Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

LKM Capital Debenture Holders Action Group

Hi Everyone,

Below is a link to “The Australian Institute of Company Directors” (AICD)


One finds this reassurance:-

“In Australia and most other developed countries, trustees act independently to protect the interests of investors. Trustees have gone about doing this in a very quiet, non-public and diligent manner.
The cost of having a trustee actively protecting a $10,000 investment in a managed fund is around $7 per annum.
An investor in Australia who commits to investing in a managed fund (or unit trust) can take comfort in knowing that an independent third party is watching (with authority) over a series of complex trust issues”

A.) Does this mean that the LKM trustee ( Sandhurst)
has insurance to cover these types of losses?

B) Again I quote from this same "AICD" document:-

“Generally a trustee's duties include:-

Ensuring that assets are held in safe custody and independently of the "deal-maker" or manager.

Monitoring risk exposures for investors.

Ensuring asset valuations are carried out properly and effectively.

Appointing and supervising independent auditors in relation to the accounts of the fund.

Monitoring fees charged to investors.

Undertaking "real time" monitoring of investments and investment trading rather than trying to take corrective action after the event.

Having significant involvement with issues that look after investors interests in an unobtrusive "behind the scenes" manner that facilitates good corporate behaviour in the interests of investors.”

If all the above is true, Sandhurst has failed in its “duty of care” :banghead:


Sorry to hear that you people are having difficulties.

I've never heard of LKM. Can someone briefly outline the terms of the debentures and the interest rate?
I am getting ******* off with this system. Having spent two hours trying to post, and when one goes to send it comes back with "you are not logged in." I give up.
I am getting ******* off with this system. Having spent two hours trying to post, and when one goes to send it comes back with "you are not logged in." I give up.

I had encountered the same problem.

What I do is:-

1. Write the reply in my "writing" program e.g - word or whatever program you use to write letters etc.

2. Login to the forum.

3. Click on the "New Reply" button.

4. "Cut and Paste" or "Copy" the entire message from your "writing" program in to the "Reply to Thread" box.

5. Click "submit Reply" button.

I have received a number of interesting emails from group members and I have a great feeling about the members, all with positive attitudes. I would ask the group members to share their information if possible with other group members by using the Aussie Stock Forum site. This of course does not mean that you should not email me with information or any queries, pleased to hear from everyone at anytime. Regards to all, Charles.
Hi everyone,
Todate 12 (Twelve) persons have bothered to lodge a complaint with ASIC. :confused:

I can not stress this enough - our plight depends on ALL LKM Debenture Holders lodging a complaint with ASIC.

Also lodge a complaint with the Minister For Superannuation & Corporate Law.

Senator Nick Sherry – he can be contacted via the web link below.

Hi everyone,

Please find below the details needed to make a complain to ASIC.

1. Phone ASIC on – 1300 300 630

2. Follow the prompts for "Making a Complaint".

3. Reference Number – 4318102

4. Make your complaint to the officer.

5. You will be issued with a Reference number.

"Happy" New Year to our fellow LKM Debenture holders,

my wife & I are very interested in attending a meeting with you all ASAP, so that we can discuss a collective strategy.
Sorry to hear that you people are having difficulties.

I've never heard of LKM. Can someone briefly outline the terms of the debentures and the interest rate?

Any chance of one of you answering my question above?
I understand that it's in receivership, but I'm interested to know the terms/interest rate offered on the debentures, i.e. why anyone got involved initially?
Any chance of one of you answering my question above?
I understand that it's in receivership, but I'm interested to know the terms/interest rate offered on the debentures, i.e. why anyone got involved initially?

Hello Julia

To answer your question

“why anyone got involved initially?”

Please read my post

19th-December-2008, 04:15 PM. And follow the link .. Pages 8 & 9 will answer your questions.

As for the rates terms etc... (without being rude) - purely academic now.

Diga :)
Hello Julia

To answer your question

“why anyone got involved initially?”

Please read my post

19th-December-2008, 04:15 PM. And follow the link .. Pages 8 & 9 will answer your questions.

As for the rates terms etc... (without being rude) - purely academic now.

Diga :)
I have followed the above instructions and am no wiser. Your post of 19 December tells me nothing. Accessing the link (twice downloading the document) only brings up the first two pages with the list of contents of some ANZ publication. I'm unable to access page 8.

