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LM Investment Management - Lack of confidence

hahaha - I just love to opine, it's my nature .. but expert? .. hell no .. I've just watched what's left of my investment in the PFMF dwindle away under Trilogy's management - I've had the experience and I'm trying to impart that experience to members of the LMFMIF. Three and a half years - it's a long time - and $0.0875/unit repaid.

I continually put on these links because they're factual:

I think members should read all the documents and listen to all the sound clips from the meeting - members should try to understand what was said to us and see the outcome. Really, it was a lot of representations, followed by a lot of disappointments. Now I've received an email from a substantial investor wanted to see the end of Trilogy -and this guy was one of the members who brought Balmain into our fund ! I guess there's only so much one can take, right? The investor's interests control a unitholder which is one of two of the largest in the fund.

From my life experiences, I'd say that corporations don't go into the pits to fight - and I'd guess they regard forums such as this as the pits. I can understand that corporations might see the world differently, but seeing it differently doesn't make them see it right.

I think that if LM runs a campaign on Trilogy's performance in a single, precise, correct document, then I think it will deprive Trilogy of a takeover of the fund - in saying that, it really depends on the depth of feeling against LM. So, LM has to get its act together and show investors that it's sincere - that might be a big ask - but, to my mind, it's something they have to do. I think they've taken some steps towards that end - investors might think otherwise because discontent seems to go back a number of years.

Trilogy will grow its support off investor discontent - LM has to minimize that discontent in order to sap Trilogy's support within the fund - as I see it, this is the "battleground" - it's a battle for investors' "hearts and minds".

Then there is the risks - if Trilogy runs for the other feeder fund, I would see that as a grab for dough. It's clear (as least to me) that Trilogy run for the wholesale fund was for the $$$$ since it doesn't give them any special benefit in any future LMFMIF meeting - As LM knew, so would have Trilogy known (or ought to have known) that there'd be a $350k/annum fee in the offering if it took the wholesale fund, and it would have known (or ought to have known) that members in the fund would be disadvantaged without any advantage towards a future LMFMIF meeting. Trilogy used sentiment to gain fees when there was no other advantage. I think investors see that quite plainly now. That should disclose a side of Trilogy that's not too pleasing.

I wish I did have an expert opinion, because I'd love to tell, but I can't. In short, I would say that if investor sentiment against LM is so bad that they disregard all of Trilogy's shortcomings, LM doesn't stand a chance. However, if LM is able to placate long-time discontented investors by proving to them (in short order) that it will do the right thing, then Trilogy will fail.

So, who'll win? I haven't got a clue.

An article that might be of interest:

"Stephen Ecob from Collection Corporation of Australia in Hobart has had little success getting the responsible entity of the fund, Trilogy Funds Management, to cough up $4.8 million in unpaid owners' corporation (aka strata) fees linked to the $650 million Martha Cove marina project.

''They wouldn't even come to the front counter,'' Ecob said about his recent visit to the reception of the Trilogy office.

The First Mortgage Fund took possession of several large lots in the marina development on Port Phillip Bay that were seized from its now bankrupt former manager and debtor, City Pacific. City Pacific borrowed more than $200 million from the fund (containing more than $900 million of deposits) to develop the project.

''They are just milking the joint for fees and haven't even paid the rates,'' Ecob told CBD, clearly frustrated at the lack of response he was getting from the fund's new managers.

The debt collector's complaints about Trilogy and its co-manager Balmain might also raise tempers among First Mortgage investors, who have so far only received a capital return of 5 ¢ for each of their units that were originally worth $1.

Despite having a debt collector on its case over unpaid strata fees, the managers Balmain Trilogy have still been able to pay themselves fees from the fund once worth $1 billion. The fund paid out $2.9 million in management fees in the last six months of last year.

The Trilogy Funds chairman, Rodger Bacon, was unable to provide a clear position on whether he thought the fund was liable for the strata fees.

