Or one that is on the "recommended" list from their research department. Fell for that once but fortunately we got a five figure sum back as compensation when we complained.
....Interesting, Judd. I'd also be keen to know more about this.....
Nothing really mysterious. We were trying to get a grip on where to invest some funds, obviously stating that we are of the cautious kind and no specs please, the broker recommended a company Q-vis. If you wish to know about the company have a look at delisted.com.au.
Found out that one arm of the broking firm had an interest in the company and some of the front office brokers were encouraged to flog it to muppets such as us. Grrrrrr.
Complained to head office of broking firm that it did not met our requirements as conservative investors, blah, blah for two pages so add an additional blah.
End result was, with the usual argy bargy, we reached agreement on the compensation amount. Took a few months but it was all very civilised.