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MSB - Mesoblast Limited

State Street's announcement this morning . On Xmas eve they crept up to a 5 % holding with almost 60 million of MSB
State Street 's no longer at 5 % . Boy , that was quick .
Didn't like the money- grab , I guess .


  • Ceasing-to-be-a-substantial-holder.PDF
    558.8 KB · Views: 7
State Street 's no longer at 5 % .

Nothing more than adjustments for securities lending.

Snippet from four pages in Annexure. Likely from the unlisted managed funds as STW EFT is explicit in its PDS it does not participate in securities lending,

Skim past all the fluff to the cash flows , folks.
Still burning through the folding stuff , but spending is down 18 % on the corresponding 1/4 last year .
Plenty of cash left though , after the successful $ 260 mill raising recently.
Market must have liked today's announcement as MSB's S.P is up 2 % now , to $ 3.12 .
Seems to be consolidating around that $ 3 level for now .
Who can say where she goes from here , though ? I got no idea , frankly .


  • Quarterly-ActivitiesAppendix-4C-Cash-Flow-Report - Copy.PDF
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  • Ryoncil-Commercial-Launch-Update-and-Product-Pipeline - Copy - Copy.PDF
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Mesoblast (ASX:MSB; Nasdaq:MESO) has updated on the U.S. launch of Ryoncil® for pediatric graft-versus-host disease. CEO Dr. Silviu Itescu said the focus is on finalising logistics and approvals to make the product available this quarter. The company raised A$260m, boosting cash reserves to A$322m to support the launch and expansion. Another update is expected on 27 February.
"Who can say where she goes from here , though ? I got no idea , frankly "
Based on past and charts:

I would say 20c to 30c
I believe many will see my above post as irresponsible BS:
I am probably too generous:

And no, not all stocks are similar:
BHP, a company you will not see me enamoured with, on the same criteria,:

I believe sometimes, these computation / valuations need to be presented.
I'm thinking it can't possibly get much past $5 until some real customer cheques start pouring in . Lots of 'em , too !
Enough of this burning through cash . They've been at it for years , now .
No news out , except for this big shot from yesterday . He bought another 15 million recently taking his interest up to....gee golly , 18 % !
Old mate , G.G. 's back for another bite .
Just another 37 million this time , taking his haul of MSB up to 243 mill or 19 % . What does he know that we don't ?

S.P. up 7 % today to $ 3.12 .


  • Change-in-substantial-holding.PDF
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Last edited:
MSB 's on the road this week , flogging its recently FDA approved Ryoncil at a heath conference in Honolulu .

S.P. down to $ 2.83 today , from $ 2.95 .


  • Ryoncil-Highlighted-at-Tandem-Transplantation-Meetings.PDF
    270 KB · Views: 3
, G.G. 's back for another bite .
I'm only guessing here, but I think Dr. Gregory George would have snapped these up in the placement at $ 2.50 .
Just looking at the chart from 13 Dec to 4 Feb 2025 . Maybe he didn't want to be diluted . Who knows !

Our Captain's getting ready to bail at an S.L .of $ 2.54 . See his chart today , post # 2103 .

S.P. currently down 4 % to $ 2.64 . Not a real steep sell-off , so far though , on average daily volume .
What does he know that we don't ?
Surprise , surprise , Dr. G 's now on the board ! Things could get interesting , now .

My Jane seems to like him and
I'm very fond of Yanks myself .

MSB 's down a fair bit today : 5 % to $ 2.52 . Usual volume , though , 4 mill . ( Don't panic , Skipper ! ....... It's only money . )


  • Director-Appointment.PDF
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  • Initial-Director's-Interest-Notice.PDF
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Chose it for the 2025 competition. Price going wild lately and I wanted to win with a dividend stock in the mix just to be a smart @rse.

I haven't been watching this company, but here's my obligatory post to tick the box of qualification. If a junk post like this is a problem, please complain to mullokintyre.
No post is junk . This company could be , though . Take a look at the cash flow statement for the half year .
This thing is still most definitely ...speculative . No getting around that fact .

Trading range today : $ 2.45 to $ 2.73 . S.P. closed at same level as yesterday , $ 2.46 but on huge volume , over 11 million !
We're in bear country , for now .


  • Half-Year-Report-and-Accounts-(including-Appendix-4D) - Copy.PDF
    1.8 MB · Views: 1
  • Ryoncil-Pricing-Set-and-Available-This-Quarter - Copy - Copy - Copy.PDF
    395.4 KB · Views: 0
  • Corporate-Presentation-and-Half-Year-Financial-Results.PDF
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We're in bear country , for now .
Not so sure about that now . S. P. still holding at $2.52 on big volume of 11 million again today ; most of that by the serious players after the market's 4 pm close . Could it be the " bots " putting through these pitiful trades all day long ?
Choosing this for my March pick. There's a big chance shorting will try to suppress the SP to allow insto's to load up but I suspect MSB is widely held enough that this will have limited effect.

I'm more interested in the new board member and his networks to bring better attention to the products;

Jeebus . A huge volume of 33 million MSB traded today . Big bucks in the after market session .

S.P. up 4 % to $ 2.40 on a terrible day for markets everywhere . Hope our Captain didn't pull the pin too early .
Jeebus . A huge volume of 33 million MSB traded today . Big bucks in the after market session .

S.P. up 4 % to $ 2.40 on a terrible day for markets everywhere . Hope our Captain didn't pull the pin too early .
I pulled the Pin @ $2.54 refer to the Chart in the Ships Log
Not the First time it fell through the SL But the Second Time

I decided I would Not tell my Grandson /1st Mate " Do as I Say , Don't do as I Do" anymore
Good Luck to You and Yours
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