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Labor's carbon tax lie

Personally, I'll just be firing up the old Saxon (wood burner) and that will keep me warm without going broke.

Brilliant... that's what its all about, forcing industry and individuals to seek alternatives.

Policy at work.
Brilliant... that's what its all about, forcing industry and individuals to seek alternatives.

Policy at work.
You are just so utterly selfish. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Australia already finding it impossible to pay their electricity accounts. But hey, that's just fine by you - just whack a bit more on to them. You can afford it so sod everyone else.
And all for nothing.

Just sickening.
To what end?

To the end of reducing consumption of non renewable resources.

Does anyone deny there is a lot of wasted consumption of power and fuel in this country ? By paying more care about how we use power and fuel we can reduce our consumption, but we won't if power is cheap.

Also, the development of power generating plants has stagnated because private enterprise won't invest without guarantees of no competition, state governments haven't got the money because they have been stressed providing other services for the great influx of migrants that Howard and Rudd let in, and Costello put all the proceeds from the Telstra sale into a slush fund for retired public servants.

Therefore, power generation infrastructure has to be financed, and part of that finance is coming from the carbon tax. The alternative is governments borrowing lots of money to build infrastructure, and we don't like Government debt do we ?

A noble end... I think?

If there is excess consumption of power:

1/Shouldn't it be reduced in non-essential pursuits, of which home heating is not one? If burning wood is the alternative, it doesn't mitigate co2 emissions and increases air pollution.

2/Shouldn't it not merely transfer consumption overseas, which this achieves very efficiently?

So far about the only effect is to trash Oz industry by forcing it offshore and making the lives of ordinary folk just a bit more miserable.
A noble end... I think?

2/Shouldn't it not merely transfer consumption overseas, which this achieves very efficiently?

I've never liked the ETS side of the equation, because it will do exactly as you say, and allow money to flow out of the country instead of being put into infrastructure here.

As far as I know though, the Federal Coalition has no plans for power infrastructure apart from "leave it to the market" which has shown to have failed up to this point.
Brilliant... that's what its all about, forcing industry and individuals to seek alternatives.

Policy at work.
LOL it was supposed to be a thin veil of reducing carbon. So we now stupidly support the individual burning wood and coal to help the environment
Maybe I can just burn trash to reduce landfill and kill two birds with one stone
It's just a tax and this will seal the liars fate, as bad as Qld if not worse, we can only hope.


Policy at work ?

What an arrogant manipulation of the truth

Labor can get the hell out and don't come back for a very long time we just cant afford their incompetance.

Sorry to post this again but is this for real ? where was it reported ?
Sorry to post this again but is this for real ? where was it reported ?

Of that, about 6% is cited as being due to the carbon tax, but does that include the indirect costs such as the impact of the carbon tax on administration and the GST ?

In Queensland, the direct impact of the carbon tax is equivelent to a 12% increase in electricity prices.

Thanks Doc, and they will compensate everyone, or some of us ?

Just wait for this stuff up, not only that but every business in AU will be upping their prices and blaming the carbon tax.

When Labor stuffs up they do it properly, but I speak too soon, wait for it.
Just wait for this stuff up, not only that but every business in AU will be upping their prices and blaming the carbon tax.
Yes. There are plenty of unscrupulous people out there who will see this as a marvellous opportunity to price gouge.

And Rumpole, I see you're actually suggesting we presently have 'cheap electricity'.
Wrong. Have a read of this:

By July South Australia will have the most expensive power prices in the world.
The rest of Australia will be close on their heels.
Do you ALP fans ever actually think about people who are doing it tough, i.e. people on low incomes with little kids who NEED a fair bit of electricity?
It seems not.

What, actually, is this carbon tax going to achieve, Rumpole?
What, actually, is this carbon tax going to achieve, Rumpole?

Investment in power generation infrastructure Julia, which as I have previously pointed out was not done by State governments or the Howard government when they had plenty of cash after the Telstra sale.

You want cheap electricity , but are not prepared to pay for the infrastructure that delivers it. Where else would the money come from to do this ?

You really think our power is cheap ? that's a line only run by Gillard and the power companies.

What Julia said is right, not only that but families have huge mortgages to service thanks to Rudd and the relaxing of the FIRB rules allowing foreigners, mostly Asian, to buy anything they want, and they did, driving prices through the roof, not the only cause but a major one, thanks Labor AGAIN.

So cross threading, how would you like millions of stressed and angry people to have guns as well ? That would out a whole new meaning to road rage.
You want cheap electricity , but are not prepared to pay for the infrastructure that delivers it. Where else would the money come from to do this ?

Yeah, but your mob is opposed to coal fired power stations and we certainly won't have affordable alternative energy in this decade. So what is this infrastructure you are talking about?

Remember the Carbon Tax? It is a tax on affordable power.
Yeah, but your mob is opposed to coal fired power stations and we certainly won't have affordable alternative energy in this decade. So what is this infrastructure you are talking about?

Remember the Carbon Tax? It is a tax on affordable power.

Ha - thankfully HIS mob is in a very clear minority.
Just give the people an election to put an end to this nonsense.
Another year is all it will take -



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Yeah, but your mob is opposed to coal fired power stations and we certainly won't have affordable alternative energy in this decade. So what is this infrastructure you are talking about?

Gas instead of coal would be a start as an interim , then geothermal, wave & solar thermal
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