G'day 2020,
Buster - I understand that your take on it has been expressed in "letters to the editor" many times in Perth - as I say I don't agree - In any event - it's one brilliant memorial you'd agree.
Letters to the editor??? Not entirely sure, but sounds like a soft approach.. Sorry mate, I don't agree.. as much as you'd like me to..
One of the blokes at work was in Bali at the time. - fortunately stayed home that night.
Yeah, lucky.. Fortunately the souls of the serviceman that served and are remembered at Kings Park
didn't decide to stay home, and
thier sacrifice allows us to live the way we do today..
I personally think there's an element of martyrdom - if they "took the hit" intended for all of us , yes?
How you can draw this conclusion, as stated 'Holiday Makers' looking for pirated DVD's and the cheapest pint of piss, as opposed to troops fully expecting never to see thier loved ones or country ever again, and argue thier Martyrdom floors me..
I'm tipping if you'd ever worn a rig, and set forth for another country in defence of your own you'd have a slightly different view.. However, thats exactly why they (and we) deploy isn't it.. so we can express our opinion, no matter how foolish it appears to others..
As stated previously, not a personal attack on you, but this subject is something I feel quite strongly about, as you have probably determined..
To me it just diminishes the sacrifice our troops have made..
OT - Do not tarnish ANY of our celebrated days with the necking of these cretins.. do it quietly with minimum fuss or ceremony..