Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Oh hai guys! Have a geez at this stratgem.

18 March 2011

I used to post on here a while back and was generally a bit of an obnoxious prick. Alots happened since then but I still love this trading/investing game (especially the tech side) and have a little non specific strategy that I'd like to post here and tell me what you think?

- I don't think I'll begin investing 'for real' till I have $20000 dolleredoos
- Till that time (ages from now) I shall paper trade 10 stocks from the 10 areas/types I can remember (consumer goods, energy, tech, minerals etc.) so 100 all up
- Since it may take me 5yrs to save 20K i invest over day, short, short-medium and medium time periods.
- I shall not ignore the fundamentals!!!! (as boring as they are to me)
- I shall play with indicators but price and volume will be my bread and butter
- I will chart and draw my lines and make uniformed predictions, then I will tell all you about it and you will laugh but as long as I learn I really don't care
- I will bug people about irrelevent things like how differential equations are hard and how benzene is the most awesome shiz ever

and if you don't like this something is wrong with you

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There is obviously something wrong with me then ......... which I have suspected for some time:eek:
Oh dear indeed :)

I would however give my left ball to be able to dance like that fellah...

Anyways I have just realised that the original post is not really a strategy at all. More of statement to myself to do this stuff properly. Why I felt the need to share? Probably because I got sick of doing maths and writing blag letters for jobs that actually pay well... even I have no actual qualifications for said jobs.

Anyway I do have many questions but the answers are already here and do not wish to increase the noise level on this forum which ironically I am doing right now :p
Recycling the same moves for 4 minutes? Then cutting to pyramids and the Sphinx when he can't think of news ones.
Recycling the same moves for 4 minutes? Then cutting to pyramids and the Sphinx when he can't think of news ones.

lol you have no idea

Bruise is probably one of the best b boys in existence. That is only one of many clips and the bloke can dance all styles.

But honestly who gives a **** when Egyptian Lover are playing 80's electro in the background?

Or maybe just jelly??? After all to be a man one must know how to dance, fight and ****.