''The various interested parties and companies that are involved and the receivers that are involved, I wouldn't even attempt to give you any clarification of that,'' Bacon said. He suggested CBD put a call through to his co-manager, the loan manager Balmain. Balmain's chief executive, Andrew Griffin, failed to return CBD's phone call."

(emphasis added)


Expressions of Interest re: Martha Cove closed October 2011:
"... following the close of the marketing campaign in October 2011;"
(emphasis added)

Trilogy valued the Martha Cove assets at $84.75m as at 31 December 2011:
(and ignored the expressions of interest which closed in October 2011, TWO MONTHS PREVIOUSLY - more fees ! good one Trilogy !) Half Year 2011 V4 FINAL.pdf

Then valued the Martha Cove assets at $86.3m as at 29 February 2012:
(and ignored the expressions of interest which closed in October 2011, FOUR MONTHS PREVIOUSLY - more fees ! good one Trilogy !)

In a letter dated 11 October 2011 (a year from the closing date of the expressions of interest), Trilogy says (in part), "$0.08 is directly related to the further impairment recognised in respect of the Martha Cove securities and is reflective of expressions of interest received following the close of the marketing campaign in October 2011;"

(then, all of a sudden, the expressions of interest which closed EIGHT months prior to 30 June 2012, suddenly impact the value of the Martha Cove assets and the unit price drops by EIGHT CENTS !)

UNBELIEVEABLE - and the information about the EOI impact on unit price came in a letter, NOT in the financial reports !
Major PFMF Unitholder Pleads a Case to Oust Trilogy

One of the largest unitholders in the PFMF pleads a case to oust Trilogy from the PFMF.

(and he's one of the cohort that brought BT into the PFMF)
Trilogy - PFMF Asset 18

On PFMF Asset 18:

As a member of the PFMF, I would invite any Brisbane/near Brisbane reader to take a trip to "Woodgrove" at Wakerley in order to have a look at the state Trilogy has left the fund's asset after nearly THREE AND A HALF YEARS as fund manager. It's a mess and we've lost heaps of money on it.

Last time I phoned, the phone number was disconnected, but thankfully, when I looked, the development was still there:

Go and have a look if you're able - some pics at the top of this page:

Believe me, it's shocking.

On the $60m litigation:

A unit holder asked Rodger Bacon (of Trilogy) a question today, "So, the $60m return to the fund is not looking too flash then?" - Bacon answered, "No, that's right" - am I confident the PFMF will gain anything from the litigation? No, I am not.
For all of those poor investors in LM funds unfortunately I agree with ASICK. ( I think he has provided enough evidence to prove his case)

There is no benefit in changing RE to Trilogy. There is certainly good reason to remove LM but trilogy is not the answer. For what its worth I think investors in LM First Mortgage fund and the feeder funds have done their money.

Here's why

1. Assets have recently been sold at below 60% of what LM have them on the books at. Actual unit value will be revealed as around 50% of what LM value the units at

2. Financials for 2012 still not released. I would love to be proved wrong but i suspect that the auditor won't sign off on them as being a going concern ( at worst could be trading insolvent but lets hope not)

3. LM told an adviser teleconference that they were still getting the BIS Schrapnel asset evaluation done which will reveal the true value of the assets.

4. Spruik on LM website about $1bn funding deal will be revealed in time as a deal done with LM interest in Maddison estate and not with investors in FMIF or feeder funds. If I am right this will allow "Maddison" which Drake is sole owner of, to be refinanced out of the funds and protected from the liquidation of the assets of the FMIF. Yes Liquidation, Drake has stated the funds won't be reopened, they will be subject to "an orderly selldown". ie liquidated. The only thing is, he is controlling the liquidation process not an independent party as it really should be!!