Why are you being so circuitous and not just simply answering my very basic question. You don't have to - just say you decline to comment. All I was interested to know was what rate the debentures were offering. Nothing more complicated than that. Sorry to have been so exceptionally demanding and unreasonable.
Hi everyone,
I have sought permission from the author of this Blog post which may be found at

Friday, September 12, 2008
LKM Investors

We are self funded retirees since 2002 and now have been put into a devastating situation. We are feeling very angry not only with Lkm but with ourselves. We have always been self employed and any dollars we have has been our own. When we sold our business after 13 years 1989 to 2002. We placed it with lkm capital. We were never informed of any risk. It was always 100% guarantee. We knew the family and trusted Rolf would always overseer the company to make sure investments were secure. After the sale of our small block of holiday units in Coffs we thought we needed help with investing such a large sum of money so trusted the so called professionals. Wrong. At present we are waiting it out to hear from the receivers. We have lost faith in so called professionals. What now. Why should we have to sell off our assets so they can pay their debts. Maybe these professionals with all the brains should sell off their personal assets and pay off their own debts. We always paid our debts and if we were to go wrong, it would have been our own doing. These people have gong wrong big time and we are paying the price.

You may like to add your comments.
Posted by Jill Parker at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: LKM Investors Coffs Harbour

Thank You Jill for allowing me to post your Blog.

I have had this email passed on to me - it was sent by - Rob Souters

Rob I did send a reply to this address in return I recieved this reply:

Recipient: <>
Reason: 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown

"Rob" post this reply to your in hope it answers your questions.

" I have had trouble with Aussie Stock Forum, so am sending this to you direct.

Hi Rob, Charles has passed your email on to myself as he is not real good with computers.

1 Did you receive copies of the paper work I sent you ?

This question I can not answer as I did not receive any attachments with you email.
Please feel free to ask me any question which you may have.

2 70% of LKM investors live in the Sydney area about 825

This figure I am not aware of -

1. Are you in contact with any of these Debenture Holders?

2.Would you consider acting as the "Sydney" Rep for our group?

3 Report 4 from the receivers will contain a list of their expenses, so I was told by the trustee.

Please find below a link to Ferrier Green Krejci Silvia - the receiver.
The latest report to be found on their site is the 3rd report - dated 19th Nov 2008.

Should you have a copy of a 4th report would you email a copy to me please.

4 Is it possible to obtain a list of debenture holders in LKM

I do not know the answer to this question - I will make a note of your questions and add them to the list which will be presented to the Trustee (Sandhurst) on the 28th Jan 2009 in Coffs Harbour. If you or any other Sydney Debenture Holder is interested in attending this meeting please inform me by email.

5 Has anyone queered why Stuart Malouf is still the Chief Executive of Bridgeport Financial Services ?

I will add this question to the list.

6 Please advise all debenture holders that we are billed for each phone call on time to the receivers expenses, ( actual cost per minute I was unable to find out )

Yes - I will post your point on the Forum.

This is why the Forum is here to exchange information for the LKM Debenture Holders - with out incurring unnecessary

I hope I have answered your questions, should you need further assistance please email me


Richard "Diga" Haynes
Thanks to Diga for his tireless work for the Action Group. Ladies and getlemen of the group I want to assure you Diga has been very involved in resarch with one thought in mind, retrieve what we can of our hard earned money. All assistance is welcome. Thanks, Charles
Congrats on a very productive LKM/AG meeting, great to put faces to names. We feel optimistic about our collective direction and look forward to receiving further information,

Dave & Vikki
Hi Everyone,

Thank you Charles for your kind words, apologies for my tardiness in replying.

I have been a tad busy.

The “hit” rate on this thread is rather high at 1300 – and climbing!

Be Advised

Our forum IS being monitored by parties who would prefer that this group not exist.

Diga :)
Statement from Mr Andrew Cummins of FGKS.
QUOTE: "The rates charged by us are between $100.oo to $550.oo per hour, depending on the experience of individual staff members. There is no legal basis for the receivers fees to be paid by Mr Koops."UNQUOTE
Respectfully suggest that "The King of Torts" by John Grisham is required reading for all investors.

Is there any truth in the rumour that a certain person is proposing to go back to Indonesia and take his Mother and family with him? Why is he selling the family home?

Why were the investors never informed of the demise of one of the Board Members of LKM?

Oh for the return of the swinging "sixties" !
Hi Everyone, We lost money to LKM as well. Thanks for all the hard work being done by you. We would love to help but are trying to run a business in these hard times. Appreciate all the work being done. Rec letter from BRI Ferrier yest. with the news of the big 4%.: Our money was due out a couple of days after the Rec. took over. We had even logged our instructions and had been talking to the girls at LKM, they didnt even hint there was a problem. The ASIC report on the net hasnt been there all the time has it?