wayneL said:
Entertainment value only.
His modus operandi is to mention just about every stock on the board, gonging and bonging with all the theatrics, then only highlight the winners.
Yes, and he did have a radio show that you could access off his website
www.thestreet.com , but has canned it in favour of Video Streaming, which is not as good unless you can get past the stop/start buffering...
His book is what I would call mandatory reading; "Sane investing in an insane world". He was a Wall St trader and Hedge Fund manager for many years, and some good insite to the thinking of big fund managers and Wallstreeters. Haven't got his latest book, but would definately read it when I get the opportunity. Some very good lessons to be learned from this guy.
He now trades for his charitable trust called "Action Alerts Plus", where he sends his subscribers detail of his trades before he makes them, so they can get on first. Sounds great in theory, but I subscribed for a 2 week trial, and found it pretty ordinary. Plus, it was difficult to cancel the trial... I had to ring the US at like 2am to unsubscibe or they will automatically bill you for the full years subscription, as you needed to post your Credit Card number to get the trial. Quite expensive too, although there is always a discount offered, along with a set of steak knives.
All in all, can't bag the bloke, he has taught me alot through his books and readings, calls a spade a spade, and makes me laugh.... Can't say that about a lot of the others.
Outside of that, I agree with wayneL...