IrishDan, I agree & don't agree - true, the fund needs a new manager, actually it needs a receiver - but given ASIC's stand-off and "watch it fail" stance, that's just what's going to happen: the appointment of a receiver is unlikely, but it's something that members shouldn't stop wishing for (sometimes, dreams do come true). True, Trilogy should be avoided like the plague - and yes, there's heaps of evidence why Trilogy should be avoided like the plague.

On point 1 - I tend to think that the LMFMIF is worth less than $0.50 - I'll be quite surprised if it is - and I'll be wanting to see RG45 Annexure A Table H in order to get a feel for the risk at whatever unit price is disclosed. I'll also want to see how much accrued interest "received" is disclosed.

Readers may be interested in my spruik on "LVRs IN THE PFMF: AS I SEE IT" - when members of the LMFMIF read the LVR ranges in Table H, it'll probably be the case that, since security asset values have dropped below the original loan values, those original loan values have been discarded and replaced by new loan values calculated by reference to the new securty values and SELECTED LVR values.

On point 2 - It's common in screwed up funds for the auditor to raise doubt about this 'going concern' nonsense - the simple reality is that whatever is left of investor funds will cover the costs of running the fund - it'll always run while there's anything left of investors' money. While investors think it's all over, it's not for those who're able to sap some coin from it.

On point 3 - another opinion, paid for by the manager. I remain of the view that a manager isn't going to pay for a report that slams it - just a personal point of view.

On point 4 - If LM has madated a wind up of the fund, then as I see it, LM ought to make its position clear in relation to the Pimpana property:

If LM isn't prepared to say that it'll knock off the property and return money to investors, then I'm sure Trilogy will point that out and spruik that they'll knock it off, and believe me, Trilogy can do just that - on one asset, a more than 74% LOSS in only six weeks (PFMF asset at The Entrance NSW) - and AGAIN, in my view, appointing Trilogy is not what investors deserve. A timely disclosure by LM about the Pimpara property will doubtlessly be in both LM's and investors' best interests.

I'm sure Rodger Bacon of Trilogy will be watching with great interest.
I am sure that as many are aware the LM CEO Peter Drake has just posted on the LM web site and sent same info to many investors a doc titled a "Personal Apology from Peter Drake"

Quite frankly it may be too little too late, in fact I would not accept it as any form of apology at all !! Much of what Drake says and has said often does not ring true. Example LM did say they were going to Reopen the Fund and had Financial investors with clients ready to invest. Now they say NO.

They also created the Sell and Hold Option, remember the 16 May meeting- and now say they decided to not proceed, HOWEVER before Trilogy came to the and rattled them LM DID NOT SAY THEY HAD CHANGED THEIR MIND ABOUT PROCEEDING WITH IT.

Re the $20 Mil Drake says will be settled prior to Dec 2012, that will all go to DB - nothing will go to investors.
Perhaps Mr Drake needs to also be reminded that LM promised to catch up on the Pathetic Distributions still not paid- I am owed 6 months at ??

Like others we await the Audited Financials for 2012, and what really happens to our Unit Price near to 0.50c??

For the information of others, Trilogy said in a letter to Unit Holders on 25 Oct 2012 that they had Two research reports that supported their position to replace LM as the RE. On 5 Nov I wrote to Bacon, Barry, and White(shed Media) and asked for copies of these reports, so far nothing has appeared, I reminded them again today!!

I have also written to the Trustee of my MasterTrust/Platform Manager(Asgard) and asked in very strong terms that they justify their decision to support Trilogy on behalf of the 213 Asgard Investors in the LMWSFMIF

I know for a fact Asgard certainly had no love for LM.

I suggest if others are in my situation and feel the same, perhaps you should write to their Trustee also. I know that Asgard and BT supported Triligy, and maybe CFS also?

I find it less than amusing that we all invested in a Managed Investment where LM and now Trilogy are really only Property managers not actual Investment/Fund Managers
Hi Rodent, are you able to post a copy of the letter of apology that you speak to?

