Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Migrants Harden Up

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
It is a distressing experience to migrate to another country, I would imagine. Australia has welcomed many people of differing nationalities and beliefs to her shores since indigenous peoples crossed from Indonesia many thousands of years ago.

In recent times thanks to Al Grassby and the Labor Party's disastrous multicultural policy, those who migrate have been given a voice to whinge and negatively criticise Australia, its customs and mores.

It should stop. Most migrants whether coming by 747 or leaky boat are immeasurably better off materially and in safety in Australia than in their native lands.

Many have brought skills, cuisine and culture which has been assimilated to improve our culture.

Those who come and set up as pastors or mullahs to prey on or separate those unfortunate godbothering migrants from the benefits of integration in to the wider Australian story need to be discouraged by their own more enlightened godbothering saner co-believers.

Their children and grandchildren will thank them for it.

So all you migrants, harden up, join in and prosper.

But you have to be realistic, if you complain, and complain loud you get more money!!! so why wouldnt you complain and whinge as much as possible? Maybe, just maybe its a minority of immigrants that are doing this, didnt we bring in 280,000 skilled immigrants last year, therefore shouldnt they ALL have jobs? (it could be 180,000 im not sure) but under Liberal is was more like 70,000......

something like 12,000 illegals came in, yes I would understand if most found it hard to get work and have no issue with that. But the skilled ones should be paying taxes like the rest of us FROM DAY ONE.

But i rekcon most dont complain - thats my thoughts anyway. Most are ok.
But you have to be realistic, if you complain, and complain loud you get more money!!! so why wouldnt you complain and whinge as much as possible? Maybe, just maybe its a minority of immigrants that are doing this, didnt we bring in 280,000 skilled immigrants last year, therefore shouldnt they ALL have jobs? (it could be 180,000 im not sure) but under Liberal is was more like 70,000......

something like 12,000 illegals came in, yes I would understand if most found it hard to get work and have no issue with that. But the skilled ones should be paying taxes like the rest of us FROM DAY ONE.

But i rekcon most dont complain - thats my thoughts anyway. Most are ok.

Well said cornnfedd,

Most migrants are ok whether they are skilled intake or refugees.

Its the godbothering bastards or the ones who live off Centrelink (often the same) who give the rest a bad name.

Once they harden up and Centrelink are more assertive with those who can't manage to control the number of kids they have as an excuse not to work, the better off they and Australia will be.

There are whingers everywhere. You can never get rid of them, so why not just see them as integral parts of the society.
There are whingers everywhere. You can never get rid of them, so why not just see them as integral parts of the society.

I don't mind whingers, its those with a sense of entitlement and an attitude of all rights and no responsibility that get up my nose. Some expect to transplant their homeland here, lock stock and barrel, without any modicum of respect for the traditions and ways of Australia.

I don't mind whingers, its those with a sense of entitlement and an attitude of all rights and no responsibility that get up my nose.
There's an awful lot of them around, both migrants and born here.

Always amazes me when I hear people claiming that they couldn't survive on what is in fact the average wage for an Australian worker. The ridiculous sense of entitlement, and lack of comprehension of the real world that others face, of so many Australians never ceases to amaze me.

If you have a roof over your head, food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear and are not in physical danger then you have no real problems to worry about compared to a great many people on Earth. :2twocents
I'm a migrant and I hate those bumper stickers "love it or leave it"
....and I can't be the only one surely???
to be a dissenter is unpatriotic???
to drive a ute and say ozzie ozzie ozzie oi oi oi is somthing to be celebrated, that the ozzie icon the "larriken" be celebrated... look at the sporting stars???!!!??!.
I'm about to google James joyce cause I know he had somthing to say about this matter ...
I'm sure Australians born here have deep concerns over Australia's identity and its future development?
Unfortunately, the biological clock of women to have babies will be very very self evident if not now or very soon. Sorry it is true. Your womb drys up, no more eggs are produced. You are getting old.

