Presumably legal oversight and advice to the MFS PIF came from its legal advisers Mallesons Stephen Jaques in Brisbane. This would include one imagines what the controlling entity could and couldn’t do.
Here is a list of those were on the Compliance Committee of MFS PIF. A compliance committee ensures that the fund operates in accordance with the Constitution and PDS.
Andy Esteban, Chairman, external member, resigned?
Ray Kellerman, external member, resigned?
David Kennedy, internal member, 13 Feb to 7 Mar 2008.
Mike Skepper, Compliance Mgr, left day unknown
Phil Colley, Sr. Compliance Officer left 16 April 2008
By invitation:
Craig White
Guy Hutchings
John Whateley, independent non-executive director
Guy Farrands, CEO of MFS Diversified, now called GEO Property
Craig McIntosh, CEO MFS Alternative Asset Mgt, left 7 March 2008
Here is a list of those on the MFS Related Party and Conflicts [of interest] Committee;
Jack Diamond, non-executive director, resigned 2 May 2008
Deborah Beale, non-executive director, resigned 18 Feb 2008
John Whateley, non-executive director, resigned 2 May 2008
By invitation:
Guy Hutchings, resigned 4 July
Kim Kercher, company secretary, resigned 22 Feb 2008
Tasso Corolis, resigned 12 Feb 2008, head of risk and compliance