Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Living out your dreams


Mod: Call me Dendrobranchiata
23 May 2007
OK, in response to the Charlie Sheen thread i thought i would start a new thread. A few members expressed displeasure/concern when SC said he would live a similar lifestyle to Sheen if he could afford to (correct me if im wrong SC). I agree with this.

So, if money was absolutely no barrier for you, what would you do?

I sense a few members here actually wouldn't change much, and while it means they are content with their life, it seems a bit strange/sad to me that you wouldnt do something bigger/better and new experiences that only money can buy
Mate I have been in the music industry and the excesses are extream and there but for the grace of god go I
A bigger boat with a helicopter pad would do me. :cool: Something like Steve Jobs "Octopus" superyacht.

Also invest in my children with a better schooling system to give them a well grounded education with career options. I like the idea of owning Scotch College in Melbourne.

Travel extensively (that's what the superyacht is for stooopid)

Hire Tech/a to trade for me. :D

Basically do everything I am doing now but just on a grander scale really.

Also be a bit more philanthropic to good causes.
Something like Steve Jobs "Octopus" superyacht.

I saw that yacht a few years ago when it was docked in Cairns. Its an impressive peice of kit thats for sure.

And you wouldnt need Tech to trade because money is no object remember :)
Wish I could buy me youth back... but I guess coke does that.....for a time

Prawn, how many cows you want:)
So much to do it would be ridiculous.

Something I would like to do though is cure something (cancer/alzheimers's etc etc) and be remembered for that. It is a philanthropic act but also a selfish one. I would love to go down in history as the man that cured XYZ - people would always remember me in good stead.

I'd also like to try one of my many ideas (service and product) to see if they would have made it if I was a small fry.

Drugs and women don't really do it for me. I find it interesting that people do - why not try drugs now (nothing that a standard pay packet will cover)? (I DO NOT CONDONE). You don't need copious amounts of money to take copious amounts of drugs - all you're doing is ruining your perfectly good body on a grander scale; plus a body that a less fortunate person would kill for*

Lots of women? Same deal. Thrill is in a chase - if I can get any woman I want it loses its magic...add to that the fact that your satisfaction is momentary and without longevity and this aura will soon run out. That being said I'm still a fan of beautiful women :D

*I understand this is a hypothetical/fun thread - just my opinion.
I would buy houses on each side of Robots and pay Steve Keen to walk between them both for 10 days with The proclaimers playing I would walk 500 miles on the most expensive sound setup I could find, after bribing the police not to charge us.

Then after the initial humor Robots would enjoy, followed by the lack of sleep, I would blow up the train system and block out the sun.

I would then put a sign out the front of my houses reading "squatters welcome, free Heroin" and televise the situation on channel ten with the hidden camera systems I legally installed.

That would be a good start, oh and I'd also get a 1969 Holden monaro, always wanted one of those
OK, in response to the Charlie Sheen thread i thought i would start a new thread. A few members expressed displeasure/concern when SC said he would live a similar lifestyle to Sheen if he could afford to (correct me if im wrong SC). I agree with this.

So, if money was absolutely no barrier for you, what would you do?
I'm not sure whether you're meaning this thread in a purely fun sense, Prawn, or something more serious?

I'm not sure of the relevance to this thread, but recently I was struck by a radio discussion about a 'utopian world' where the participants were asked to describe - if money were no object - what would constitute a utopian world.

Trainspotter says he would be more philanthropic to good causes.
That's about the only thing I can think of in a practical sense that I'd also do if I had ridiculously large amounts of money.

I actually believe our priorities change when we do have enough money.
I can remember when I was poor thinking "if I ever have $XXXXX, I will spend a month in a luxury five star hotel with room service for every meal".

When later I could afford to do that, somehow I had no desire to do it. I can't say why. Perhaps when we've had to strive to attain financial security, in the process we develop a financially conservative attitude and wasting money seems silly?

I sense a few members here actually wouldn't change much, and while it means they are content with their life, it seems a bit strange/sad to me that you wouldnt do something bigger/better and new experiences that only money can buy
Prawn, perhaps because simply 'enough is enough'. If you have a house you like which represents all you want and need, can buy what you want to wear and to eat, can go for what holidays you wish, have some good friends and social contacts, I'm just not sure what else you would want to buy.

Even mega megabucks will not buy you the government you want, or the environmental safety we would wish for (viz recent floods and earthquakes).

Something I would like to do though is cure something (cancer/alzheimers's etc etc) and be remembered for that. It is a philanthropic act but also a selfish one. I would love to go down in history as the man that cured XYZ - people would always remember me in good stead.
Yep, good thought. But unless you have the scientific skills you are not going to be personally able to do this, so presumably you'd want to fund medical researchers into infinity until they can come up with such cures.

Drugs and women don't really do it for me. I find it interesting that people do - why not try drugs now (nothing that a standard pay packet will cover)? (I DO NOT CONDONE). You don't need copious amounts of money to take copious amounts of drugs - all you're doing is ruining your perfectly good body on a grander scale; plus a body that a less fortunate person would kill for*
Agree absolutely but acknowledge that for many using drugs is some sort of rite of passage in the growing up process.