UPDATE - I found it:
(sometimes I find the LM site somewhat difficult to navigate)

One of the reports was said by LM to be put together by Atchinson - Balmain Trilogy appointed Atchinson head of BT's Investor Consultancy Committee (ICC). Atchinson also put together reports for a number of Trilogy funds, including the Cape Parks Fund (a fund which has 1000 * $1.00 units on issue as at 30 June 2012).

I wonder how they're able to put together these reports without knowledge of the assets?

Would you be kind enough to post the reports if you get hold of them?

It's a mess - no doubt about it.
PFMF Asset 18 - "Grande Pacific" at the Broadwater

Phil Sullivan (ex-CEO of City Pacific) has made an extraordinary allegation in relation to another one of the PFMF's prime assets - "Grande Pacific" - a vertical retirement community on the Broadwater (Gold Coast):-

Hot on the heels of disclosure about Trilogy's neglect of the PFMF's Asset 18 at Wakerley - "Woodgrove".

Late Financials

When Drake mentions late financials, it brings back memories of Equititrust before their collapse...

They also assure all was well and then went belly up...

How many beachfront properties does Drake have??? All these guys have a penchant for luxury whilst investors lose...

Lets hope the industry is cleared of mortgage funds once and for all.
The Beat Goes On!

Lets hope the industry is cleared of mortgage funds once and for all.

Hope, against hope .. right? Ah.. you know that's not possible!

No Trust's recent postings on the Equititrust thread here on ASF reveals this link:

Does the link look good?

If you think it does, then you should read No Trust's last couple of postings on the Equititrust thread.

The beat goes on ...
Re: Late Financials

Yes, time enough has passed - I think a receiver should be appointed, just like in the Equititrust EIF.

Remember, read the unit price in conjuction with RG45 Annexure A, Table H. The declared unit price is arbitrary, subject to the LVR the manager wishes to disclose - remember, the loan values are calculated by reference to the security asset values since those security asset values have slipped way below the original loan values.

Note that LM should disclose that Table H is not calculated by reference to the original loans, as Trilogy disclosed on the PFMFs most recent RG45, "H) LVR FOR LOANS IN PERCENTAGE RANGES. (PLEASE NOTE THE LVR TABLE IS BASED ON THE IMPAIRED BOOK VALUES)":
Have just come across this forum while searching on the internet. We are Overseas Mum and Dad investers locked up in the LM Closed Fund, we have most of our savings in it and where mis sold by a FA ( i still have e mails stating that we did not want anything risky at all and we where not prepared to loose our money) funnily enough he quit his job just after the fund was closed .
Is there nothing we can do but watch our savings disappear before our eyes , can we not go to the finacial Ombudsman regarding this or does it take the maority of investers to join together to do something ? any advice much apreciated .
Re: Late Financials

Equititrust is a copy book example of late financials and attempt to save the founders ass at all costs... look what happened there... It went belly up... I agree with ASICK, a receiver should be appointed here as well by the court.

I might be noted that ASIC's hand were forced to appoint in the Equititrust case, when an application was put forward to put the company into receivership by a third party.

This may be the answer here... Its time to put the company out of its misery, stop the fighting over who will manage the carcas and acknowledge its time to bring in the undertakers...

Re: Late Financials

ASICK If you can tell me how to post the Doc I have which is the report from Atchison Consulting, I have it as an Adobe Doc 13 pages, can it be attached here so how as a Doc?
Upload File

ASICK If you can tell me how to post the Doc I have which is the report from Atchison Consulting, I have it as an Adobe Doc 13 pages, can it be attached here so how as a Doc?

I'll check - I've never used the feature.

