Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Measuring correlation using Excel

5 January 2006
Im not sure if this is possible but using Excel, can you put up 2 sets of data like in 2 columns and then use some sort of function to measure their correlation?

Any suggestions?
Im not sure if this is possible but using Excel, can you put up 2 sets of data like in 2 columns and then use some sort of function to measure their correlation?

Any suggestions?

Guess it depends on the variables in question though? Dates, or comparing 2 stocks; or a certain commodity to the price of one stock?

I guess an overly simplistic way would be to have 2 charts overlapping each other, & do it through the eye :D
Just about anything is possible using excel. Depending on what sort of correlation you're looking for you could have a third column to display whether both stocks moved up or down together on a given day. eg..


That will display a 1 in the third column if both stocks went up or down together. Then you can add up the 1's and get a % of the total days that the stocks moved up or down together.

or something like that anyway
Am I missing something? Why not just use the correlation coefficient?


Go to wikipedia for info on what the correlation coefficient means and how it can be used.
The purpose is to be able to input results from 2 systems and determine their correlation.

eg. Say you've got a table with 2 columns, and the data in these columns is the monthly profits for N number of periods, and you want to see what sort of correlelation there is between -1 (perfect negative correlation) and 1 (perfect positive correlation).
Excel has a data analysis add in. It comes standard with excel although needs to be enabled.

On Excel 2003
Tools--> Add Ins -->Tick data Analysis Toolpak
Tools--> Add Ins -->Tick data Analysis Toolpak - VBA

Once these are enabled.

Then you can have your two data series in separate columns and go
Tools --> Data Analysis
Then select correlation, you can do a heap of other functions as well.
A wizard will start and ask for your input range etc.

Do a google for excel data analysis toolpak and you should be able to find a few good sites that explain what all the functions do.