that AI is not programmed, there are no bugs, no QC or test phase (well not in the way we do in std IT) so you always have to consider it as a black box:
enter some input and output gets released;
with no real way to understand why and how..very different from standard algorithms:
"if xxx then yyyy else zzzz" to summarise;
So it can get wrong and when this process is to decide to launch a missile on a moving target after deciding it is a tank, not an ambulance..I am not very confident,
Worse once an error is made self learning will trigger and soon you could have a system shooting all ambulances and leaving tanks alone within a matter of minutes with the way systems would get interconnected (to share "experience");
same if we have robocops roaming the streets
And this is quite doable technically today;
If it can be done, it will or is being done...
And as pointed, institutions, governments are so so backwards..look at our leaders spending half a trillion on submarines in 2023....
It is a clear demonstration these guys have no clue whatsoever , and as they are "guided" by "expert" interested in money not public interest....Look at covid..
Quick question @Roller_1 I am not expert at the Chat GPT but I resurrected a login I gotwhen it was first released and I could not do much in term of creating code etc,
Did you use a link/guideline to output AB code like that..I am a bit lazy I admit but any pointer welcome
originally there was some code ( required to run the hardware ) now of course modern AI could live in the cloud(s ) as a virtual app.

probably the program would resemble SCSI ( multi-search and asynchronous ) a major danger will be using AI on hardware without ECC ( error-correcting chips ) ( and knowing those cut-corner manufacturers that will happen sometimes )

Is this what you mean frog? Obviously this is a simple example and I have not used it for AFL but it may be of some help. My best advice would be to quit Amibroker and use RT lol

I'm in the process of setting one of my grandsons, he is 8 yo, up in a business selling eggs using AI from home.

I don't wish to break his anonymity but we are half way to having a decent app for his customers.

This AI technology is mind blowing and simple to use.

It may lead to a revolution in programming by making web and app design available to children and numpties such as yours truly.


Agree, im only using GPT3 im considering subscribing to gpt+ only US$20 apparently a lot smarter
I found if you start with the basics and work your way up during the conversation that you can build on its knowledge. So it's kind of just by adding layers to what it has already done
What would happen if you asked it to do something more complex like plotting a volume profile in AB?

eg. volume profile to plot on daily chart, which resets monthly. Include point of control line.
What would happen if you asked it to do something more complex like plotting a volume profile in AB?

eg. volume profile to plot on daily chart, which resets monthly. Include point of control line.

No idea if it works, let me know

// Define the period to reset the volume profile
reset_period = 21; // reset the profile every 21 trading days

// Calculate the number of bars in a month based on the calendar days
num_bars_month = LastValue(BarCountOnDate( Month() != Ref(Month(),-1) ));

// Calculate the volume profile for the current month
Profile = VolumeProfile(1, num_bars_month, 1, PriceUnit = 1);

// Reset the volume profile every reset_period bars
if (BarIndex() % reset_period == 0) Profile = Null;

// Plot the volume profile and point of control line
Plot(Profile, "", colorLime, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel);
POC = HLVTPoC(Profile);
Plot(POC, "", colorRed, styleDots | styleNoLabel);

Thanks, that's quite amazing.

If you show it the errors, can it correct them, or does one have to do that oneself?

It looks to me like it is using a different language. It thinks volume profile is a function by the looks.

It probably could help but I can't be bothered typing the errors into it to be honest. You just need a Google account to do what I'm doing
It looks like it wants you to implement those functions.

Ask it to write the implementation code for VolumeProfile(), BarCountOnDate() and HLVTPoC().

i asked it the same question and got this instead !

//Volume Profile Code
//Define input parameters
TimeFrame = Param("Time Frame", 30, 1, 240, 1);
PriceStep = Param("Price Step", 0.05, 0.01, 10, 0.01);

//Calculate number of price levels
NumPriceLevels = Round((MaxPrice - MinPrice)/PriceStep);

//Initialize price and volume arrays
Price = PriceStep * Cum(1);
Volume = Price * 0;

//Calculate volume at each price level
for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++)
    if (TimeFrame == 1)
        if (i == 0)
            Vol = Volume[i] + Volume[i+1];
        else if (i == BarCount-1)
            Vol = Volume[i] + Volume[i-1];
            Vol = Volume[i] + Volume[i-1] + Volume[i+1];
        Vol = Volume[i];
    PriceLevel = int((C[i] - MinPrice)/PriceStep);
    if (PriceLevel >= 0 AND PriceLevel <= NumPriceLevels)
        Volume[PriceLevel] = Volume[PriceLevel] + Vol;

//Plot volume profile histogram
GraphXSpace = 5;
GraphXMargin = 10;
GraphYMargin = 10;
GraphZOrder = 1;

for (i = 0; i < NumPriceLevels; i++)
    Plot(Volume[i], "", i, colorBlue);

//Plot POC and VAH/VAL lines
MaxVol = MaxArray(Volume, NumPriceLevels);
MinVol = MinArray(Volume, NumPriceLevels);
POC = (MaxVol + MinVol)/2;

POCPrice = Price[FindValue(Volume, POC)];
VAH = MaxArray(Volume, 0, NumPriceLevels/2);
VAL = MaxArray(Volume, NumPriceLevels/2, NumPriceLevels);

Plot(POCPrice, "POC", colorRed, styleLine);
Plot(VAH, "VAH", colorGreen, styleLine);
Plot(VAL, "VAL", colorGreen, styleLine);

That is interesting they you got a completely different one. Maybe because I had a little bit of chat history in that Window
The skill of how to ask a question of AI to get a great result is now well recognised.

This story of Prompt Engineers and how they go about the process is excellent.

Prompt engineers share tips on using ChatGPT, Midjourney, Bing Chat and other generative AI

ABC Science
By technology reporter James Purtill
Posted Sun 2 Apr 2023 at 5:00amSunday 2 Apr 2023 at 5:00am, updated Sun 2 Apr 2023 at 7:04amSunday 2 Apr 2023 at 7:04am

Jason Allen's AI-generated work, "Théâtre D’opéra Spatial," took first place in the digital category at the Colorado State Fair.(Supplied: Jason Allen)
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Seven months ago, when Jason Allen used a new kind of generative artificial intelligence (AI) program to win an art competition in Colorado, he was immediately accused of cheating.

At the time, few had used these tools, and few understood what he had done. Text-to-image programs like Midjourney or Stable Diffusion were weeks old. ChatGPT hadn't been launched.
Making the prompt into a feedback loop has opened up new worlds, mostly fantasy. Although some of them will turn out to be prophetic, just by chance. I have a feeling that when accurate predictions are fed back as 'true', GPT will turn into a crystal ball of sorts.
an off-line version ... hmmm thanks that might be useful for hobbies/projects to come ( i can select the data input , and stop 'data leakage ' )

cheers and thanks
This image was created in about 10 seconds using Microsoft bing chat.

My prompt was. Can you create a image of a cartoon octopus that looks angry and tough riding a motorbike similar to a Harley Davidson.

Goodbye to any graphic designers

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