Ok -

First, open a new reply dialogue box, then select the PAPERCLIP option in the first row of the toolbar in the next dialogue box -

Then, either:

1. Drag the .pdf in the "Attachments" area at the bottom of the dialogue box - select "DONE" (bottom RHS)


2. select "Add Files" (top RHS) - a new dialogue box opens - select "Select Files" (bottom of new dialogue box) - navigate to the .pdf file - select the .pdf file - I assume, select "DONE" (bottom RHS)

I hope I have done this adding attachment OK - happy reading - its repetitive in parts


  • October 2012 - Atchison Consultants - Review of LMMIF Report -Fina.pdf
    184.4 KB · Views: 18
Atchinson Consulting - Good Ol' Ken

For the sixty-ninth in a line of doublessly magnificant rodents, you did a great job.

First impressions - BIASED and loaded with failures to make a full disclosure.

Atchison disclosed, "Disclosure: Ken Atchison is the independent chairman of the Pacific First Mortgage Fund investor committee. Atchison Consultants has received a fixed fee, established prior to commencement of work from Trilogy Funds Management for the preparation of this report. Atchison Consultants applies a strict and rigorous process for the production of research reports."

I've emphasised a single paragraph - why? because the process itself is not disclosed, and so, the reader has no idea if the process actually should include anything negative about Trilogy. Also, I think it's worth noting that Atchison HAS NOT disclosed that the report has not disclosed any negative about Trilogy, or alternatively, Atchison has HAS NOT disclosed that the report is SKEWED in favour of Trilogy, or alternatively that the report is a PROMO for Trilogy which purposefully fails to disclose negative aspects of Trilogy and Trilogy's management team.

Yes, Ken Atchison is the so-called chairman of BT's so-called investor committee (ICC) and what isn't disclosed is that Atchinson gets more work than that from Trilogy.

Here's the Cape Parks Fund (1000 * $1.00 units invested as at 30 June 2012): Parks Fund Independent Expert Report.pdf

Another "2008" report by Atchison note in Trilogy's "Communique" but I can't find that report anywhere: Newsletter.pdf

I suspect it relates to Trilogy's failed Trilogy Healthcare REIT:

I refer to page 8 of the report and comments relating to Trilogy's management of the PFMF. Geez I though he would have mentioned the $295m that Trilogy/Balmain Trilogy held out to investors from prior to 1 September 2010 until August 2011, but he didn't - by the way, Trilogy hasn't mentioned anything about that since August 2011 either. (the spruik was that members of the PFMF would receive about $0.33/unit ($295m) by October 2012 and that $295m would not include the $0.10/unit value of Martha Cove)

There's probably a good reason - and that good reason would be that members have only received $0.0875/unit since July 2009 with the fund's value down to $0.12275/unit (which includes Martha Cove worth about $0.06/unit). Quite the disaster, right? Good Ol' Ken makes no mention - hush ! "mum"'s the word!

And the PFMF has lost 56% of its value since Trilogy took over - (redemptions are excluded - that's the real loss, and that's only up to 30 June 2012) - Good Ol' Ken makes no mention of that either.

How about that disaster at Wakerley? No mention there either ! (look up Wakerley on the menu)

How about the reduction in value of Matha Cove - Nope, nothing.

How about offers in one line by Trilogy / Balmain Trilogy ? Nope !

How about the 75% loss down on the fund's commercial asset at The Entrance? Nope !

How about the Trilogy Healthcare REIT ? Nope - silent !

How about the Trilogy PMMMF at Dee Why ? Nope - dead silence !

How about Trilogy's Philip Asley Ryan's breach of trust ? Nope - nope - nope !

I suppose I shouldn't forget Trilogy's greedy grab for part of the (then assessed) $300m in potential legal proceeds:

Atchison says (on page 8, and in part), "Trilogy has first-hand experience in the replacement of an incumbent Responsible Entity for a frozen mortgage fund. In June 2009, in joint venture with Balmain Corporation Ltd, the unitholders of City Pacific First Mortgage Fund voted at an extraordinary meeting to appoint Trilogy Funds Management Limited as the new Responsible Entity of the Fund." (emphasis mine)

Yes, Atchison is right, Trilogy does have "first hand experience in the replacement of an incumbent responsible entity" but that's where the disclosure of facts came to an end.

