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My Worst Pick Ever


MANY years ago

bought the wrong end of a team inspired sting due to pure greed.

caught with pants down and cost me 46%

i still have the tshirt

Taught me a valuable lesson though.

MANY years ago

bought the wrong end of a team inspired sting due to pure greed.

caught with pants down and cost me 46%

i still have the tshirt

Taught me a valuable lesson though.

At $30.00 for the shirt plus freight $5.00, you owe me $35.00 plus interest at 8% compounding...... QTM was also my worst but taught me to have a very healthy wariness of rampers and ramped stocks.
Thank you for the insight, Gringotts Bank

The MGK saga continues:

An offtake agreement ?
"ThyssenKrupp Offtake Agreement Extended "
91,000 Tonnes per annum of non existant Magnesium

Ok! Obviously the big name and the big numbers ramp up the Share Price.
Now along comes the Share Purchase Plan (these guys are good!)

"Completion of Shareholder Share Purchase Scheme "

Sorry, I can't cut and paste from .pdf
In my opinion, a little peek is instructive.

What dumb things have I done since buying them in Oct 2000?

I'd been making profits on TIR_Titan Resources!
Ploughed them into PAL then MIL now MGK at 22 Dec 2003
Remember, the same company but with name changed.
In my plan, I was accumulating upto a $4,000 position and holding for the Long Term.
I broke from my plan, the SPP at a premium, looked so attractive.
I took the maximum - $5,000

I'll leave it here for now!
Thanks for sharing!
I'm not embarrassed 'cos I'm hiding behind an avatar.
My missus bagged me for losing out on qtm but then she bought Zinifex.
OOOOOH it's so hard
I have had so many but my major
would be CTO
followed BY ELD
Close third BSL
and lucky last QBE
I'm sure 3 out of 4 will come back but when???????????
My worst pick and biggest loser in dollar terms was/is CTO got serious in April this year and turned the paper loss into a proper loss 66.9% my biggest percentage loser was ARJ - Ark fund, a agricultural real estate trust with only one customer (MIS operator) and a truck load of debt....100% loss.

I would like to think ive learnt enough to not make mistakes like that again.


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My worst pick ever?


Bloody dog of a stock.

Mind you, I only bought stock in the T1 float, so I'm not as badly off as some.
ROG - Still holding. Down about 45% at the moment on this bad boy.

"only" $3K is more like $12k in future money. You are right to be angry.

I had a peak at CVI, a text book "falling knife".

persuasive eggspurt! lol I so love internet trading, I make my own mistakes.

MANY years ago

bought the wrong end of a team inspired sting due to pure greed.

caught with pants down and cost me 46%

i still have the tshirt

Taught me a valuable lesson though.

lol a nun with pants down ... that's priceless!
"Bless me father ... "
Liquidity issue too, you cant place a stop thats triggers a sell for 10% of the market cap

SQ, Pls elaborate, preferably in monosyllables and without excess jargon.
Afterall, I'm only a humble burglar and newbie !
SQ, Pls elaborate, preferably in monosyllables and without excess jargon.
Afterall, I'm only a humble burglar and newbie !

SQ might perhaps be refering to the fact that stop losses cannot always be placed to protect oneself, especially with low liquidity stocks.

Same if they gap thru your stop, normally as a result of a Trading Halt.

With repect to earlier ref to BEPPA was an ASX code, not anymore

Thanks AWG,

Was it Babcock and Brown Infrastructure or some such thing? I'm not so much interested in making a list of companies. But there would be a lesson here if BEPPA was associated with a high debt company in face of a heavy downturn like B&B (or Centro or ABC learning) I am making sense?

To grossly oversimplify the story, BEPPA was more secured BBI corporate debt/bondholders, hammered down to a few cents in the dollar, possibly determing the future ownership of a very valuable coal export terminal, very high chance of going belly-up, and they get nothing, but got bought out for about 40c/$.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

I've not seen the cut of your Jib.
But, by Jiminy, you got a nice set of wheels!

Cheers Matey,
Not all of us!

Had strings of smaller losses.
Find that preferable to big hits.
You tend to live to fight another day.

Maybe you're Worst Pick Ever was a sold too early story, you know, the Motza that got away.
Go on. Dont be shy!

When a duck talks, I listen!
This post is hilarious. I had a look at the charts that people lost big money on and they were all trending downwards on the monthly high/low charts.

Possibly if you are in that boat (50% plus losses on one stock) you should print out monthly charts before buying. Take it to a 5 year old and ask them which way the lines are going. If they say down DON'T BUY IT!
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