If anyone would like to tackle the 'what is your utopian world' concept, I'd be most interested.
Prawn, if this suggestion is subverting the nature of your thread, I'm happy for you to delete it.
So, if money was absolutely no barrier for you, what would you do?

Absolutely no barrier hey...ill try and keep this short. :)

Maintaining a lowish profile is important so for a start 4 houses/Mansions and a rather large boat with Jet skis and a couple of runabouts and a mid sized Jacuzzi...small Mansions in.

  • Monaco (large old Villa on the hill)
  • Bermuda (beach front 8 bedroom house new)
  • Sydney (Big double bay house)
  • Panama (Super condo, mostly for the girls visas)

Rotate between the houses based on the seasons with the boat based in the Med, 3 lady friends of different origin, however all roughly with the body shape of my liking and taste...dark, short and fully featured all reasonably well paid, thinking around 1K a day including their super plan.

After a few years of that ill put some dollars towards curing cancer etc.:rolleyes:
Being a fun thread,
nothing too considered, but 20 years ago, yes might well have blown a lot of it Sheen style. With age, hopefully comes some measure of wisdom, I find my daydreams now are of the philanthropic kind. Just so many worthy causes out there. Would love to be a Jobs or Gates style philanthropist.
No fixed address, is what I want, just travel with the wife, lob in various destinations around the world for 3 month stays get to know the local area, people and custom. Rent a furnished property and live there.
Pop back 'home' for any particular reason to see the kids or friends, alternatively pay to get them to us.

Buy a property in a few locations that I enjoy, having them serviced and available when we, family or friends need them. One or two grand places.

Help any worthwhile or enterprising developments that I learn about on the way.

Drugs very probably not, alcohol has always been enough. Just have the best drop.

Girls, well if I was young and single ...ooohhh boy there would have been some fun.

By the way the first two sentences are our retirement plan but probably 6 month stays. The third sentence, hopefully becomes occassionally achievable, the rest is dreaming...
Yep, good thought. But unless you have the scientific skills you are not going to be personally able to do this, so presumably you'd want to fund medical researchers into infinity until they can come up with such cures.

Should probably have stated that - i'll be the man to drop the money to find the cure - essentially it won't be me mixing xyz chemical that goes boom and cures - but it will be me having funded it to the fullest.

Agree absolutely but acknowledge that for many using drugs is some sort of rite of passage in the growing up process.

I also acknowledge that people use drugs as a rite of passage in growing up - but whether you have $20 for drugs or $2M - it's all the same stuff you're ingesting - I just wanted to point out that just because you're regular joe doesn't mean you can't afford drugs (sad sad world).

I have a question for all the people who would say travel or live away with 4 condos...would you not miss the social aspect of having your friends around? Like sure you can live in Bermuda with palm trees and 50 cent and Lleyton Hewitt living next door - but what about your life long friends?

Now to stop being such a square I would also do the following:
Build a mansion somewhere out of the city that was self sufficient - with a 5 metre high wall that ran around the property. I would then get different breeds of animals to live in there (Peacocks, Tigers, Apes etc) and have my own wildlife sanctuary. Lavish parties would ensue!
I have a question for all the people who would say travel or live away with 4 condos...would you not miss the social aspect of having your friends around? Like sure you can live in Bermuda with palm trees and 50 cent and Lleyton Hewitt living next door - but what about your life long friends?

In this scenario i could afford to pay for them to come visit or live if they wanted too.

Bt being from the country its a fact of life that as you 'grow up' you eventually move away from your best friends. I have close childhood friends in most cities except for Sydney unfortunately
I have a question for all the people who would say travel or live away with 4 condos...would you not miss the social aspect of having your friends around? Like sure you can live in Bermuda with palm trees and 50 cent and Lleyton Hewitt living next door - but what about your life long friends?

Money changes have it (in this fantasy) and your friends don't so unless you plan on taking your friends with you (like Mark Wahlberg did, as shown in Entourage) then your going to get new friends...friends with money and or friends needing /wanting some of yours.
I have a question for all the people who would say travel or live away with 4 condos...would you not miss the social aspect of having your friends around? Like sure you can live in Bermuda with palm trees and 50 cent and Lleyton Hewitt living next door - but what about your life long friends?

I have lived overseas for many Months at a time not working and just taking it easy. Met many many great new people and did not miss my friends or my home city at all. In fact I felt sorry for them having to go to work everyday particularly during the winter Months when I'm outa here.:walker:
I would buy a small African nation and play god/sim city and hopefully do some good to the people.

Or may be I will go bail out Ireland. I like the Irish they are so friendly... or may be just the southern Irish. The dublin guys were bit more snobbish.
I would buy a small African nation and play god/sim city and hopefully do some good to the people.

Libya might be going cheap at present, skc. How would that do? Plenty of opportunity to make the folk a lot happier there.:)