Atchison makes reference to a document cited as the "Trilogy Achievement Document' - However, I couldn't find the document. Is it possible that such a document exists? If it does, it surely must be silent as to Trilogy's failures (as the title purposefully discloses).

Atchinson went deep into LM and the LMFMIF, but failed to examine Trilogy to the same extent - I guess otherwise, it did, Trilogy wouldn't have paid for the report, or if it did, Trilogy wouldn't release it.

LM responded thus:

I really think the LM FMIF has crashed badly - the RG45 was due 29 February 2012 - that's a long way overdue.

I really do get a bad feeling about this fund. I'll be surprised if the unit price is above $0.50, but whether it is or not, I'll be looking straight to RG45 Annexure A Table H to see whether the unit price is sustainable.

Sadly, in my view, Trilogy is NOT the answer - the Atchison report is a load of crap - ASIC should apply to the court to have a receiver appointed. However, in saying that, investors in LM are entitled to make their own mistakes - and if Trilogy is appointed, I'm sure this forum will become a groaning place for many more discontented LM investors.

Thanks again Rodent.
Good Ol' Ken

The one issue that Atchison really omitted was Trilogy's inability to project the future, or even to fairly disclose the present (particularly for the Trilogy Pacific First Mortgage Fund). It surprises me that he doesn't - after all, he's been there on BT's ICC since the outset.

Now, he might say, well, I can't disclose information I'm privy to on BT's (selected) ICC - okay, then such a position would make Good Ol' Ken conflicted because he'd know what the report has missed, and, if that was the case, then I'd say that the report should never have been published in the first place.

On the other hand, to my mind he ought to know that there's adequate information in the public arena to speak to Trilogy's performance in the PFMF, at Dee Why, and at Crows Nest - there's adequate information in the public arena about Ryan's reach of trust, so one has to wonder why the report is silent to those issues (issues I raised in some detail in my last post).

Good Ol' Ken is surely aware that Trilogy's Andrew Griffin spoke to "more than $300m, more than enough" in legal claims at the fund meeting of 1 September 2010, and that that "more than $300m" had dwindled aware to a "hopeful $100m" by November 2010, and to a "utopian $100m" by April 2011, and a claim against five directors for $61m by April 2012 which had dropped to a "hopeful/utopian" $48m the moment the claim was filed because one of the directors had died two years before the claim was lodged. To my recollection, Atchison attended the 1 September 2010 meeting.

Then comes the respondent ex-City Directors of Citypac's cross claim seeking indemnity for their legal costs, and there's that allegation by Sullivan that there's no insurance because Trilogy didn't keep up the necessary payment on a policy essential for the maintenance of the directors' indemnity insurance.
( in particular, )

At the meeting held on 1 September 2010, Trilogy spoke to a unit price of $0.48/unit (30 June 2009), and in answer to a persistent Terry H., disclosed the unit price about $0.43 - in the later disclosed 2010 financials, the unit price was disclosed as $0.43.

Trilogy spoke to $0.04 "every April and every October" with additional payments in between - but there was only ONE $0.04/unit payment, FOUR $0.01/unit payments, and ONE $0.0075/unit payment.

Readers will note BT's ICC reports are listed (among other things) at this link :

Again, the representations, and the disappointments:

Just imagine if there was no information source to disclose:

1. Philip Ashley Ryan's breach of trust.
2. Trilogy's failure at Crows Nest
3. Trilogy's failure at Dee Why
4. The woeful outcome for the Trilogy Pacific First Mortgage Fund
5. The representations put to PFMF members, and the subsequent disappointments.

Just imagine - now, that's make Good Ol' Ken's spiel look a whole lot better, wouldn't it?

So, if you want to close your mind to items 1. - 5. above, then you'll get what we got, and really, I woudn't wish it on anyone (except my worst enemy).
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