Re: MUL - Where to from here?
lescent, we are trying to be constructive here.
he does have an interesting question though, which made me read your post a bit better u300314.
how did you get the info on the top 20 shareholders, id love to find that out.
how did you find out about the three ME sales, i only found 1 on the web and asx.
how do you know who lescent is? id sure like to find out who you are, i on the other hand havent hidden my identity, or my desire for a profitable successful MUL, as well mas my frustrations with MULs management in not managing the share price better, while continuing to issue new script. - as far as issuing new script vs debt, i doubt that a bank would lend money to MUL until it could show profit and a reliable management, both of which dont seem to exist. the number of shares was identified as an issue a year ago by the chairman, and all thats happened is that even more shares have been issued. at this rate we will need to see a 500 to 1 share consolidation, after a profit has been seen, to sop up some of the shares, and even then that still means that there will be a squillion shares out there. itt just kills the companies credibility. and of course the magements credability is out the window.
to me it looks like the management went into a venture without knowing the costs or risks and have been iussuing script to cover themselves until the model works. not very prudent management. - ive complained once or twice before, with a footprint that newskies has, mul can only sell in iraq? what about india, asia, or australia? the only response to this, in my opinion, must be that they bought something covering more than halfs the world population (and priced that way) they couldnt service or manage with the skill set they have, so they concentrated on a pimple of coverage hoping it would pay off for the whole white elephant.
of course i dont have all the info that you obviously have, but to anyone that looks at this it would seem this way.
i agree that the directors wouldnt go to a vote unless they thought they had the numbers, based on previous non voting of shareholders, but that doesnt mean that there isnt a lot of grumpy shareholders that might cause a problem. and of course the email thread about getting no votes toggether would probably make the directors try to lock in more votes, like any democracy...
very interesting times.
: (i love these emoticons)