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MPL - Medibank Private

Re: Medibank Private IPO

From "Business Day" 24.10.14

Re: Medibank Private IPO

Doing the retail offer first and the insto bookbuild second to set the price is very common these days. To expect it to be any different is rather silly. It maximises price on the part of the issuer. The fact that retail is capped at $2.00 a share whereas instos may have to pay more than that is a pretty fair position in my view. Retail investors are being told to expect the worst / highest price to be $2.00 and do their sums based on that price.
Re: Medibank Private IPO

Hello to one and all,

Colossal amounts of quality info on this forum.. this newbie having a great time wading through it & getting up to speed. I fancy a piece of the Medibank IPO and while looking through the online application form was met with the following box that needed to be completed.... could not find any explanation in the guidance notes, so hoping one of the knowledgeable folks here can advise me to what this question refers and on what basis should I select either of the two boxes? I am trading via NABtrade.

Re: Medibank Private IPO

if you pre-registered and filled in all the broker info, you can select the general public one
most of the forms will be populated with the pre-register info. (make sure your HIN and account number is correct with Nabtrade and the share should be allocated directly to your Nabtrade, else it will be issues under sponsor)

leave the broker options out, you can apply for more shares with your broker (via NABtrade) if your broker is one of the co-lead bankers who get allocation for their clients.

there are 2 components to the IPO, the public retail and the broker allocation you can apply for both
if you are a client of a broker such as commsec, that is if you want to.
Re: Medibank Private IPO

If you have pre-registered as a policy holder, does that make you 'retail', and will the price be capped at $2 per share?

If you registered as a trust, but not policy holder would this mean you could pay more than the $2 per share?
Re: Medibank Private IPO

If you have pre-registered as a policy holder, does that make you 'retail', and will the price be capped at $2 per share?

If you registered as a trust, but not policy holder would this mean you could pay more than the $2 per share?

if you apply via medibank offer site or your broker you are a retail and cap at $2, your trust will be capped at $2 as well.

the institutions are big fund managers who buy in large block.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Hi All,

I am new to this forum and new to the stock.

Hope to get answers from you who might be more experience than me.

I am just wondering what would be the difference between getting this Medibank shares from the broker compare to getting it through public registration?

I am with Commsec and Commsec has closed the offer and will open tomorrow again (Subject to demand). Meanwhile, the public offer through the Medibank website is open.

Do I get better deal in terms of the price/share through commsec (broker) or it will be the same regardless.

Thanks in advanced with the helps.

Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Hi Maxson and welcome.

I believe your question has been answered in the previous postings (see ROE's posts) but essentially no difference, apart from Issuer Sponsored versus Chess Sponsored holding of your allotment.

The only thing I would hazard a guess at is that policy holders would get their allotments filled first whatever the SP ends up being.

Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

hi policyholders dont get filled first. they just get 15% more than non pre registrants. policyholders and non pre registrants have to share the same general public pool

re comsec broker firm opening tomorrow Fri 5pm. Even if you bid 50k, u will only receive about 1/10 of that. this is because broker firm bids will only receive 10% of their bids.

in my opinion, it is better to go through broker firm and then the public pool if you have the money.

general public pool has a high chance of getting scaled to around $2-5k, and 15% above that for pre registrants

with comsec broker firm, u have a decent chance of getting more than $5k, if u bid above $50k(1/10 guide as the smh article above)
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Retail scaleback won't necessarily be 1/10. The broker firm offer may have had a few individuals bidding 100mil for example. Maybe 1/6 is my guess

Agree with all else.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Retail scaleback won't necessarily be 1/10. The broker firm offer may have had a few individuals bidding 100mil for example. Maybe 1/6 is my guess

Agree with all else.

100million is not retail. thats institutional and wont be allowed as per latest news- govt crackdown on insto bids in broker firm.

i am just saying generally i expect 1/10 scale back for retail broker firm. this is after the 20% govt clawback
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

and with comsec you got to have the cash available for you to bid

so if you got 20K and want to bid 100K hoping it scale back and you get 20K
it ain't letting you do so, you got to have 100K in the settlement account when bidding
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Do you know how long until CommSec provides refunds ROE?
I am thinking late November..
Hmmm...might leave all my ammo for the general offer, I get the priority with that allocation..
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

My wife wants to buy each of our three grand children (all under eight) MPL shares

What is the best way to buy the three grandchildren MPL shares?

We have our SMSF trading account and we both have individual private share trading accounts.
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Do you know how long until CommSec provides refunds ROE?
I am thinking late November..
Hmmm...might leave all my ammo for the general offer, I get the priority with that allocation..

I believe they said early nov (should be before the general public offer closes)
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

Do you know how long until CommSec provides refunds ROE?
I am thinking late November..
Hmmm...might leave all my ammo for the general offer, I get the priority with that allocation..

you got to have the fund to apply for shares in comsec

but it wont settle until November if I understand it correctly

the fund need to be there to verify you have enough cash to bid
if you want to bid 100K you need 100K in the account but it wont settle till November 28 something
around that date

check the settlement date ...that when the money is drawn
Re: MPL - Medibank Private IPO

ok I am wrong they deduct the cash 1 day after u apply
it is now open cap at 5K chicken money
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