I believe this post has been reviewed by mods but no real changes made.
I thought the migrant kids I played soccer with 26 years ago were pretty hard, when we would all join in and play soccer at school on bitumen. Lots of fights & graveled knees. Well done fellas, we all became "hard"! :D
I'm a migrant and I hate those bumper stickers "love it or leave it"
....and I can't be the only one surely???
to be a dissenter is unpatriotic???
to drive a ute and say ozzie ozzie ozzie oi oi oi is somthing to be celebrated, that the ozzie icon the "larriken" be celebrated... look at the sporting stars???!!!??!.
I'm about to google James joyce cause I know he had somthing to say about this matter ...
I'm sure Australians born here have deep concerns over Australia's identity and its future development?

Bogans piss off native born Australians as well. They are a minority and should stay that way.

Dissent is part of the Aussie way of life. whingeing and living off Centrelink, keeping women housebound and veiled is not. Isolating yourself from the general population and carrying on disagreements with others overseas going back hundreds of years is not.

Mannix and his godbothering Irish mob were given the heave ho and Australia is the better for being secular. These new bin Mannixes should be likewise encouraged to assimilate or else encouraged to leave and carry on their crusades elsewhere.

I'm a migrant and I hate those bumper stickers "love it or leave it"
....and I can't be the only one surely???

the sticker sum it up pretty well for me.

Did anyone see the W/A workers who were recently laid off but the construction company kept on heaps of migrants who were on the 457 vias?

Personaly as a boilermaker myself that stinks.
Why were Aussie tradies put off over imigrants here on 457 visas?
How wrong is that s&*t!
Love it or leave it , perfect .

As an employer i play by the local rules as well, employ locals . Why employ on visas to make money , thats just wrong . :confused: I understand if there contracted to supply work for a certain time frame as they do have to travel from another country , but there must be proof of locals not wanting the work first, you would think.

Self employment is my answer .
Whinging is an important democratic right. Lets not silence that.

Whingeing is ok, but setting up ghettoes is wrong.

Most migrants stick together for the first generation and traditionally the second or third start to mingle with the Australian born.

Setting up areas where difference is encouraged and the existing Australian culture of freedom and democracy is denigrated, imho is not a way for migrants to behave.

I know many Chinese, South African, Indian, Vietnamese, Maltese, Italian and Greek Australians whose kids and grandkids are indistinguishable from Angloceltic Australians.

Migrants who don't agree with the politics of democracy need to either harden up or get back to wherever they came from. We don't need parallel cultures in Australia.

What about these Melbournians and SE Queenslanders who can't handle a bit of water?

****ing soft I say. Especially considering that the SE Queenslanders are cotton growers and all they bitch about is lack of rain. Now they have it and all they're bitching about is the ****ing rain.

****ing harden up you dumb as **** farmers. Grrrrrr.
As a first generation Aussie, I have to agree that it wrong that people make a home in a new country then try to change the ways of that new country.

Muliculturalism is good in essence. This is how we got spag bol, decent coffee and great thai food.

However, when a group of people (and it is not always from a country - it could be secular or the like) try to change the very essence of what Australia is and why they came here then that is wrong.

I know people who have been in Australia for over 4o years and they still cannot speak the language because they live a suburb that caters for their needs in their own language.

It is time that we as Australias stand up for beliefs and get as vocal as those wanting the changes.

Not One Nation style, but try to get along with your neighbour and have them assimilate.
What about these Melbournians and SE Queenslanders who can't handle a bit of water?

****ing soft I say. Especially considering that the SE Queenslanders are cotton growers and all they bitch about is lack of rain. Now they have it and all they're bitching about is the ****ing rain.

****ing harden up you dumb as **** farmers. Grrrrrr.

What does this expletive filled comment have to do with migrants?
As a first generation Aussie, I have to agree that it wrong that people make a home in a new country then try to change the ways of that new country.


I wonder if the indigenous people of Australia agree with you?