Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Market depth and trades after 4pm

23 May 2009
Hi yall,

How are we?
I checked the market depth of some shares and found there are trades timestamped after 4pm when the market is closed.
Why is this?
And usually the price is much higher than the days close...:confused:

Will this data show up in next days trading (on the charts?)

Im looking at OST and some of the last 10 trades are @ $2.75, much higher than the close of $2.59.

thanks in advance ... :D
brokers crossing orders or people exercising special oppies/warrants thru brokers.

Most likely broker stuff
It's due mostly to brokers amending orders, and tidying up their trades in preparation for the market close (which occurs at 5pm). Brokers call each other up on the phone during this time and trade.