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Neutral Political Discussion

23 November 2004
Could we please get rid of the NODDIES behind politicians being interviewed!!!
Politics is 99% BS

Julia is concerned about the western suburbs.
Tony is concerned about the western suburbs.
What BS
Would politicians be best described at leaders ,manipulators or followers?
Are politicians more interested in political power and self preservation rather than the future of Australia?
My own narrow version of an intelligent person is someone that can change the way that I am thinking.
For me there are none of these people with leadership positions at present.And,indeed,they do not appear that often.
There is no such thing as a neutral political discussion.:shake:
There is no such thing as a neutral political discussion.:shake:
from Collins' list of synonyms
neutral: disinterested, dispassionate, even-handed, impartial, indifferent, nonaligned, nonbelligerent, noncombatant, noncommittal, nonpartisan, sitting on the fence, unaligned, unbiased, uncommitted, undecided, uninvolved, unprejudiced
The first 3 contributions to this thread prove you wrong. They are definitely impartial, nonaligned, and unbiased.
Just the right place for someone who finds the shenanigans of all our "Honourable" members disgusting, regardless of party lines. The bulk of them are morally corrupt, intellectually incompetent, and more interested in their personal ambitions and status than in the welfare and long-term future of the "common wealth" of Australians.
Election campaigns are run by marketing experts that wouldn't get away with the same spin in a commercial environment because they'd be sued for false advertising; but in Politics they get away with it because the standards are even lower than a used car salesman's.
from Collins' list of synonyms

The first 3 contributions to this thread prove you wrong. They are definitely impartial, nonaligned, and unbiased.

Que? Rubbishing politicians and politics is hardly neutral or impartial, nonaligned, and unbiased.

They are not impartial to politicians...just the opposite.

They are aligned against politicians.

They are biased against politicians.

I am not saying that I disagree with the sentiments expressed, but you can no more change the way politicians think and act than you can change the ways of used-car salesmen.

But our political system is dependent on people taking sides. We are stuck with our form of democracy, in the absence of something better.

Maybe your right Calliope. Maybe it's a badly named thread.

But I do agree with pixel.

I am just trying to create a thread where posters can put political comments that are not one eyed (as there are plenty of those already).

Surely a request to get rid of NODDIES by all parties is neutral.

There is certainly no need to argue about whether you can make neutral comments about politics or not. That’s just arguing for the sake of arguing. But I defend your right to do so!

Ok, here's my neutral request - BAN ALL POLITICAL ADVERTISING!

Unfortunately, I understand pigs cannot fly un-aided....
Ok, here's my neutral request - BAN ALL POLITICAL ADVERTISING!

Unfortunately, I understand pigs cannot fly un-aided....

+1 to that

...and a few more requests:
  • Rather than making voting compulsory for all, make it (a) voluntary, and (b) subject to an IC test.
  • Ban all Lawyers and career politicians from standing for election. We want leaders that care about the people more than their job security.
  • Make it compulsory that for every new law, administrative rule, request form, and support staff requisition at least one other law, administrative rule, request form, and support staff position must be repealed, withdrawn, relinquished.

... to be amended

PS: "IC test" would work similarly to an IQ test, except that it tests the would-be voter's "I Care" knowledge of relevant community issues. While it won't totally eliminate morons from voting for a candidate because she has red hair or he wears tight shorts, it ought to increase the likelihood of some real issues to be considered when a candidate gets the nod.
I think a neutral political discussion thread would try to focus on discussing good policy ideas, good governance and suggestions for the direction we would like to see the country take.

Probably one the more astute comments I saw recently was from Malcolm Turnball lamenting the lies that politicians now told (and got away with) and the lack of focus on political ideas.

It's just easier and simpler to kick heads these days.
Not sure that we need yet another political thread, but I'll give my thoughts fwiw.

We know that the electorate is really fed up with the behaviour of politicians, their self serving machinations which come well ahead of their giving priority to what's actually best for the majority of Australians.

That we have such excessive levels of middle class welfare, whilst those genuinely in need are still struggling, testifies to their addiction to vote buying.

I wonder if the time is right for the leader of a party to be very candid with the people about a whole new approach? Joe Hockey made some attempt at this several months ago when he declared the age of entitlement was over.

