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My first stocks :D

It may have come across that way but it certainly wasn't my intention. I'm not very good at this communication thing. Please accept my apologies.
Thanks for clearing that up,one problem with the internet is typing is not personal and it does come across as abrupt,I don't mean to do that either,when letter handwriting was still around you could sense peoples feeling from their handwriting.Typing is so cold and informal.

If we could sit down face to face,have a beer we can see each others eyes and we'd get on just fine,
The difference really comes down to intent. Some types of investing, such as day-trading, are very much like gambling.
What is your basis for that statement?

Anything that requires "luck" above wise decision-making and long-term planning should be avoided.
We all imagine we have the capacity to make wise decisions. History shows that many of these wise decisions turn out to be woefully bad.

Can you give some examples of these long term investments that represent bonds or bank deposits?

No amount of reading or study will ensure the outcome you would like or hope for.
Perhaps not, but being properly financially and market literate is fundamental.

I know what you are trying to say and I am sorry you feel you have to try and belittle me on my first week here,
I haven't seen anyone trying to belittle you. If you put up your ideas in order to seek feedback you need to be prepared to accept what more experienced people have gone to the trouble to offer.
If you just want positive confirmation of what you have already decided, then it's a bit pointless, isn't it, as galumay has observed.

To what do you attribute your 'lot of success from gas/coal ?

I try not to clutter up my thinking with other peoples opinion,in the end if I fail it is all my fault.
So, again, I wonder why you even started this thread?
What is your basis for that statement?

Speaks for itself doesn't it.

We all imagine we have the capacity to make wise decisions. History shows that many of these wise decisions turn out to be woefully bad.

Are you speaking from your personal experience?

Perhaps not, but being properly financially and market literate is fundamental.

This is true but reading bull**** made up reports can be detrimental to good decision making

You are trying to do just that right now,

To what do you attribute your 'lot of success from gas/coal ?

Buying low ,knowing where and what to buy and staying in for the long haul.

So, again, I wonder why you even started this thread?

Back to belittling again I see,to introduce myself and to give people like yourself something to do.
So, again, I wonder why you even started this thread?

I think the time has come to wonder why we are bothering posting in this thread.

brick wall + banging head = pain.
I think the time has come to wonder why we are bothering posting in this thread.

brick wall + banging head = pain.
+1. Interesting how the responses so contrast with those of another beginner on a different thread. The OP on this thread might like to have a look at how Midou responds to comments.
+1. Interesting how the responses so contrast with those of another beginner on a different thread. The OP on this thread might like to have a look at how Midou responds to comments.
I now,but I'm different
I think the time has come to wonder why we are bothering posting in this thread.

brick wall + banging head = pain.
OK a serious question if I may,
Why do you believe Rio Tinto is a better company than BHP ?
It's by choice not necessity (partially anyway). I'm a scientist.
Good on you, finally someone here with some common sense and knowledge.
Do you believe the share market is a gamblers den or is it some weird place where only smart people congregate?
Good on you, finally someone here with some common sense and knowledge.
Do you believe the share market is a gamblers den or is it some weird place where only smart people congregate?

I'm a newbie like you, learning the ropes. I think you have been given some great advice from people much more knowledgeable and with more experience than me.

Any market is what you make it or rather how you approach it. Whether it be the share market, the property market or the gold market (or soybeans for that matter). If you approach it as purely a speculator (I prefer this term over gambler) than it is just speculation, you get lucky, you make a fortune. However you can just as easily loose it. Look around, there are have been at least a few high profile cases in Oz of this recently; including in mining.

Personally I believe that too many sectors are geared this way and it stems from money being too cheap. But that is just personal opinion.

If you approach with a plan for investing (long or short term), with good idea of micro and macro fundamentals of the stocks your picking and exit strategies (how much are you willing to lose and why?) and most importantly a willingness to adopt and change, then you will do well over the long run. You might not make as much as speculators in any given period but overall you should do well.

BTW speculation can be done just as easily in long term trading as in day trading and you can have a plan for day trading too.

Also the sharemarket is both a gambler's den and a place where people with know how about the markets congregate (Not necessarily smart!). It is also the greatest tool of wealth transfer from the pockets of the people without the know how into the pockets of those with....

These are just my humble opinions, like I said before, you have been given some great advise by people with much more experience than me.
I believe you are the most humble smartest person I have encountered here yet
You will do well in what ever you chose to do,
I might be a beginner in shares but I am not a beginner in life and I believe speculation in shares is similar to property and if I can transfer the knowledge I have into shares I believe I will do OK>
I have seen people with multi million dollar portfolios in property fail because they give up too early or they took too many risks,or they listened to people who didn't know any better,
I might seem like I am taking risks but in fact I am merely testing the waters
Cheers and have a good night
I believe you are the most humble smartest person I have encountered here yet ...
I am the only one smart enough to outsmart me.
And I do it time and again!

Why am I not "the most humble smartest person"? :
I am the only one smart enough to outsmart me.
And I do it time and again!

Why am I not "the most humble smartest person"? :
We did disagree on the paper trading
Which I have discovered is a good way of tracking other people successes or failures.
I am my own worst enemy,can you beat that ?
We did disagree on the paper trading ...

I built and watched watchlists.
One company was in my sights for 5 years before I bought in.
Does that constitute "paper trading"?

If so, I am guilty as charged.
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