Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

NIC - Nickel Industries

Declaration of 1.5c per share Final Dividend and Dividend Reinvestment Plan
 Declaration of a 1.5c per share Final Dividend
 Implementation of a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) with commitments to participate from the Company’s three largest shareholders and Executive Directors
The Board of Nickel Industries Limited (Nickel Industries or the Company) advises it has declared a 1.5c per share final dividend with respect to its full year 2024 financial result.
This final dividend follows the Company’s interim dividend of 2.5c per share and takes the total dividends for 2024 to 4c per share.
The Company also advises of the implementation of a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP), whereby shareholders will be able to elect to subscribe for additional ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of receiving a cash payment, at an issue price of A$0.75 per share – representing a discount of 1.3% to the last closing price of A$0.76 on Friday 21 February 2025 (and a 2.8% discount to the 5-day VWAP to the same date).
In what has been a challenging last 12 months across global nickel markets, where cash-flows have been negatively impacted by compressed operating margins, the implementation of a DRP allows the Company to continue to pay a dividend while reducing the impact on existing cash reserves.
The Company’s three largest shareholders, Shanghai Decent Investment (Group) Co Ltd, PT Danusa Tambang Nusantara (UnitedTractors) and PT Karunia Bara Perkasa (Harum Energy), along with the Company’s Executive Directors,combining for more than 54% of issued shares, have all agreed to participate in the DRP.
The reduced final dividend and implementation of a DRP reflects the Board’s commitment to financial discipline and a necessary prioritisation of current cash-flows to outstanding acquisition payments for its Excelsior Nickel Cobalt (ENC) HPAL Project and debt-related interest payments and amortisation requirements.
A copy of the Company’s DRP is attached to this announcement and additional details relating to the timing of the DRP will be in the Appendix 3A.1 that will follow this announcement.
Commenting on the declaration of the Company’s Final Dividend and implementation of its Dividend Reinvestment Plan, Managing Director Justin Werner said:“We are pleased to be able to declare a final dividend of 1.5cps which brings the full year 2024 dividend to 4cps.
This result has been achieved in what has been one of the most challenging 12 months across the global nickel market with many companies experiencing closure, being placed on care and maintenance or delivering significantly reduced margins.
Our ability to pay a meaningful dividend during this period is reflective of our position at the bottom end of the cost curve and the integrated nature of our operations which provide significant cost advantages and product diversity across a broad spectrum of nickel products.2
More pleasingly has been the returns from our interest in the HNC HPAL Project over the course of 2024 which has maintained stable costs of just over US$7,000t and margins of US$5,000 - $7,000t, which bodes extremely well for the commissioning of our ENC HPAL which remains on track to deliver first nickel in the second half of 2025.
A decision was made by the board to offer shareholders the opportunity to participate in a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) in lieu of cash should they so choose to do so.
This will enable shareholders the opportunity to elect to take shares at a time when the Company is on the cusp of delivering a number of significant value accretive milestones across 2025, including first nickel from the Company’s ENC HPAL project, an intended increase in ore sales from our Hengjaya Mine from 9 million wet metric tonnes (wmt) pato 19 million wmt pa and first ore from our recently acquired world class Sampala nickel project.
The fact that 3 of our largest shareholders and the full executive board, comprising more than 50% of the Nickel Industries share register have indicated their intention to participate in the DRP which has been priced at a 1.3% discount to the last close, demonstrates the significant share price upside we feel exists and allows the Company to retain cash and maintain a conservative balance sheet, ensuring we balance shareholder returns (which remain a focus and priority of the Board), within our current capital investment cycle which is nearing maturity (with only 2 further payments for ENC remaining).”

This announcement has been approved by the Company’s Managing Director.

i hold NIC

the DRP comes too late in the game for me ( like the BHP one did)
11 March 2025
Ms Angel He

Senior Adviser, Listings Compliance ASX Compliance Pty Limited
20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 (2 pages)