Would most of us be prepared to accept the loss of some current benefits in the belief that we could see some moral and ethical governance return to the country?

Would fewer tax breaks for individuals be acceptable if we could be confident the funds saved were actually going toward addressing genuine disadvantage or to increasing productivity?

I might be on quite the wrong track, but would like to see some real integrity in government, and don't believe it should be a forlorn and unrealistic hope.

Specifically for tax law, I would suggest two or more be removed for each addition. There should be no reason why the average person should need an accountant to help do their tax and ensure that one gets everything one is entitled to.
Ok, here's my neutral request - BAN ALL POLITICAL ADVERTISING!

Unfortunately, I understand pigs cannot fly un-aided....

Before the flying pigs land I suggest we have neutral discussion threads on;



The environment

Climate change




No more nasty debates. Just discussion groups.
Before the flying pigs land I suggest we have neutral discussion threads on;



The environment

Climate change




No more nasty debates. Just discussion groups.


Before the flying pigs land I suggest we have neutral discussion threads on;
The environment
Climate change
No more nasty debates. Just discussion groups.

Sheesh - feel free to open those discussion groups if you feel a need.
Should be quite simple and will probably also attract some participation.
But let's leave this one to non-partisan political topics. Quite a few members have "got it" and replied in the spirit that Dutchie intended.

Which raises interesting points.

If educated people know deep down that these things need to change, have we got a crisis in leadership? In critical thinking amongst the community? Or something else?
But let's leave this one to non-partisan political topics. Quite a few members have "got it" and replied in the spirit that Dutchie intended.

If a political utopia populated with nice guys is your aspiration, and apparently it is, then go for it. I wish you well in your endeavors. I will watch with interest.

As Dr Pangloss said;

"All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds".
We know that the electorate is really fed up with the behaviour of politicians
Do we really know that, Julia?
I get the impression that a large section of "the electorate" couldn't care less how politicians behave, as long as their welfare cheque arrives on time and they can continue to twitter about the "important" things in life - like "Will Kim Kardashian's next marriage last longer?" or "Is it OK to fart on a plane?"

That we have such excessive levels of middle class welfare, whilst those genuinely in need are still struggling, testifies to their addiction to vote buying.

that, too, depends on whom you ask. Those middle-class recipients of child support will feel quite entitled to "the government" helping with their private school fees. Equally, parents, who discovered they're Catholics, will be all in favour for more Catholic schools being built - with government subsidies of course - but strongly oppose any money wasted on Islamic schools.

Those are good and valid points - but the question remains, how large a percentage of the general electorate would support them? Decades of political leaders setting bad examples and buying votes every few years have created a wide-spread sense of "entitlement" that only very few will be prepared to give up, even if they intellectually agree that "something ought to be done" to reign the waste back in.

A friend recently suggested all politicians be considered employees of their electorate with salaries matching the AWE average in their constituency; their pensions should also match the age pension.

Just imagine the consequences...

Fortunately the posters on this thread have no sense of "entitlement". This sets us apart from the common "gimme" herd. If only they would follow our example.
Which raises interesting points.

If educated people know deep down that these things need to change, have we got a crisis in leadership? In critical thinking amongst the community? Or something else?
Thank you for recognising where I was going with the thought. Definitely a crisis in leadership imo.
Critical thinking amongst the community? Undoubtedly, as pixel refers to below.

That's a realistic question, pixel. Yes, people are happily accepting of bribery, even when it doesn't in fact bribe them to vote for whomever is putting out. But over the last few years, I'm anecdotally, and across a wide range of media, getting the impression that there is a general realisation that we cannot go on this way.
It's perhaps born of a greater reporting and understanding of the compounding problems in the US and Europe which has gradually allowed the realisation that all is far from well.

To me at least part of the distaste for the current government arises from loss of trust and a belief that Labor has acted with a clear lack of integrity. Even the fact that there is little confidence in Tony Abbott seems not to be enough to deter the average voter from dumping Labor.
The balance of confidence, however, is probably so slight as to allow this to quickly change if Mr Abbott or his key shadow ministers put their collective feet in it during the next few months.

You might be quite right. I suppose only an election platform from the Coalition with a focus on removing all the waste will tell.
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