For those who have an interest in FNT.
Please be advised I have the TOP sharesholders change from the last month.
10th of July to 10th of June
Notable changes that occurred:
ANZ nominees top share holder - has been playing some games.
10-6-07 - held 17,506,519 (13.222%)
19-6-07 - held 17,129,519 (12.937%)
26-6-07 - held 16,481,217 ( 12.448%)
10-7-07 - current holding 18,775,382 (14.145%)
McNeils - no changes -good to see.
French Consulting - previous holding 0. current holding 1,000,000
Citigroup Nominees - Previous holding 5,140,716. current holding 802,416
National Nominees - PRevious holding 1,533,690. current holding 533,690
Mrs Karen Jayne Disney - previous holding 480,000. current holding 900,000
ZORIC & CO - previous holding 455,000. current holding 1,500,000
Overall the top top shareholding has been reduced from 38.24% to 36.938%
TOP 20 now hold 49,029,320 out of a possible 132,732912.
According to the investor program, there is 2700 share holders on the list... that seems extremely high. Because if the top 20 hold rougly 50 million shares.. then that leaves 80 million shares outstanding. Divide 80 million by 2680 share holders and that equates to roughly 3000 shares per share holder.
Which seems low....
Anyways, looks like ANZ sold some up toppp... and have topped up...
a couple have taken profits. but the mcneils are still right behind it.
Macmin Silver, Mcneil associates, Paige mcneil, peter mcneil are all in the top 8 share holders... so thats a good sign considering they run the company.
Good luck.