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MSB - Mesoblast Limited

Re: MSB - Mesoblast

A promising year ahead for MSB, looking at the attached chart.
Only time will tell.

All the research & clincal tests have gone through smoothly, without any major hiccup.....touch wood.

Link to: Shares That Made You $1 Million - Fin. Review

Please do your own research.
This writer do own the above shares. This is not a recommendation to purchase the above shares.


  • MSB Lead Products Phase Chart.JPG
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Id have thought you guys would have been all over this???
Got hit buy the MSB train this morning---all over now but would have thought there would be "some" discussion.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Not sure why not many go near this stock. It will hit fund managers and the like now The $ involved even right now are massive. MESSO .will be the first bio company to turn convential medicine on its backside .......... the last post i made on this forum was 2 years ago. August 2008 I then said " Up 100% now since June, does not anyone want to make money in a bear market ????? ignore it if u wish but it is not going away" ........... Cheers
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

I'm happy to kick in an opinion. I bought into this stock last Thursday at 3.42 even though this was a record high price because when you look at it the products these guys are developing are almost too good to be true. Pretty happy with a 20% gain in just a couple of trading days! If the strategic partner are offering up to 1.2 billion in milestone payments then a market capitalisation of half a billion has got to be way low. With this new partner there is almost no risk left in this stock. I'm looking forward to dividends from a company I thought wouldn't turn a profit for a number of years.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

As a matter of interest at a current price of $4.20 MESSO is up 200% from 8/12/2009 here is its rise details
1 week A$3.410 +A$0.790 +23.17%
1 month A$2.700 +A$1.500 +55.56%
3 months A$2.170 +A$2.030 +93.55%
6 months A$1.825 +A$2.375 +130.14%
1 year A$1.400 +A$2.800 +200.00% ............. Cheers
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Got out of it shortly after open.($4.36)
Looked up the board and couldnt find anything--was just curious.
May re enter if it shows a technical reason to.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Volume for yesterday was only 1.5 million, on a very good news day.

Must be the word "Stem Cell"
Like it or not this is the future of stem cell ????

From what I can recall, reading somewhere about 23% is own by retail &
the rest by institutions & the Professor & all tightly held.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Quote from CNBC:

"Adult stem cells, as opposed to the more controversial embryonic stem cells,
have a limited ability to form new types of cells and tissues. "

This an assurance that after a knee joint repair by adult stem cell,
there won't be an extra head or leg hanging of my knee..................hahahaha.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Well in at 4.41 today and up 10%+ already. Not bad. Read the Ceo Agm presentation. Lqots of products and trials underway. The good thing is they are staggered which means a nice stream of future news events to add value to the sp (vs waiting forever for news about one product trial....ahem...PRR)

What I love is not only the massive opportunities and potential for this company but what they are doing. This is cutting edge medicine that can and will benefit millions of people. What a great karma stock!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Loving this on my cfd portfolio at the moment! wishing i just bought in at 1.80 in feb when i was first alerted to this stock..

Great company, great news! and finally some volume to get this moving!

i think i saw it mentioned somewhere before..

Cochlear has one product and is $75 or there abouts..

Mesoblast has many products (on the way..) 0 sales and is currently $5

The skys the limit!! onward and upward!!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Lol up 200 % in 12 months and up 25% in 2 days and t/a is a waiting for a tech, reason to enter ....
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Lol up 200 % in 12 months and up 25% in 2 days and t/a is a waiting for a tech, reason to enter ....

If he waits any longer he will end up like me and kicking myself for not getting in at the 1.80 i saw in feb...

i just put in another order to double my cfd portfolio.. i'm not going to wait anymore on this one!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Stick with it angus oh and i see you have been reading my ouote on another Forum re COH and 1 application. cheers ..
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Stick with it angus oh and i see you have been reading my ouote on another Forum re COH and 1 application. cheers ..

Ah yeah, no worries i am going to stick with it for as long as its possible. note that i am in with a cfd and not your normal shares.. so as long as its viable and not costing me too much. (which it shouldnt)

my first buy has given me a whole lot more leverage to get more and more, very excited!

Loved your note about Msb compared to Coh, i think we're 330mil shares? and coh are something like 500mil shares.. Had to tell my girlfriend to reassure her that the house may be coming quicker than she thinks..

On another note.. what are the major risks associated with Msb? it seems the Fda approvals may be one.. but not so much a drama as they are getting thru the trials fine..

Good luck to all! cant wait for todays close!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

did we hit a t/a level of some sort at 5.38 today? I didn't time this right getting out and made zip. Waiting now for some buying support on a retracement yeah? Any t/a experts want to give their on what they think a good re-entry price would be? I've got a buy in at 4.05 but I'm not that chart-savvy.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

I'm probably just dreaming Nun.

that is if your talking about me?

bad day for topping up!!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Well, Speeding tickets, valid announcements, positive results from clinical trials and a sleeping market..

Dont want to be sleeping on this one!
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Seems missed by the masses.
Been trading this on and off
Now on since Friday.
Managed to get the $3-$5 spike back in december but went off it until Friday!
Great Breakout today.
Re: MSB - Mesoblast

Did you predict the breakout?
Was it due to the continual resistance?
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