Dear Ms He,I refer to your letter dated 11 March 2025 regarding the change in Nickel Industries Limited's ('the Company') securities from a close of $0.755 on 10 March 2025 to a low of $0.595 at the time of writing and the increase in volume of the Company’s securities traded today.
1. Is the Company aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced which,if known, could be an explanation for recent trading in the securities of the Company?
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes.(a) Is NIC relying on Listing Rule 3.1A not to announce that information under Listing Rule 3.1?Please note that the recent trading in NIC’s securities would suggest to ASX that such information may have ceased to be confidential and therefore NIC may no longer be able to rely on Listing Rule3.1A. Accordingly, if the answer to this question is “yes”, you need to contact us immediately to discuss the situation.
(b) Can an announcement be made immediately? Please note, if the answer to this question is “no”,you need to contact us immediately to discuss requesting a trading halt (see below).
(c) If an announcement cannot be made immediately, why not and when is it expected that an announcement will be made?N/A.23.
Is there any other explanation that the Company may have for the recent trading in the securities of the Company?
The Company believes there are several matters that may be contributing to the decrease in the Company’s share price and the increase in volume of the Company’s securities being traded today.
Firstly, there was a sale of approximately 178.5 million shares, representing approximately 4.2% of the Company’s shares by PT Harum Energy TBK (‘Harum’) in a block trade at $0.69 per security.
A representative of Harum has now informed the Company that this was part of Harum’s ongoing liquidity management.
Secondly, the press has widely reported that the Indonesian Government has released a proposal for public consultation that would increase royalties for operators across multiple commodities, including nickel.
The current royalty rate on nickel ore is 10%, whilst the proposed royalty range for public consultation is 14-19%,depending on the prevailing nickel price at the time.
Based on the information released, the proposed royalty would be 14% at the current nickel price.
At this point in time, the proposals have not been legislated.
However,should this change, the Company will continue to fully comply with Indonesia’s laws.
Finally, the Dow Jones Index was down 890 points (2.1%) overnight and Australian markets are also sharply lower today.
4. Please confirm that the Company is in compliance with the listing rules and, in particular, listing rule3.1.
The Company confirms that it is in compliance with the Listing Rules and in particular, Listing Rule 3.1.5.
Please confirm that the Company’s responses to the questions above have been authorised and approved in accordance with its published continuous disclosure policy or otherwise by its board or an officer of the Company with delegated authority from the board to respond to ASX on disclosure matters.
Yes, confirmed.

Yours sincerely

i hold NIC and competitor ATM
11 March 2025
Ms Angel He

Senior Adviser, Listings Compliance ASX Compliance Pty Limited
20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 (2 pages)

Dear Ms He,I refer to your letter dated 11 March 2025 regarding the change in Nickel Industries Limited's ('the Company') securities from a close of $0.755 on 10 March 2025 to a low of $0.595 at the time of writing and the increase in volume of the Company’s securities traded today.
1. Is the Company aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced which,if known, could be an explanation for recent trading in the securities of the Company?
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes.(a) Is NIC relying on Listing Rule 3.1A not to announce that information under Listing Rule 3.1?Please note that the recent trading in NIC’s securities would suggest to ASX that such information may have ceased to be confidential and therefore NIC may no longer be able to rely on Listing Rule3.1A. Accordingly, if the answer to this question is “yes”, you need to contact us immediately to discuss the situation.
(b) Can an announcement be made immediately? Please note, if the answer to this question is “no”,you need to contact us immediately to discuss requesting a trading halt (see below).
(c) If an announcement cannot be made immediately, why not and when is it expected that an announcement will be made?N/A.23.
Is there any other explanation that the Company may have for the recent trading in the securities of the Company?
The Company believes there are several matters that may be contributing to the decrease in the Company’s share price and the increase in volume of the Company’s securities being traded today.
Firstly, there was a sale of approximately 178.5 million shares, representing approximately 4.2% of the Company’s shares by PT Harum Energy TBK (‘Harum’) in a block trade at $0.69 per security.
A representative of Harum has now informed the Company that this was part of Harum’s ongoing liquidity management.
Secondly, the press has widely reported that the Indonesian Government has released a proposal for public consultation that would increase royalties for operators across multiple commodities, including nickel.
The current royalty rate on nickel ore is 10%, whilst the proposed royalty range for public consultation is 14-19%,depending on the prevailing nickel price at the time.
Based on the information released, the proposed royalty would be 14% at the current nickel price.
At this point in time, the proposals have not been legislated.
However,should this change, the Company will continue to fully comply with Indonesia’s laws.
Finally, the Dow Jones Index was down 890 points (2.1%) overnight and Australian markets are also sharply lower today.
4. Please confirm that the Company is in compliance with the listing rules and, in particular, listing rule3.1.
The Company confirms that it is in compliance with the Listing Rules and in particular, Listing Rule 3.1.5.
Please confirm that the Company’s responses to the questions above have been authorised and approved in accordance with its published continuous disclosure policy or otherwise by its board or an officer of the Company with delegated authority from the board to respond to ASX on disclosure matters.
Yes, confirmed.

Yours sincerely

i hold NIC and competitor ATM
Thks. I used to hold NIC but quitted long back in a good shape.
Today i saw the plunge and placed a buy order at 56.5 and surprisingly got through.
With itchy hand, sold at 60.
Did not have the guts to wait though it went up 64. Learning to make faster calls than waiting for too long when the strategy is day trade.
Just shared .
Nonetheless it has good intrinsic value and probably go further up tomorrow.
missed buying extra NIC during that the cash was in the wrong place ( one platform lets me bet[buy ] on credit as long as the cash is there before settlement day , but i try to have it there before midnight on the buy , and the other wants the cash in the account First before placing the order .)

but maybe that is a good thing

buy them cheaper , later .. maybe