This is very disappointing, but a good learning experience. This one is in the bottom draw, who knows what will happen.
On the face of it, they have the right people, and what looks to be a sound team (on paper), But there is just no go forward, not many market updates on what they are doing,and as a share holder you are left wondering for weeks on end what they are doing.... and a sense this year of no real motivation to get deals done, get projects underway etc... that is the impression I get. Nothing,zilch, no info on the asian projects that were hinting at earlier on.
This makes you wonder how on earth they are going to pay their staff wages in the 2nd half of the year! I could be wrong here and they might be trying their damn hardest.. who knows.
Im sticking to company's with a go forward, get the job done attitude with regular market announcements from now on.
On the face of it, they have the right people, and what looks to be a sound team (on paper), But there is just no go forward, not many market updates on what they are doing,and as a share holder you are left wondering for weeks on end what they are doing.... and a sense this year of no real motivation to get deals done, get projects underway etc... that is the impression I get. Nothing,zilch, no info on the asian projects that were hinting at earlier on.
This makes you wonder how on earth they are going to pay their staff wages in the 2nd half of the year! I could be wrong here and they might be trying their damn hardest.. who knows.
Im sticking to company's with a go forward, get the job done attitude with regular market announcements from now on.