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Multiculturalism/Ethnic Communities vs. National Communities

These two fruits are the same. They are both round.

Yeah but Sab Choy Bow isn't the same as the parliamentary systems and rule of law.

You study history right?

You should know that what led to the Magna Carta and all these democracy stuff is nothing but the English King being weak and incompetent he loses the Kingdom to a bunch of barons, warlords and merchants.

Do you know how many times Chinese emperors loses their power and influence to a bunch of disloyal prime ministers and eunuchs?

The rule and safeguard to protect "Free men"... free men were the landed gentry, yes? It doesn't apply to the landless peasants.

It still doesn't apply.

And if we think we're special because we get to turn up to tick boxes... Communist China and Vietnam also let their plebs tick boxes.
Why should I or anyone assimilate to anyone else's culture?
The base culture is UK/Euro. To live in harmony, to work together in achieving a better qulity of life, to communicate in english.

If I go to Malaysia and strip off to the pointers (swim togs) in public I get incarcerated (budgie 9).
QF 638 is set for departure at 0105 a.m. if Australia is too tough.
The world's a better place with both apple and oranges.

have you ever tried to make a fruit smoothie with only one type of anything?
Yes, things that taste good together after mixing.
In this town I live there are multiple nationalities and plans for an Islamic religious place of worship. I protest against Islamic ideology but will accept small numbers which will not influence Australian way of life, or worse, try to out muscle the locals.

It's not the number of bodies, it's the numbers in the bank accounts, that counts.

So we should only be concern when they all became filthy rich. That's when the takeover begins. But then that takeover will be like the ones taking place today.

So no difference anyway. Maybe slightly different dress code? White people could use some proper sun protection anyway right?
Yes, things that taste good together after mixing.

Mixing is good. Two ugly parent from different races always make good looking kids. A bit greyish, but nonetheless prettier looking (in most cases).

You do not want to go the Royal blood route.

Well, isn't the good thing about Australia the freedom to wear little, nothing, or however we damn pleased without the cultural religious police?

It's going to be pretty hard for anyone to earn money, progress their career and ambition without adopting the main national language. So why would anyone not want to quickly adopt it?

That and the love for Shakespeare where no one understand anything but pretend to because it show culture and sophistication.

No other country has given anything close to parliamentary democracy than the Brits. All those other archaic systems like canonical law, oriental law, muslim law, etc, are all irritating systems that invariably result in mass human loss of life and cultural stagnation.
When you play the man and denounce your own beliefs out of spite for him; eventually your duplicity catches up with you:


Yea, you wish.

How are parliamentary democracy a British invention anyway? Didn't it started with the Greeks, then the Romans took it, then a thousand year or so later the pom's king lost it to a wart wielding minister or something?

All the good and great things coming out of Western parliamentary "democracy" weren't the result of the parliamentarians and ruling elite. They came about despite those rules; came about because the plebs forces it upon "their" representatives to better adopt it or else go the way of other lords and barons.

Take slavery. Take universal suffrage. Take gay rights. Take environmental protection; workers rights; safety standards; civil rights; financial regulation; social safety net etc. etc.

None of those came about because of the wisdom and greatness the parliament and its leadership figured it's the right thing to do.

So taking credit for it is like taking credit for the sun rising and setting.
It all comes down to what an individual believes is freedom. We all strive for freer and clash with anything that threatens that notion.
That and the love for Shakespeare where no one understand anything but pretend to because it show culture and sophistication.
A statement that exposes your non English roots, as such a cultural ignoramus, a Philistine. Shakespeare is *intrinsic to our culture, language and idiom, whether realised or not.
A statement that exposes your non English roots, as such a cultural ignoramus, a Philistine. Shakespeare is *intrinsic to our culture, language and idiom, whether realised or not.

Shakespeare is very good once you get pass the dead language barrier. Which I managed to on two plays in total, one of which Kurosawa's Ran was based on.

You're forgetting one small part, parliamentary democracy is about the plebs voting in people to represent them, so in reality it is the majority of people getting what they want.

I know it is flawed, but it has been proven to be the best of what is available, at least the plebs can throw them out if they don't like the performance.
So we should only be concern when they all became filthy rich. That's when the takeover begins. But then that takeover will be like the ones taking place today.

Would to be referring to the Jewish people by any chance ?

Heard some political scientist quoting Aristotle that the kind of democracy we're having in the west, it's not a democracy at all but a plutocracy, an oligarchy.

That's not just being technical, it's also true in practise.

Think about it. What is a democracy? Representatives reflecting the will of the majority... something like that right?

Are the will of the majority reflected in anything really? Does the majority want endless imperial wars? Does the majority want corporate tax cuts, treating wages as "real" income to be taxed but income from capital gains are special etc. etc. etc.

That and it's not a real democracy when the candidates with any hope of getting a seat at the table are those chosen, vetted, picked out and sent to the stage.

Yes, I know... anyone can register and have a go. But we all know who will win right? Joe Bob down the street might have a chance if it's for a local council seat, maybe, if the major parties candidates got caught doing some nasties.

So we get to turn up, or else!, and pick the candidates chosen for us.

Then once we picked our winners... who do they listen to? Who do they consult? Who advises them?

We just have to accept that there are better class of people. They rule, or rule on their better's behalf. And we get to feel good that we participated in the fun.

It's quite ingenious actually. Much better and more effective than totalitarian states where there's just no illusion who's in charge.
Would to be referring to the Jewish people by any chance ?

No. The Muslims and Chinese.

But the Jewish minority do have incredible sway over US politics. But that's not because they're Jewish or have any other agenda... it's just money, and money talks very very well.

Well you have just about covered it, all forms of Governments are rubbish, we should just run the Country by facebook then everyone can have a say.
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