Has anyone else been somewhat astonished by how inept NSW police response to this seems to have been. I assumed after 9/11 and the money that had been poured into counter-terrorism our largest state would be a lot more capable.
For example the Army told them not to use 5.56 mm rounds because they shatter. They went ahead and used them anyway and one of the hostages dies from a police bullet shattering. Their specialist negotiation van gets water damaged in 2011 and they don't bother replacing it. Consequently they try and run the negotiations out of a one phone line office in a leagues club and lots of information never reaches the negotiators.
For example the Army told them not to use 5.56 mm rounds because they shatter. They went ahead and used them anyway and one of the hostages dies from a police bullet shattering. Their specialist negotiation van gets water damaged in 2011 and they don't bother replacing it. Consequently they try and run the negotiations out of a one phone line office in a leagues club and lots of information never reaches the negotiators.