Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Movies - What have you watched lately?

Watch a bunch of good ones lately. I'll list a few...

Machete (not for all)
Die Welle
The Wackness
District 9 - still love it

By the way, does anyone have any recommendations for movies that a 'bit off the wall'/not the usual/not for everyone?
Watched part 1 of Moby Dick, the great Herman Melville novel, on ABC last night.

I was left wondering whether the producers had ever read, much less understood the metaphysical and moral narrative in the book.

As the makers of The Shawshank Redemption clearly had.

And older B&W Moby Dick movie starring Gregory Peck was much better.
Recent movies:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Ugh, fricken terrible. The harry potter movies seem to get darker and more unpleasant. From what I could see, this last movie's theme was 'death, totalitarianism and racial purity'. FFS. God knows what to expect from Part 2 :eek:.

You are spot on with the themes. J.K. Rowling herself has described the theme of the whole series as being 'death'. Behind the wonder and discoveries is always the dark undercurrents.
As someone who has read all the books, I didn't think the movie was too bad. It was definitely faithful to the books and captured the hopelessness and despair depicted in them. Unfortunately, this was probably the slowest section of the books and the movie also captured that as well.

EDIT: The last movie will have tons of action and plenty of twists. You can be sure of that.
You are spot on with the themes. J.K. Rowling herself has described the theme of the whole series as being 'death'. Behind the wonder and discoveries is always the dark undercurrents.
As someone who has read all the books, I didn't think the movie was too bad. It was definitely faithful to the books and captured the hopelessness and despair depicted in them. Unfortunately, this was probably the slowest section of the books and the movie also captured that as well.

EDIT: The last movie will have tons of action and plenty of twists. You can be sure of that.
I agree Proxx, The movie captured the essence of the book well. They were stuck in that tent for months on end with no idea on how to proceed, coupled with the weight of expectation that you were the one that had the means to halt the 'cleansing' that was in progress before it was total. Certainly by the time you had read this section in the book, it felt as though you had been reading it for months.
Rise of the planet of the Apes - Must watch for all sci-fi fans the Monkeys are very realistic down to face gestures. Its a new take from the previous versions I kinda like this story better.

Also watched,

The Blitz - Jason Statham the usual ass kicking movie.
The Warriors way
13 Assassins
IP Man
its was an Eastern eye movie week for me.

Watching this week...

Iron Doors
The Beaver
Bad Teacher
District 9 - still love it

By the way, does anyone have any recommendations for movies that a 'bit off the wall'/not the usual/not for everyone?

Can't go past Bad Boy Bubby
very strange and not for everyone. Don't watch it with your conservative friends.

No time for movies here as I have just spent 56 hours in the last 2 weeks watching the whole 7 series of The Clinic.

Clearly no life.
Charlie Wilsons War - love it
The Departed - Great flick
X-Men First Class (gotta love the CGI)
Welcome to Woop Woop
Dawn of The Dead
Washington Debt Ceiling Massacre

seriously though, The Wrestler is very good
Just saw an ad on SBS with 'The lives of others', tonight, 10pm. Fantastic movie!

The counterfeiters
I re-watched Hitchcock's Rear Window last night. A little dated, and no spectacular explosions or CGI, but i think that is what i like about it :)
The hereafter, by Clint Eastwood, was a bit slow but hard to walk away from.
Captain America, was o.k if you remember it was made from a comic, very tonque in cheek ,American ra ra.
The hereafter, by Clint Eastwood, was a bit slow but hard to walk away from.
Captain America, was o.k if you remember it was made from a comic, very tonque in cheek ,American ra ra.

Yeah Hereafter was a good movie really enjoyed it...also recently watched The Way Back the ending was kinda downer didnt really hit the mark.
Everybody on this forum should watch - if they haven't already - a very good documentary made late last year/early this year about the GFC called Inside Job.
Everybody on this forum should watch - if they haven't already - a very good documentary made late last year/early this year about the GFC called Inside Job.

I watched that three times as part of my study for a finance exam i had last semester :p: Turns out it was time well spent, when one of the questions was to discuss whether greed played a part in the GFC or not.
Margin Call 2011 - Guys this a must watch this year for traders.
Great Cast...

Be first

Be smarter

or Cheat...

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I like these films on the GFC, I'm going to look out for Margin Call - thanks for that.

While in the US I watched an interesting film on HBO called Too Big To Fail about the GFC, starring some very good actors. William Hurt must be feeling the GFC. The guy playing Ben Bernanke put in a good performance too. I don't think it's ever been screened here. But well worth a download, if you find it and like these sorts of doco dramas.

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