NWR is in a JV with its majority shareholder which is a private company called Craigside Co Ltd. which owns 28.3% of NWR. JV terms are 65% to NWR on the shear zone and option to purchase at "market price" on a very large lease to the North of the two shears from a third party. The Chairman is Murray Black who owns a drilling company that has been drilling the heck out of Blue, Green and Gold Specs. In fact 80% of all funds have gone into drilling with corporate expenses taking only $300,000 for the year.
The Blue & Gold Spec Mines have been drilled down to around 300-400 meters and the very high grade vertical shoots are running at about 600 ozs per vertical meter of gold equivalent. It is highly probable that Green Spec will be similar but have an additional open pittable resource about 750 meters long sitting next to the plunging shoot system. Carmichaels analyst surmises that these three Specs are capable of producing 200,000 ounces of gold equivalent per year and the NWR Annual Report says that potential is here for at least +1,000,000 ounces of gold. IMHO at 500m depth x 600 ounces x 3 mines = appox 1,000,000 ounces so at depth of 1,000m that may be 2,000,000 ounces.
Then we have the twenty new Spec targets that are being drilled (currently reported as four drilled). They run in two parrallel lines and I call them Lassiters gold teeth IF they turn out to be high grade vertical gold shoots like the Blue Gold & Green Specs NWR will go to the moon as the potential on the shears will go into many millions of ounces with each "tooth" having the potential to carry 500,000 ounces down to 1,000m depth. So the total potential is in the range of 1-2 million ounces on the Blue Green & Gold Specs and then around 500,000 ounces on each "tooth" out of the twenty that turns up trumps. The spec potential is really quite staggering. NWR calls it the highest grade gold project in Australia and IMHO may turn out to be very, very large. At 31 cents NWR is valued at A$16,523,000 and with a public float of just 25,000,000 shares things could get very busy on the buy side. The coming quarterly report will start to reveal drilling data on the four "new" Spec targets and IF they turn up trumps we are into a new very high grade gold province of significant proportions.