I've broken all the rules in this one. (80% of my portfolio) Have accumulated heaps over the months and sold just under half of my holding today (60,000 shares) to take some profit. Like many here, we have been through a very choppy ride testing those stomach muscles out on several occasions.
I'm hanging on to the rest of my parcel for the commisioning of liquids and all those other deals (existing MOU's) that Bondy will do with Vietnam, China, India the US and who knows who else.
Thanks for the tip Grace! Col B
Well done Col - 80% of your portfolio hey.......well done!
Actually, I'm thinking of topping up again on my holding. I just can't think of a good reason why I should sell it, so I'm not going to. It is No 1 too in my portfolio (just slips in above my BHP holding), although I have some 30 or 40 stocks, so it's probably only about 10%. Still, have to be happy with that.